With a trace of pathos in his indignation, Yang Xiao opened his eyes and saw Xu Lei's slim legs under her black skirt slightly spread. Her legs under the black stockings were particularly attractive. Yang Xiao glanced at them, then moved his eyes and said carelessly, "I can't manage anyone else, but since you are my assistant, I can assure you, let alone a wine company, I can guarantee your safety. Now you can rest assured? "

Yang Xiao finally spoke, which made Xu Lei feel a strong sense of trust, but her face still frowned: "manager Yang, this is what you said, otherwise, you are not a man."

When Yang Xiao heard this, he was covered with black lines: "this NIMA, you said so, the dignity of men are gambling, of course, I have to say and do it."

Yang Xiao took out a bag of six yuan Hongshuangxi cigarettes from his jacket pocket, took one out of his mouth, lit it, and arranged with his new assistant: "next, let's talk about this arrangement. When you go, just follow me and cover for me. You can have two drinks at most. Of course, if you can trust me, you can go, If you really don't believe it, just take it as if I didn't say it. "

Yang Xiao spits out a mouthful of smoke, which fills his face. Xu Lei turns to look at him, and suddenly feels a deep charm on Yang Xiao's face.

Xu Lei is a man who hates smoking, but when she sees Yang Xiao's expression at the moment, she suddenly feels that Yang Xiao's smoking seems to have a different kind of depth, but it's not so annoying.

At the same time, he felt a kind of unspeakable self-confidence from Yang Xiao, and secretly made up his mind to do something big with Yang Xiao.

Soon, Yang Xiao takes Xu Lei to the underground garage, takes a Land Rover with full power, and then sits in the spacious cab. Taking a taxi, he pulls the new beauty assistant to the destination.

The car quickly drove to the gate of Yuntian hotel. After getting off, the two men went straight to a box.

There were two men and six women in the box.

Six women dressed up sexy exposed, looks are also very good, quite attractive. One of the two men is relatively short, the other is very fat, neck and head are almost thick, the body is all fat, not on the phase, this person is Zhang Hun.

Seeing that Yang Xiao and Xu Lei came into the door, the fat guy's eyes lit up. He drank back the two ladies next to him. He eagerly got up and walked to Xu Lei. He stretched out a hand and showed a disgusting smile. "This beauty, I think, must be manager Yang's assistant, right? It's really beautiful. How long are the legs? My name is Zhang Hun. I'm an important customer of Jiangzhou manufacturing. Nice to meet you. "

Forced by the etiquette, Xu Lei reluctantly reaches out her hand and shakes it with Zhang Hun. She doesn't want Zhang Hun to hold Xu Lei's hand. She pulls Xu Lei to sit down beside him and says warmly, "come on, sit down and talk."

Xu Lei frowned deeply, and even tried to break Zhang Hun's hand. But Zhang Hun was so strong that she couldn't break free. Finally, she had to sit down beside Zhang Hun.

Yang Xiao had already made a promise to her before she came here, which made her feel more or less at the bottom of her heart. In addition, Zhang Hun told her that it was an important customer of the company, so she couldn't offend others at the beginning? No matter how much unhappiness and grievance you have in your heart, you have to bear it.

Zhang Hun casts a look of disdain at Yang Xiao: "well, manager Yang, didn't I make an appointment to let your general manager Wang come? Who asked you to come? Come on, now that you're here, let's take a seat and have a meal. Let's find a seat and sit down. There are several ladies there. You can choose any of them. "

Yang Xiao didn't speak. He sat down in an empty seat opposite Xu Lei, and there was only one seat left on the round table.

As soon as Xu Lei saw that Yang Xiao seemed timid, which was different from what she said when she just came here, she broke away from Zhang Hun's hand, then sat up straight and cried out, "boss Zhang, please show some respect."

Zhang Hun was surprised, and then said with a smile: "beauty, it's like this. Our company just has a batch of products worth tens of millions, which will be produced by your company. Do you know it's a big deal for you? Mr. Wang has made an appointment to come here today to negotiate. Now that you are here, come, but you should show yourself well. "

Zhang Hun tone with a bit of threat: "I Zhang Hun is not a pedantic stereotype, as long as your performance can make me satisfied, I will not be too difficult for your company, you must have told you the situation."

Wang Meng did tell Yang Xiao before that if Zhang Hun had any requirements, he would try his best to satisfy him and not screw up the company.

Yang Xiao certainly knows the seriousness of the matter. If Zhang Hun really makes it big, the company's reputation will be damaged, and the media will rush in. Who dares to hand over the products to the company in the future?

So, seeing that the situation was about to become rigid, Yang Xiao took the opportunity to stand up and said to Zhang Hun, "boss Zhang, do you think we should stop talking about the public and drink some wine to help us?

Zhang Hun was certainly happy when he heard that. He stared at Xu Lei's chest and said with a big grin: "ha ha, it's manager Yang Yaxing. Zhang also has this idea. Miss, serve the wine."

A sexy lady poured wine for Zhang Hun and Xu Lei at the same time. She gave Zhang Hun a quarter of the glass, while Xu Lei's glass was full.

The cup is two hundred ml of large cup, and the liquor is the fifty-eight degree Baijiu national cellar.

Zhang Hun picked up the cup and said with a smile, "come on, beauty, just come here. Don't be too nervous. Let's have a drink first."

