Just after Yang Xiao quickly solved the four guards and two ninjas, he suddenly felt the earth shaking. Because of the shaking, the huge cell door was just opened and closed slowly. Yang Xiao quickly picked up the body of a ninja from the ground and threw it, Then he picked up Chen Xiaoxiao, who didn't know whether he was scared or how. He rushed out while the huge door was squeezing the Ninja's body.

In the huge corridor, the signal lights on both sides of the wall kept flashing, and the air raid sirens echoed in my ears.

"What's the situation? Where are we going now? "

When Yang Xiao heard Chen Xiaoxiao's question, he didn't answer her immediately. Instead, he bent down, carried her on his back and ran out of the corridor. "It seems that there has been an attack here. It should be the person who came to save you. After a while, I will send you to a safe place and you will leave first."

When Chen Xiaoxiao heard that Yang Xiao wanted to let her go first, she was worried, "ah, you are a man. You want to go together."

"I have other things to do. Besides, I have to find the key to open the chain. I don't know what it is. It's not an ordinary stone at all." Yang Xiao explained that when he came to a cross passage, a team of guards rushed over and raised their guns to shoot at Yang Xiao.

Behind Chen Xiaoxiao's back, Yang Xiao's body method is still very flexible. He jumps high to avoid the first wave of shooting. In order to quickly solve the problem, the blood red in his right eye condenses into light, and then the light shoots out of his eyes. Everywhere his eyes go, it's full of fire. The guards of the seven people's team are directly penetrated, Moreover, a deep ravine appeared on the wall touched by the blood red eyes.

He left several corpses that were beyond recognition. Yang Xiao ran by quickly, and his divine consciousness spread out, looking for the passage to the ground.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Xiao's divine consciousness has also made a great breakthrough through the spiritual power of the spirit stone and the power of the medicine he absorbed yesterday. Originally, the strength of his divine consciousness has not been able to break through, and the strange coating has also been penetrated. Although his perception has been weakened a lot, he can still feel the scene behind him.

Chen Xiaoxiao looks at Yang Xiao as if he is a demon. He is so nervous that he doesn't dare to say anything for fear of disturbing Yang Xiao.

Outside the island, there are two destroyers and numerous small speedboats. On top of the speedboats are senior Chinese special forces. In the air, there are several fighters and helicopters circling. One after another, shells are fired from the destroyers and fighters, rolling up heat waves and white smoke.

"How did Huaxia come here so quickly? Speed up the airship, quickly transfer, transfer the important materials and the experimental body! " Beicun Yizheng gritted his teeth and looked at the huge formation outside through the monitoring screen, "that Yang Xiao killed directly! And that woman! Kill them, too! There's no need to leave room now! "

With his orders, several teams of guards and Ninjas in the base began to operate.

"My Lord, Yang Xiao has escaped from prison. Now he is running towards the rear laboratory. Our people are chasing him." Someone trotted to the command room to report to him.

"Baga, I knew that this man would not be easily controlled by us. Xiangzi kohara also proposed to rebel! Hum! Speed solved! Your guard is not his opponent at all, send high-level Ninja to pass! " Kitamura knows that Yang Xiao's strength is not what these guards can handle at all, "and then dispatch the past two experimental bodies to unseal No. 1 and No. 2! It's time for them to show up. "

One side of the kohara Xiangzi heard the news, as well as Beicun Yizheng's suspicious look in his eyes, his heart was shocked, "has Yang Xiaojun started to act? If he can escape successfully, what should I do for myself? Will he come and take me

Kohara Xiangzi has just become Yang Xiao's woman. Naturally, she will think for herself and for him. "Mr. Beicun, I'm also responsible for this. I look down on this Chinese. Please let me take people to pursue him and make contributions."

She finally decided that, no matter what, she had to catch up with him. The scene became more and more chaotic. Several Chinese people had landed successfully. Once she followed Beicun Yizheng to get on the airship and left, she would never see Yang Xiao again.

"All right, you go." Kitamura Yizheng directly agreed, "give me your authority card and the key you have in your hands. I don't want these things to fall into each other's hands once you die."

It turns out that Kitamura Yizheng has decided to give up on her. Since she wants to be the soldier in charge of the battle, let her go. Now the ultimate goal is to leave with the information. Even if the ten successful experimental bodies die, he can't die.

After a series of orders are issued, Kitamura is under the protection of the type God of rapid transfer, toward the airship.

"No, I can't rule out that the other side has found a way to restrain the discovery of airship. It's dangerous to use airship again at this time." Beicun one is walking on the road, suddenly thought of this problem, decisively immediately transfer direction, toward another channel.

Yang Xiao carries Chen Xiaoxiao all the way to the laboratory. He is going to destroy the experimental bodies and find the key. It would be better if he could find another part of the spirit stone that kohara Xiangzi said, because he feels that he has not only four images in his body, but also the secret of heaven has been greatly improved, and the dragon and tiger boxing has also been madly improved. He is only one step away from the seventh floor, At this age, he can reach the level that his father reached in his forties, the seventh level of dragon and tiger boxing!

The divine sense felt that there was a laboratory behind one wall. Yang Xiao didn't look for the door at all. He just raised his foot and kicked towards the wall. The strength of his body and the internal force in his body were even louder than the explosion just coming. The wall inlaid with steel plates was directly kicked open by Yang Xiao, Carrying Chen Xiaoxiao so overbearing to get into the laboratory.

But when he just entered the laboratory, he suddenly found something wrong. The door of the laboratory had been opened, and two dangerous smells filled the whole laboratory.

"Ha ha, it seems that there is really something fishy here. Come out, don't hide. Let Yang see what the devil is." Yang Xiaoyi said with a smile, "it won't be the failed semi-finished products of the last time. Let Yang see if you ghosts have made progress this time!"

Yang Xiao, who stops, gently puts Chen Xiaoxiao down and sets her aside. He drinks with a loud voice. As he gets moving, he sends a response on both sides of the wall.

"Ha ha, it's your boy again. If I let you escape last time, I won't be so lucky this time!"

It's two of the semi-finished products Yang Xiao met for the first time!

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