Wang Meng stood on the challenge arena and accepted the cheers, until he swept to the audience. Yang Xiao, with a slight sneer in his eyes, scratched his head awkwardly and finally responded.

Mad, this stinking club, the low level of people also throw up the game, he seems to win, but in fact, in the eyes of people who know him, that face is lost!

The man who never counseled was scared to charge today by a guy who only knows how to beat him! Shame, great shame!

I must wash away this shame!

Wang Meng grabbed the referee's hand and said, "let's start the next game! Let the windward guys go up together! I want to kill them

The referee ignored him and asked the owners of the two clubs without any expression. After confirming that red star would not change, he announced that the second player in Yingfeng was on the stage!

The second windward player was obviously angry that Ouyang Ming had been beaten. He came up with a swing, and with his fierce anger and all his strength, he hit Wang fiercely.

But it doesn't work

Wang Meng, leaning to the right, easily avoided his attack, and then hit him in the abdomen with another heavy fist. The second player is defeated!

The audience were stunned, burst out the sky shaking cheers, in their eyes, a blow can knock down the opponent in the earth, Wang Meng is too strong!

The whole field is full of "Wang Meng! Wang Meng! Wang Meng For the first time, Wang Meng found that it was such a happy thing to abuse vegetables! He raised his hands again and took a confident look at Yang Xiao, which made him notice the woman beside him.

Twinkling with spiritual eyes, perfect curve and elegant temperament, Wang Meng felt that his heart had been taken away by this woman.

However, the girl seems to know Yang Xiao. They often say a word. Wang Meng scolds him in his heart. You can't be satisfied with Xu Lei. Damn it. Anyway, you must keep one for my brother!

Thinking that Wang Meng glared at Yang Xiao angrily, and Yang Xiao also noticed that he thought Wang Meng was bragging to himself, so he pursed his lips and shook his head with a sneer.

Wang Meng see Yang Xiao this meaning, that is one all refuse to leave for oneself! Yang Xiao also knows that he is lustful. I didn't expect that this guy was so cruel that he didn't even help to satisfy his only hobby!

Angry, he took back his hands and pointed to the people in the windward Club angrily: "Hey, who's next! Come out to me! I'm in a hurry

The people in the windward club are also muddled. Two people in their own club were injured by him. However, why is this guy not so happy? On the contrary, he looks even more angry!

Looking at this chilling face, everyone in the windward Club trembled. At last, their fear overcame their anger, and the windward Club chose to abandon the game!

So far, Wang Meng beat Yingfeng with one man's strength and won all three battles!

But Wang Meng is more angry, good, you all want to piss me off!

The next match is about to start, but Wang Meng is still in the ring and refuses to go, shouting to fight again! The audience followed suit, and it was not until Yang Xiao came on the stage that he dragged this guy back.

Just don't know why, this guy always has a grudge in his eyes?

Maybe I blame myself for not letting him continue to fight!

Wang Meng, who returned to the red star, received his warmest welcome after he came to the red star, which was more intense than when he first joined the club.

"Wang Meng, you're a good boy. We haven't played yet. You're good. You've got all the credit!"

"Yes, yes, but do you think Wang Meng is too strong or his opponent is too weak..."

"Of course, the opponent is too weak! Ha ha ha... "

The whole red star club is full of excitement. Yang Xiao also smiles and reaches out his thumb to Wang Meng. Wang Meng notices Lin xueru beside Yang Xiao, scratches his head, tries to calm his heart, and summons up the courage to walk towards Lin xueru: "Hello, beauty, my name is Wang Meng. I'm an amateur boxer. You just watched my game. Do you think I'm an amateur, Are you handsome? "

The last sentence was originally from Wang Meng's heart. In fact, he wanted to ask, "is it OK?" Yes, as a result, I was nervous and blurted out my heart.

Lin xueru, who had been quietly listening to their conversation, couldn't help laughing when Wang Meng asked. Cover mouth, but can't stop smiling and say: "handsome!"

And everyone was laughing and joking.

Yang Xiao, on the other hand, looks at Wang Meng strangely. Wang Meng is so nervous when he faces a girl. In my memory, when I first met Wang Meng in senior high school, this guy was not happy about cheating a girl for a long time. In addition, over the years, Wang Meng has become a success in his career. He is a lecherous man and has played with countless women. Now, in the face of Lin xueru, You blushed?

Yang Xiao can't help but sigh about Lin xueru's charm. This kind of elegant temperament out of the picturesque is really provocative. But only he who lives with her knows how stubborn and unreasonable this guy is. At the beginning, he was quite astringent. But after a long time, his life as her bodyguard is too hard!

Lin xueru, I can't see through you. Your ability to hide yourself is too strong

Just when the members of the Red Star Club are immersed in the joy of the first victory, the next match has already started in the challenge arena. The two sides are the blood shadow club and the visual club.

Blood shadow club is the most famous amateur club in Jiangzhou, only second to the original Tianmen club, and even if red star broke up Tianmen, it still can't catch up with blood shadow.

Because there is a guy named Lei in the blood shadow. He has extraordinary strength and can fight professional boxing, but he just stays in the amateur club. According to him, boxing is just passing the time.

Yang Xiao also heard about this man, but he seldom made a move. Even if he did, the battle could be solved in a short time.

In today's battle, ray didn't play.

However, the shadow of blood still won! Xueying didn't choose Wang Meng's way of fighting, but let every player on the stage, and then, every enemy was completely defeated!

Yang Xiao looks at the severely beaten visual sense players and finally looks forward to the amateur boxing match. It seems that the match is not as boring as he imagined

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