Yang Xiao helps Qu Yijia up and holds her in his arms in the cry of Qu Yijia's fright. He jumps to the garden chair where he used to sit and avoids another bullet. Then, with the help of his feet, he holds a person in his arms. Yang Xiao jumps into the flower bed and relies on the trees to cover his body.

The birds in the forest were startled by the two shots.

"Who will be in Jiangzhou at this time to lay hands on me Yang Xiao doesn't understand that there are many people in Jiangzhou who have a grudge against him. Shouldn't someone dare to use a gun in the street so boldly? This is different from what Yang Xiao met in the vast business district before. There are no too tall buildings here, and this sniper doesn't leave without hitting a shot like the previous sniper, Instead, he continues to peep at Yang Xiao and tries to kill him.

"It should not be Langya. Langya's sniping style has never been so sloppy or so shameless." Yang Xiao's stomach is full of complaints.

"After all, will I be the disaster of Yang Xiao? Every time I appear, he will face danger." Qu Yijia is not thinking about the immediate crisis. Instead, he wanders to other places. "When they first appeared, they were framed by people in Jiangzhou. Later, they were seriously injured and comatose because of exploring the factory. This time, they met with snipers. Should I think more carefully about whether to stay?"

In the dark, the sniper continued to stare at the hiding place of Yang Xiao through the sight, and around them, there were four people hiding and quickly surrounded Yang Xiao.

"You hide and don't move." Yang Xiao hides Qu Yijia in the holly tree in the flower bed, grabs two stones from the ground and suddenly stands up from the latent state. With the advantage of divine sense, when the sniper shoots, he feels that the bullet enters the range of divine sense and then changes his body position to avoid it.

"Found it." Just after Yang Xiao dodges the bullet, he has already detected the way of the bullet, and instantly locked the sniper hiding on a power tower.

The stone in his hand instantly comes out of Yang Xiao's hand and throws it at the sniper, because Yang Xiao already feels that someone is lurking around and wants to ambush him. Once he is entangled, it is a big threat for another sniper to fire a cold gun in the distance, so Yang Xiao's first choice is to beat him down.

Yang Xiao's left eye not only regained his eyesight, but also became more eye-catching because of the energy of ice jade. He clearly saw the electrician hiding on the tower thousands of meters away, holding a sniper and continuing to aim at his sniper. The stones in his hand were just like the bullets from the sniper's gun.

The sniper also saw Yang Xiao's action, conditionally fired a shot at the black spot in his eyes, which was smashed by Yang Xiao's high-speed flying stones in mid air.

"Hoo, that's dangerous!" See that the stone was shot in the air, otherwise according to the track and the speed, it will fall down.

But before he recovered, another stone flew over again! Faster and more accurate than before.

Yang Xiao has calculated that he has only one shot chance. Even though the sniper is calm and accurate in training, his biggest flaw is when he thinks that the threat has been eliminated. Yang Xiao didn't plan to make any achievements just after the first stone. Of course, it's better to succeed. He can only say that the other side looks down on him too much, Will send a weak sniper to assassinate him, but Yang Xiao has confidence in himself, he knows his enemy will not do so mindless things, arrange a general sniper to assassinate himself, wolf's sniper's strength is very strong, because you can't find him, don't know where the bullet comes from.

When the two stones were thrown out, Yang Xiao stood there, waiting for the next four to come to him.

The most correct choice is to take one in one direction first, and then break it down one by one. However, he is afraid to take risks now, because there is another Qu Yijia beside him. In Yang Xiao's heart, he is still sorry for Qu Yijia, because he always feels that because he didn't try his best at that time, he almost caused disaster, It must have caused great psychological damage to Qu Yijia. When he saw Qu Yijia, he rushed out to find her and casually told her that he wanted to open a media company and asked her to help. Obviously, he just wanted to make up for her.

But Qu Yijia thinks that it's because of herself that Yang Xiao is in danger. She also apologizes to him, so she wants to escape. It's because of the estrangement between the two of them.

"It's getting more and more people each time. Is it the next time you bring the team?" Yang Xiao looks at the four humanitarians around him jokingly.

These four people, two tall and two short, two fat and two thin.

One is tall and thin, one is short and fat, one is tall and one is short and thin.

Looking at the pace and the temple, Yang Xiao knew that the four men who came here were all masters of inner family boxing. It seemed that it must be a hard fight.

Although Yang Xiao's strength has greatly improved before, as a killer, he still has no intention of belittling the enemy, because any belittling of the enemy is not paying attention to his own life.

Yang Xiao didn't wait for the four men to attack. He wanted to take the lead. He didn't know whether the four men had the method of joint attack. If they were attacked together, they would fall into passivity.

"Mulder, this boy doesn't look like he's worth five million. The employer says that if he can't fight, he'll retreat. Don't lose money here. Isn't that bullshit?" That tall fat and short thin see Yang Xiao toward the other two hands, and did not start, but talk to each other, "who knows, but don't be careless, don't capsize in the ditch."

"Huh?" Yang Xiao had no second words. He raised his leg to the tall and thin man's chest. The tall and thin man stretched out his arms to protect him. He was surprised when he was kicked by Yang Xiao.

In his opinion, Yang Xiao's figure is not a master of foreign boxing, and there is no sign of practicing his own Boxing at temples. He just thinks that he is the enemy of his employer. How can he expect to be such a master? You know, he can see that Yang Xiao has already transported his internal power to his arm, Or was Yang Xiao so understated to kick the pain.

"No, it's a good idea." The four realized that Yang Xiao was not a good friend.

After a fight, the four people gradually gave birth to a sense of retreat, it is easy not to win Yang Xiao, but will be entangled by him, once the movement here is found, it will be bad to bring the police.

"Why, I have to leave as soon as I come here, and I have to let the host give me a good reception if I come far away."

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