Due to the etiquette, Xu Lei has to hold up the wine cup. Seeing Zhang Hun finish the wine, Xu Lei drinks it in one gulp. In the middle, Xu Lei makes a painful expression several times, but still bites her teeth to finish the wine.

The young lady filled Xu Lei and Zhang Hun a little.

Zhang Hun picked up the cup and said: "beauty, for our successful cooperation today, let's have another drink. After drinking this cup of wine, Zhang Hun will make you Jiangzhou, officially as a long-term partner of our company."

With that, Zhang Hun drank the wine. Xu Lei's hand holding the cup was shaking. She felt her chest was very hot and nauseous.

But thinking of Zhang Hun saying that after drinking this glass of wine, she can cooperate with her own company, which can be regarded as a registration certificate she has taken since she entered the company, Xu Lei gritted her teeth and drank it again.

This time Xu Lei obviously felt that her whole body was very hot, her head was dizzy, and her mind was not very clear.

Four hundred ml 58 degrees Baijiu, not to mention a weak woman, even a strong man can not stand it.

Zhang Hun showed a sly smile on his face, pretending to care and asked: "beauty, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong? "

Then Zhang Hun went to help Xu Lei, and touched her hand by the way, but his mouth was hypocritical and said, "you are tired. I'll send you to have a rest. Miss, open a room and I'll send this beauty to rest. "

"I'm not going! Boss Zhang, don't you say that as long as I drink this glass of wine, you promise to cooperate with us? " Xu Lei struggled hard, but her drinking power began to attack, and she couldn't sit still.

Zhang Hun laughs: "I said, after you drink, go to the room to accompany me for one night, let me be satisfied, of course I will cooperate with you!"

"You... You... Shameless!" Xu Lei was going to drink it, but her face turned red and she couldn't do it any more. She was all soft on the seat.

Although Xu Lei drank a lot of wine, it took a certain period of time for her to have an attack. Before the attack, she even kept a high level of consciousness.

A young lady next to Yang Xiao said that she was about to get up and open a room. Suddenly, a hand grabbed the young lady's arm, "wait!"

Miss turned around and saw that it was Yang Xiao. She immediately thought that Yang Xiao had an idea for her. Yang Xiao was Zhang Hun's guest. Of course, she had to treat him well. She gave Yang Xiao a wink and said very charming: "don't worry, sir. I'll come back after I open the room. I'll serve you well then."

Yang Xiao shook his head and did not speak.

The woman continued to smile charmingly. She, who was already wearing a cheongsam, spread her thigh and exposed her whole thigh in front of Yang Xiao's eyes: "Sir, do you want to open two rooms next to boss Zhang? Do you want to have a good communication with me, sir? I'm going to ask for two rooms. "

"Yang Xiao, you are so shameless!" Xu Lei said angrily, "I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Xu Lei drank a lot of wine, but after all, she had just finished eating, and now she was still conscious.

Yang Xiao ignores Xu Lei, and doesn't even take a look at her. He just shouts to the young lady who is lusting: "sit down for me!"

The young lady was immediately calmed by Yang Xiao's aura, and now she had to sit down honestly.

Other people on the table also turned their heads and looked at Yang Xiao. They didn't know what tricks Yang Xiao was going to play. Especially Xu Lei, looking at Yang Xiao's eyes is full of resentment and contempt.

"Click!" Yang Xiao presses the lighter, and the yellow flame rises. Yang Xiao lights the cigarette, takes a deep breath, and then spits out a large smoke ring. He looks at Zhang Hun leisurely: "Zhang Hun, let her go!"

There are many people in the box. At the moment, I was surprised to see a small manager named Zhang Hun. The little man next to Zhang Hun said: "what are you, dare to call general Zhang's name, don't want to mix up?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Yang Xiao grabs a wine bottle from a national cellar and walks to Zhang's body step by step, with a indifferent expression.

Zhang Hun saw Yang Xiao walking in step by step, and some of them said, "what are you going to do? We are your company's biggest partner and your gold owner. If you dare to be disrespectful to me, I can make your company close down immediately! "

Yang Xiao walks to Zhang Hun indifferently and smashes the bottle in his hand on the back of Zhang Hun's head without hesitation.


The one centimeter thick wine bottle broke, Zhang Hun's skull was cracked, and the whole person was knocked to the ground, convulsed.

Zhang Hun didn't expect that Yang Xiao really dared to fight. In the end, although he tried to dodge the confrontation, the cleaved bottle was so fast and cruel that he couldn't avoid it at all.

Zhang Hun could only feel the whirl of heaven and earth, and almost instinctively screamed: "which bastard do you dare to beat me, you wait, let me find out your identity, you wait to die! I want you to die! "

"Grandson tortoise, the world is more than you such scum, society will become disharmonious!" Yang Xiao put the mouth of the bottle in his hand on his whole body, and then turned to look at Xu Lei. Xu Lei looked at Yang Xiao with shocked eyes. Yang Xiao stretched out his hand, took Xu Lei's hand and said, "now it's all over. Let's go."

However, Xu Lei's body softened, and the whole body collapsed on Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao felt a breath of mature women, almost unable to hold.

Xu Lei tried to stand up straight several times, but failed to do so. Yang Xiao had to hold Xu Lei's body up horizontally, and then strode out of the box door.

They didn't pay any attention to the shock and clamour of those people in the box.

"You girls don't know what to do except take off your clothes. Call 110, 120 and the hotel security!" The little man gave the girls a loud drink.

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