Everyone who watched the battle under the stage was stunned by the blow. It was like the momentum of a tiger descending the mountain, which shocked everyone. The broken ropes and Lido, who fell on the ground and could not move, all told the power of Yang Xiao silently!

And in the warm cheers, a group of people were flustered. They were full of confidence in the strength of Xueying before. They put down their bold words and wanted to bet 20 million on Xueying! They did. After all, the reputation of blood shadow club in Jiangzhou is bigger than that of other professional clubs.

The odds of this battle are 1:1.6 for blood shadow and 1:2.0 for red star. Even those who open the game think that the winning rate of red star is not high, which aggravates the idea that these gamblers want to take advantage of it. But Yang Xiao's first battle, let them in the heart not from the ground showed deep fear!

Yang Xiao didn't know these people's careful thinking, and he didn't care. In the cheers, he glanced at the bloody thunder lightly. His seemingly expressionless face implied deep irony. This makes Lei feel cold, "hum! It took so long to defeat a little Lou. I don't know where your inexplicable self-confidence came from! "

Lei finally stood up. The audience saw that the strongest players of the two clubs were going to fight at last. They all cried out excitedly. This may be the most wonderful fight today!

And when ray slowly stepped into the challenge arena, a figure on the side of Red Star Club also rushed up!

Yang Xiao was stunned by this guy, but then he laughed, "Wang Meng, that reward is so attractive to you?"

Wang Meng, who ran to the challenge arena, gave Yang Xiao a look. "Brother Xiao, I can't say that. Will Wang Meng care about the reward? What I care about is a man's promise. Since I said I would beat ray to pieces, how can I break my promise? "

Listening to Wang Meng's sophistry, Yang Xiao said with a smile, "how about calming down now? This kind of guy can't be defeated by brute force and anger! "

"Don't worry, brother Xiao. Since he uses this kind of Pediatrics thing to disturb us, it shows that he is not good either!" Wang Meng patted his chest and assured: "I, Wang Meng, also let you see my real strength today!"

"It's said that men can always burst out stronger power for the sake of their beloved women. It seems that this sentence is true at all?"

Wang Meng listened to Yang Xiao's slightly funny tone, gave him a punch with a smile, and scolded: "go to you, Ma De!"

Yang Xiao didn't stop Wang Meng. He understood that since he promised Lin xueru to fight with Lei, even ten cows wouldn't want to pull him back. But he also has some expectations, maybe this guy can really bring surprise to himself!

He patted Wang Meng on the shoulder and nodded, "go, don't be shameful on the court! I'm looking at you. Don't worry. "

Yang Xiao slowly retreated to the rest area, cocked his legs and watched the duel between Lei and Wang Meng.

Lin xueru thought that Yang Xiao would not easily let Wang Meng fight with Lei. After all, their strength, even she could see the obvious gap! She asked Yang Xiao angrily, "Yang Xiao, what are you doing? You know that Wang Meng is not his opponent! "

Yang Xiao lit a cigarette. The smoke made his face hazy, like saying to Lin xueru, more like saying to himself, "you don't understand, man's promise..."

Thunder and Wang Meng on the field have already started to fight at this time, but no one has taken the lead.

Wang Meng understands that the person in front of him is different from other opponents. He didn't survive several rounds under Li Ru, let alone thunder. He is very clear that he is at a disadvantage, but now that he has spoken out, he will never shrink back! Besides, after all these days, I, Wang Meng, have not made any progress!

Seeing that Wang Meng didn't show any sign of moving his hand, Lei shook his head and pointed to Wang Meng with his right hand. He said with a slight sneer, "boy, since you're here, don't be like a mouse. I'm not interested in playing with mice. Come on, move!"

Listening to Lei's sarcasm, Wang Meng's violent temper jumped up. This kind of feeling of being despised as an ant made him shout angrily: "waste! Your grandfather, I will let you know today, fight with me! You're not qualified! "

In a rage, Wang Meng rushes towards Lei with one lunge. His fist is very fierce, but his playing method is simple and unadorned. Lei evades all attacks with an elegant and flexible pace, but Lei doesn't make any counterattack!

Wang Meng saw that the original straight fist attack was changed to a wide range of swing, but still did not hit. The feeling of fighting in the air made Wang Meng more angry. There was no place for him to vent his strength. When he hit in the air, he took it back, which made Wang Meng's depression worse.

He gave a loud drink, and the attack became more fierce, but it was always like gravel sinking into the sea, and even the waves could not be excited.

However, in the eyes of the audience, Wang Meng has the upper hand. He forces Lei, who is known as the strongest of blood shadow, to flee everywhere. God, can even Wang Meng of Red Star defeat Lei? This is the idea of most of the audience at the moment, gamblers also deeply regret up, the original blood shadow turned out to be a useless garbage club! The flames of anger were burning in their hearts!

Yang Xiao looked at Wang Meng, who was obviously a little irrational, and gradually frowned. Finally, he could not help roaring, "Wang Meng! Keep your body steady and give me some brain when you fight! "

Wang Meng was stunned when he heard Yang Xiao's outburst. He finally stopped his scattered steps. He gave Lei a cold look, but found that Fang Zheng looked at him with a smile. Although he was more angry in his heart, he finally suppressed his anger. This kind of opponent with speed must catch his flaw when he changes his figure, It is possible to defeat it!

He took a deep breath and continued to attack, but the expression on his face was calm, and his eyes kept catching Ray's flaws. After more than ten fists, Wang Meng's eyes turned, and only slightly twisted his waist, completed the action of a sideways fist, and this fist condensed his whole body strength!


But Wang Meng was hit in the back! He spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the thunder behind him in disbelief. He couldn't say a word in amazement!

Thunder hit successfully, but did not continue to attack. He held Wang Meng's ear and said softly: "my speed depends on how you can catch..."

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