When the spirit stone was placed beside him, there was a special desire from the cyclone which had never changed. It seemed that people who had been hungry for a long time saw the most delicious food, just as people who were walking in the desert and lacked water suddenly met oasis springs.

Yang Xiao knew that these stones were very good for him. On a whim, he told himself that as long as there were more stones, he would become stronger. It was not impossible to break these chains.

"These stones are made by the organization for experiments, and some of them will be used on you, so I will stimulate you to absorb the trace elements by means of electric current, so you will suffer some pain."

Kohara explained, "if I don't do this or hurt you so much, I'll get someone else to treat you. On the contrary, it's not as good as me to come. Although my heart will feel bad when I see you suffer, it's better than being hurt by others. Don't worry, Yang Xiaojun. I'll try not to make you feel so bad."

"So, Miss Xiangzi, are you worried about me? I suddenly feel too happy. It's OK. I can bear it. As long as I can be with Miss Xiangzi, I can bear the pain. "

Yang Xiao pretends to be excited, but the absorption of Lingshi is faster and faster.

"Do you feel anything in your body?"

Looking at the content displayed on the monitor, the substance in the spirit stone is disappearing, but the substance in Yang Xiao's body is increasing. Xiangzi kohara asked, "is there any different change?"

"I feel that after the electric current poured into my body, it seems that there are many more things, but I don't know what it is, and the cold feeling in my body has disappeared a lot, and it's not so uncomfortable."

Yang Xiaodao, in fact, he is actively absorbing, which has nothing to do with the current. If he doesn't take the initiative to absorb, the spirit stone won't change at all. But in order not to let kohara Xiangzi see the clue, he has to attribute this kind of thing to the current, and name it to say that the cold in his body has dissipated a lot.

In fact, the drug injected not only has the material injected into the semi-finished product before, but also has the effect of anesthesia, which is to make Yang Xiao's body fall into a state of paralysis, for fear that he will break free. After all, for them, Yang Xiao, who is equivalent to A-level spirit, is a very powerful and uncontrollable element.

"After every injection of that drug, I'll be electrified and pasted with two stones."

Yang Xiao's eyes once again gentle a few minutes, words slightly tiny, between lovers coquetry fight to get mood.

"How can it be? These stones turned into powder? What is the reason for this

As a scientific researcher, kohara Xiangzi is very strange about this phenomenon. Previously, some people with special functions were caught in the organization, but there are no such strange elements in those people's bodies. Either a certain organ mutates, produces different changes, and has strange power. For example, a person once had a strange throat, It was able to condense sound waves into attacks. Even more, people's hands were like a stove, which could condense small flames. However, this was not the case. In one minute, all the five spirit stones turned into powder.

"Yang Xiaojun, do you have any bad feelings?"

Kohara took off his mask and looked at Yang Xiao. He went to him and looked at him.

After turning off the current, she reaches out her hand to dispose of the powdered substance and takes it to the experimental platform. After detection, she is surprised to see that the original rich strange substance has disappeared. The data in the display shows that the substance has turned into the special element detected before in Yang Xiao's body.

In fact, to a certain extent, practice is a special science, that is, how to integrate a powerful element into the body and then use it.

"Don't worry, Yang Xiaojun. I'll find a way to solve your pain. I know you are patient. I've never seen a man as determined as you. If you can persist until the end of this experiment, I'll find a way to protect you."

Kohara Xiangzi looks up at Yang Xiaodao, and then he takes off his protective clothing and embraces Yang Xiaodao.

If it wasn't for Yang Xiao's situation, it would be like a loving couple to embrace him like this.

Yang Xiao sighed in his heart, "ah, cheating on women's feelings is really a crime, but I can't think of a better way to leave here. As for waiting for others to save me, there's basically no hope. Wang Meng, they don't have this ability at all. Some families in Kyoto who have this ability probably want me to die now. How can they save me, Waiting for them to let me go is even more impossible. I can only rely on myself to save myself. "

This time, Xiangko kohara didn't wear the tight tight clothes that wrapped him up, but put on the thin three-point small underwear. The figure showed incisively and vividly. The pair of beating white rabbits seemed to have eaten too much delicious food. They were very fat. Through a thin layer of cloth, they stuck on Yang Xiao's chest.

"Amitabha, what can I do? It's too tempting, ah! Is Yang Xiao going to have a relationship with people like this? It's too evil. It's too evil. Isn't it just binding? And the roles have been changed. " Yang Xiao couldn't help thinking of the special scenes in the little movies he had seen, and he couldn't stand it.

But Xiangko kohara did not have this consciousness. She only felt that it was so beautiful to hold this man. She really left here with him in her arms and lived a life that belonged to both of them.

"Yang Xiaojun, I think it's like a dream. I didn't expect to know you in this way. If I have a chance, I really want to be with you. You are the first man who makes me feel different."

"You can rest assured that since the organization has handed this matter over to me, I will try to save you and make you less painful."

After hearing these words, Yang Xiao sighed, "this girl thinks things are still too simple. Do you really think she can save me on her own? The people of ice insect organization want me to die. If they didn't suddenly find that I was still valuable, they would have killed me and thrown me out of the air. Death is not terrible, but since there is a chance to survive, I will not give up

"Miss Xiangzi."

"Don't call me miss Xiangzi. Please call me Xiangzi. I think it's lucky for me to meet you in my life. I don't want to miss you just like Yang Xiaojun said. Like is like. If I like you, please don't call me that."

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