Two days later, at 7 p.m. in Huadu bar, the two teams competing for the final championship entered the venue one after another, and the Red Star Club and the blood shadow club went to their rest area in the boiling cheers.

In the final, each team needs to send five players to play. All five players lose their fighting power, or choose to abandon the game, and they will be judged negative!

Today's David is very excited. He keeps hissing and asking questions to every team member. From time to time, he takes out the 300000 to motivate everyone. Anyway, he has been looking forward to this championship for a long time! If you win, your style in the amateur club will be different in an instant!

Wang Meng directly ignores David's enthusiasm, because Lin xueru follows Yang Xiao as usual today. He stands beside Lin xueru and keeps saying something, which makes Lin xueru smile.

"Xueru, look at it. Today I'm going to beat the bloody shadow guys. I'll beat the bloody shadow the strongest. I'll beat him personally. You remember to enjoy my... My yingzi

Yang Xiao has a headache when he listens to Wang Meng's boasting. It seems that this guy must fight with Lei. However, it doesn't matter if he is there. If Lei dares to kill Wang Meng, he will definitely take his life!

"Nei Ge, Yang Xiao, look at the five people coming out today!" David's mobilization before the game was finally finished. He ran to Yang Xiao and asked him, even if he was the boss, this kind of thing still had to be decided by Yang Xiao! After all, he is red star's number one!

Today, every member of the Red Star Club is full of energy, and everyone's exuberant blood shows on his face. Yang Xiao looks at the state of all the members and nods to himself.

He walked up to Gangzi and fiddled with his right hand, which was once almost destroyed by Tianmen. Now it's strong again. He said to Gangzi with a smile: "how about it, Gangzi? It's almost good."

As soon as Gangzi's eyes brightened, he raised his head and replied confidently: "brother Xiao, my hand has completely recovered. Now I'm afraid I can defeat a bull!"

Nodded with satisfaction, Yang Xiao pulled Wang Meng from Lin xueru again, "Wang Meng, how are you today?"

"Hey, brother Xiao, don't worry. Let me be the first to go up and bring you a string of five back!" Although Wang Meng was a little upset about Yang Xiao's interrupting his chat, Yang Xiao meant that today's battle really had its own share. He patted his chest happily and assured Yang Xiao loudly

Yang Xiaobai took a look at this guy, but still patted him heavily on the shoulder. Maybe this guy can burst out his unexpected fighting power in front of his goddess? If he can beat ray, he'll be able to play himself.

At the beginning, he defeated Tianmen and let some people know about himself, but there were a lot of troubles. If you can't be famous, try to hide it. After all, your identity is not so suitable for public appearance. Otherwise, it's not a common pain to deal with more and more troubles with your own temperament.

"Come on, Wang Meng, it's time to show your heroism. As for the reward, you know, but it's very rich..." Yang Xiao leaned to Wang Meng's ear and said softly.

When Wang Meng heard the word reward, his whole body was like chicken blood. He almost didn't jump up directly. He blushed slightly, glanced at Lin xueru not far away, laughed at Yang Xiao and nodded heavily.

Lin xueru also noticed Yang Xiao and Wang Meng's glance from time to time. It's estimated that this guy would say something bad to Wang Meng! Think of this, Lin Xue such as white one eye Yang Xiao, anyway oneself dead don't admit, see you have what method!

After giving Wang Meng a boost, Yang Xiao walked up to Xiaoyao again, gave him a light punch on his thin chest, and said, "yes, although there is no meat, it's strong enough!"

Xiaoyao knows what Yang Xiao means. It seems that he can play today! He laughed and punched Yang Xiao in the chest.

From the behavior of Yang Xiao, he has determined three people, and the rest of the people understand that Yang Xiao is sure to appear, then there is only the last quota left!

The remaining five people couldn't sit any more, and they all surrounded Yang Xiao with high spirits.

"Brother Xiao, give me the last quota! The devil training I've been doing these days, but I've gained a few kilos of muscle! "

"Brother Xiao, I'll come, I'll come, my abdominal muscles are eight! On the blood shadow of those weak fists, hit my abdominal muscles, it is absolutely tickling

"Ai, you can't do it, you still want me to do it!"


Yang Xiao looks at these guys with a smile. He is very happy that his amateur club is no worse than the professional club!

After glancing back and forth in the crowd, Yang Xiao finally pulled out a fat man, Li Ru Shi. His behavior sparked waves of discontent.

"Hey, brother Xiao, this scholar Li is full of fat. I can't do it. I'll do it!"

"Yes, I'll do it!"

I didn't expect that I could be selected. Li also ate a kilo of fat. Although he had some fighting power, he might be reluctant to play this kind of final! However, since Yang Xiao chose himself, he must have something extraordinary in his eyes.

Looking at a group of indignant guys, Li Ru Shi patted his stomach and couldn't help laughing, "what do you know! My strength is beyond your imagination

Although it caused a lot of boos, the uproar subsided. They knew that Yang Xiao must have his reason for doing so. After all, although Yang Xiao is a consultant in the Red Star Club, his prestige is higher than the boss David!

At the time when red star finally determined the right person to appear, a figure did not know when to rush into their eyes.

It's ray from the blood shadow club!

Lei looked at the red star and nodded with a smile. Then he went straight to Yang Xiao and bowed to him. Without any emotion, he said, "Yang Xiao of red star, looking forward to the battle with you. It's a pressure opponent that makes me spend my time more happily

Yang Xiao repressed Wang Meng, who was about to get angry. With a faint smile on his face, he replied, "yes, but I don't think you can make me spend my time happily..."

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