In fact, Yang Xiao was surprised that his opponent was such a waste. He thought that he could at least meet the person who was going to kill Lin xueru. If he was lucky, he might meet the person who was left by wolf tooth or crane.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a group of rubbish! With his fame in Jiangzhou, a group of rubbish dare to do it themselves. Is the world crazy.

He picked up the driver who was lying on the ground and had no resistance, and asked with a blank face: "boy, who gave you the courage to trouble me? Since you are in this business, you must have heard my name."

The driver cried bitterly in his heart. I have heard your name, but I don't know what you look like! Not to mention your strength, your bad reputation in the assassination circle is also unknown in Jiangzhou!

However, the words of jumping out are quite different from what he thought. The driver holds Yang Xiao's small arm in both hands, but he still has to force a smile to answer Yang Xiao: "I've heard, I've heard, brother Xiao's name is in Jiangzhou. Who dares to know? But I've heard your name, but I've never seen you! I'm also confused by the benefits. Please do me a favor and let us go! "

The driver looked at Yang Xiao, squinting. He didn't know what he was thinking. He thought his words had some effect. He immediately said, "brother Xiao, you have a large number of adults. You also know that we are forced by life to take risks in this business. This business is not easy. Are you right, brother Xiao! If you let me go, I promise I will never do it again. If you let me go east, I will never go east... "

Yang Xiao's head hurt when he was told by this guy. He waved to the driver to stop talking. The driver immediately closed his mouth and looked at Yang Xiao with fear in his eyes.

Yang Xiao asked faintly, "who asked you to kill me?"

The driver is embarrassed when he hears this question. Although he has the obligation to protect the employer's privacy, when he can only choose between life and death, he of course chooses to sell his employer to save his own life.

However, the problem is that the employer didn't tell him who he was or what contact information he had. He just dropped half of the deposit and left. After the agreement was completed, he would naturally find himself.

The driver's face was about to cry with remorse. He regretted that he was obsessed with money at that time and forgot his caution when he saw the money. However, it seemed unrealistic to cheat Yang Xiao. He had to tremble and tell the truth, "internally, I really don't know who he is. He refused to tell me. He only gave me half of my money and left with your photo, He'll contact me when it's done

Yang Xiao after listening to a burst of sneer in the heart, after the event? It's a good plan to buy this guy's life with half of the money after everything is done, but why do you want to find this kind of rubbish to make trouble for yourself?

If you want to make trouble for yourself, you should be aware that this kind of rubbish is no threat to you. But in this world, people will not do something for no reason, let alone do it. In their eyes, interests are always the first thing, and they will never do anything that is not good for themselves. So what is the reason?

All of a sudden, a figure in Yang Xiao's mind flashed by. He suddenly tightened the driver's neck and asked in a cold voice, "what characteristics do he have, such as tattoos?"

The driver felt the sudden cold burst out of Yang Xiao's body, and his body also trembled. The whole person trembled even more. He trembled and said, "there seems to be a tattoo on that person's right hand. It's a very ugly and twisted snake, and the tattooer must be a pervert."

Yang Xiao in the heart secretly scolds a not good, a will be at a loss driver to throw out, snatch the key in his hand, initiate the car to step on the accelerator, a 180 ° The elegant, rolled up all over the sky flying dust, dust away. The figure behind him was relieved to see the "murderer" finally leave.

When Yang Xiao galloped back to his residence, the car turned the last intersection of his residential area and stopped. All kinds of vehicles in front of him crowded together, blocking the road. They kept honking their horns, and several big red fire engines in the distance kept flashing dazzling lights. The whole world is dark and dreary, suffocating.

Yang Xiao took a cold breath, leaped and ran to his home. However, the sight slowly unfolded before his eyes made his heart sink slowly.

From a distance, he saw that the fire had been put out, and firefighters were constantly running in and out of the building, risking their lives, saving one life.

These thick smoke, like a fierce boa constrictor, hovers in the air. In the whistling wind at night, it resounds with the whistling sound of recklessness, just like a successful hunting snake, spitting out the snake's letter of satisfaction with its bloody mouth.

Yang Xiao's eyes are filled with awe. Ignoring the firemen's obstruction, he rushes to his home at a speed that can't be captured by the naked eye. He takes out his mobile phone for lighting, but what he sees is only a mess.

Most of the house was burned, and his favorite sofa was still smoking. However, Yang Xiao did not find Lin xueru in the room. He could not help frowning. Is the purpose of these people more than killing her?

Thinking, Yang Xiao seems to think of something, picked up the phone to dial the number of Lin xueru.

"Du - Du - Du" after three sounds, a happy female voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello, Yang Xiao, what's up?"

"Well, something is important," Yang Xiao replied solemnly.

"Ah? Come and see me. I'm at Xu Lei's house. Well, that's your beautiful female assistant! "

When Yang Xiao finally arrived at Xu Lei's home, he found two women sitting in front of the TV in their pajamas, each holding a game handle, happily playing games.

When Xu Lei saw Yang Xiao, she raised a banter smile at the corner of her mouth, exuding her unique charm of mature women. She said leisurely, "I went to your house to find you, but I found you were not there. I didn't expect that you were hiding in the golden house? You're not here. I'm just about to leave. As a result, this guy just wants to come to me to sit down. I didn't cheat her! "

With a faint smile, Yang Xiao goes to Lin xueru, gently takes away the game handle in her hand, and slowly sits beside her. With Lin xueru's shocked eyes, he hugs her to his arms.

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