Lijie according to Yang Xiao to provide their own clues, came to a high-grade apartment building in Yangchuan. The mother and son live on the first floor here.

Press the doorbell, there came a crisp male voice: "who, my mother is not here."

"Excuse me, I'm a policeman. I'm here to find out." As he spoke, Lijie put his ID in front of the cat's eye and shook it.

It's half loud. There's no response in it. But Lijie rang the doorbell again.

After a while, a slightly fat woman came running breathlessly, pointed to Lijie's nose with an angry face and cried, "Hey, what are you doing? You!"

Inexplicably questioned, Lijie face is also a heavy, cold voice asked: "who are you?"

"Me? It's the employee of the boss who lives here. You, the new guy, are going to come here too. His mad is not allowed to live! " The last sentence is just a scream.

Lijierton was embarrassed. Such a loud cry would certainly attract a large number of onlookers! When he had quickly figured out how to explain the words in his mind, the imaginary masses didn't come, and even the sight of watching the crowd didn't come.


"I'm not new here." Lijie helped the hat on his head, and then took out his certificate, "I'm the criminal police of Jiangzhou City, coming here to understand the situation."

"Humph, birds of a feather."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" The woman said impatiently, "the landlady is out on a business trip. Don't bother his son! His son has been harmed by you. He can't even go to school. What else do you want? "

Lijie couldn't understand what the guy in front of him was talking about. He ignored her and rang the doorbell again, because Yang Xiao assured himself that their mother and son were definitely here!

When the woman saw that he was indecisive, she threw herself at him. She looked like she was going to eat him.

Lijie put out his left hand, and his right hand quickly took out a handcuff at his waist. He grabbed the woman's hands behind him and handcuffed her with a "bang".

"Let me go, let me go!" The woman kept struggling, but her body was still rubbing and pushing Lijie.

"You are suspected of obstructing me. Be honest with me. I will take you back for interrogation later!"

The woman seemed not to hear him. She was making a lot of noise at the door, but as always, she didn't attract the slightest sight.

After about two minutes of noise, a sigh finally came from the house, but this time it was a female voice, as if it had been full of years of vicissitudes.

The closed door finally opened a crack, but the anti-theft chain behind the door still didn't untie. A middle-aged woman showed her head and looked at Lijie.

Lijie was uncomfortable when she looked at him. He said, "Hello, can you let me in to talk?"

"I haven't seen you."

Suddenly the question is to let Li Jie Leng Leng, "you always don't meet all the police?"

"I've seen all the policemen in Yangchuan. Who are you?"

"Oh! I'm a policeman from Jiangzhou city. I've heard about you because I'm here on business. I've come to know about you. " Although Lijie was muttering in his heart, he told the truth.

"Let her go first."

"Sister Qin!" The roasted woman exclaimed with a sad tone.

"You go first. Xiao Liu. I'll be fine. "

As soon as the middle-aged woman behind the door heard that he was a police officer in Jiangzhou City, her expression was obviously relaxed. When she saw that the man released Xiao Liu easily, her turbid eyes lit up at this moment, and her heart lit up a burst of joy, and she welcomed Li Jie in.

Although it is a high-grade apartment, but the layout of the room is very simple, in addition to a few essential furniture, there is nothing else, the whole room seems empty.

Sitting in the living room, the middle-aged woman hesitated after pouring him a glass of water. She didn't know what to say.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just here to understand the situation. I don't mean anything else. Just call me Lijie." Lijie sipped his tea and said with a smile.

"Ah, yes, yes, I'm a little nervous, ha ha..." the middle-aged woman stroked her hair scattered in front of her forehead, and finally showed her calm color. "You just call me Suqin, but I don't know what you want to know when you come to me today?"

"Oh, well, I heard that you borrowed usury before and were detained in detention for some time. Although they released you later, as far as I know, it seems that you haven't paid off the money you owe."

"Hum!" As soon as she heard this, Su Qin's face was filled with anger. She smashed the cup on the table and said, "my debt has been paid off long ago. I borrowed two million from them. In two years, I finally paid four million! But they bit me and even took my other downtown house! I was cornered and called the police

"Well, in this case, you should have called the police a long time ago. Although you will also be punished, their crimes are thousands of times more serious than yours!"

Suqin shook her head helplessly, which made Lijie full of doubts, "you reported J, and then what?"

"And then? Keep paying back! They are going to let me die in partnership With that, the anger in Suqin's eyes slowly turned into fear, and she couldn't stop crying.

"How can it be!" Lijie exclaimed, "usury is not protected by law!"

"You know," Suqin wiped her tears, "those scum, those scum came to the hall of our company a few days ago and built a stove to boil water. This is what we do here, but only funeral people do!"

"Grass, this group of rubbish! What about JC? Are all JCS here eating shit? "

"Oh," Su Qin said with a sad smile, "JC here doesn't eat excrement. They eat delicacies!"

"Who's the guy who gave you the usury? I'll handcuff him now!" Lijie punched himself angrily in the thigh.

Suqin didn't respond to his question. Tears finally gushed out and she burst into tears.

"But for my children, I would have wanted to die. At that time, I had no choice but to borrow usury. Now I'm going to die... Wuwuwuwu... "

Lijie looks at the person in front of him and is silent. After half a sound, he held Su Qin's right hand tightly with his hands and said in a positive voice, "don't worry, I will help you!"

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