At the beginning, the proud and charming person seemed to be eager to touch his shoulder. At the moment, Dong Qingzhi was like a child who had been robbed of his beloved candy and was sitting on the ground crying. The contrast of such depression surprised everyone.

"That, hehe." And a voice of cry, even bigger than Yang Xiao's voice just now, three points of voice came. The focus of attention shifted from Dong Qingzhi who was sitting on the challenge arena to puxiduo who was lying on the second floor railing facing the challenge arena. It was no one else. It was puxiduo who had robbed Dong Hanyi's leading role today.

Hearing this cry, Yang Xiao also counseled. He wanted to expose it. He just taught Dong Qingzhi a serious lesson. He looked at puxiduo who was looking at him with a smile on his face, "that, that doesn't have it."

Yang Xiao can't help it, but he knows that this woman, puxiduo, is so violent that she is infatuated with Dong's precious martial arts talent.

The first time they met, they got to know each other after puxiduo's beating. The fists were not for fun. If it wasn't for Yang Xiao's strong body and taking Ganoderma lucidum at that time, he would have been beaten by puxiduo's, and his bones and tendons would have been broken.

"Puccido, DOR, I can't marry you. I let you down." Sitting paralyzed on the ground, Dong Qingzhi suddenly yelled, "when I was a child, I said you wanted to marry me, I said I married you, you promised, but I'm too stupid, I didn't do it, I can't beat him."

Then he began to cry again.

Well, the people from all walks of life in Nanhai who came to Dong Hanyi's birthday party today were so surprised that they almost lost their nerve. Yang Xiao was the first one to jump up and shout. Then puxiduo's voice was bigger than his, which was more penetrating with female characteristics. Dong Qingzhi's voice was crying, as if he was crying, This is the whole people to laugh and cry.

"These three people can make up a group to participate in the entertainment industry. I'm one of the stars in the entertainment industry. I'm a rookie in the rap industry. This voice, this penetration, hey!" Everyone in the dragon group looks strange. Even today's protagonist, Dong Hanyi, has no choice but to express his kindness. "Today's young people are full of Zhongqi, and their voice is bright."

When Dong Qingzhi cried, people realized that there was another story. Puxiduo was stunned, and Yang Xiao was also stunned. After a long time, the boy wanted to win. It turned out that there was such a beautiful childhood story. The story words of childhood were taken seriously. Dong Qingzhi was really a simple silly child.

"Dor, I know I have no ability. I wish you happiness." Then he looked up at Yang Xiao, "I admit you are better than me, I lost, but I will continue to challenge you."

"I know I'm hypocritical, but I still want to thank you..." before you finish, Yang Xiao has been numb by his numb words. Before he finishes his words, Kuang Dang directly kicks Dong Qingzhi on his ragged clothes because of his transformation. He just kicks Dong Qingzhi down and is caught by the Dong family.

"I haven't finished my words, and I admit defeat. How can he still beat me?" Dong Qingzhi looked at the Dong family who had been kicked out. He looked up at his people innocently and vaguely and asked, "why is this?"

Why can't you tell this clansman? It's just that Dong Qingzhi has been despised by others. He speaks with affectation and ink. He's really like a bully. Can he not be beaten? Besides, he can't beat Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao is so tired of him that he doesn't want to be compared with him. It's not reasonable to kick him down, But he knew it, but he didn't dare to say it. In the Dong family, who didn't know that Dong Qingzhi was a baby. Besides, he couldn't beat the boy. He could only say, "maybe Yang Xiao wants you to have a rest. After all, you two have been fighting for a long time. You see your clothes are broken. He's afraid that your image will lose the face of our Dong family."

"Oh, that's what it looks like. At first, I thought that the South China Sea saint was a fool with no ability, and even wanted to touch puxiduo." With a full face of enlightenment, Dong Qingzhi was held in the arms of the princess by this clansman. "I didn't expect that he was the one with great ability and wisdom. He was not as old as me, but he was so powerful that I was worthy of being the Holy Son of Nanhai. I still have a lot to learn from him."

This is Dong Qingzhi's simple place. There are only two things for him to do in the Dong family, namely, practice and study. The so-called emotional experience is that when he was a child, which he thought was a good time, he talked with puxiduode like a family. Naturally, he didn't know much about it. Although he was arrogant, he looked down on the young people who were not as good as him, However, for those who are stronger than him, they are able to get up and put down. That's why the Dong family value him so much. They are gifted and have a pure heart. They are not paranoid and can seriously learn from him.

"Well, Dong Qingzhi, you are very good, very good, continue to refuel, but love is not as you think two words can say clearly, I hope you can understand ha." After his kick had been kicked out, Yang Xiao felt that Dong Qingzhi wanted to say thank you to him, but he was so inhumane that he was kicked down. At this time, he quickly looked at Dong Qingzhi who was hugged by the princess of the Dong family. "If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask me. Now I'm going to continue the competition."

What Yang Xiao didn't think of was that it was because of his guilt that he said a word and found a dogskin plaster for himself later.

"The game is over, you still kick people, really, what do you understand?" Puxiduo didn't know what to think after listening to Yang Xiao's words. He blushed and quickly took back his body from the railing.

"Mad, are these people sick? The four families are also sick. Hurry up! After Yang Xiao recovers, where can I get a chance to kill him? " Lu Ju, who was under the stage, looked at Yang Xiao, who was so breathless that he had recovered a lot. He said angrily, "forget it, I don't wait. No one here knows that I'm a killer. I'll kill him if I've been on the stage. But if I don't, I'll pretend to be a challenger and give up."

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