Yang Xiao, who returns to Jiangzhou, finally has a few days of leisure. The last fight that was stirred up can't be restarted for the time being. It's estimated that the poison curl organization, which is eyeing Lin xueru, has no leisure time to take care of her now, and Langya hasn't moved since Gu Ming. Yang Xiao, who is sitting in the office of Jiangzhou manufacturing company, stretches and breathes a long breath.

"Ah, finally, I can have a good rest for two days. I'm exhausted during this time."

"What are you tired of? I don't know how long you haven't come to work!" Xu Lei goes to Yang Xiao and gives him a blank look.

"You don't understand. For me, working days are the most leisurely days!" Yang Xiao casually smile, "go, pour me a glass of water."


"Hey, you're my assistant. You can't pour a glass of water?" Yang Xiao was obviously surprised by Xu Lei's refusal.

"You know I'm your assistant? These days, Wang Meng is in hospital, and you don't come to work. As a result, all kinds of affairs fall on me, because the company is expanding, and all kinds of social activities come one after another. Well, the two persons in charge of the company are not here. As a result, everyone pushes me down. You don't know that I hate this kind of thing most. Are you the manager or am I the manager? " Xu Lei drags a chair next to Yang Xiao, sits down beside him and stares at him angrily.

By Xu Lei so staring, Yang Xiao embarrassed to take a head, "don't be angry, don't be angry, this is not I believe in your ability, just so relieved to give you the work."

"Don't make excuses for yourself. You've been absent since I came here. I heard you were the first one in the company before? Why, I'm your assistant, you hate it? " Xu Lei puffed up her mouth.

"Oh, how can I? Since you came here, I can't wait to come to work every day, but recently there have been a lot of troubles."

"What's the trouble? Boxing? I don't know how you like this. And I can't fight these days! "

Being questioned by Xu Lei, Yang Xiao didn't know how to speak for a moment, but he thought, "Damn, I'm your boss. How can you listen to me? How can any employee question the boss like that? Well

"You Xu Lei's face turned red. Indeed, she didn't seem to have that identity to take care of Yang Xiao's affairs. Besides being his assistant, she had nothing to do with Yang Xiao, but she still said, "you take care of me, I am, this is..."

Yang Xiao stares at Xu Lei's face, a strange smile, "what are you?"

"No nonsense! If you don't come to work in the future, I will definitely report you to... "Speaking of this, Xu Lei pauses again. Who will you report to? The relationship between Yang Xiao and Wang Meng, other people in the company do not know, they still know, report to Wang Meng? Wang Meng doesn't care whether Yang Xiao comes to work or not!

"To whom?" Yang Xiao asked with a strange smile.

"Damn it Xu Lei said that she wanted to educate Yang Xiao seriously, but she was speechless by this guy.

In a hurry, Xu Lei raised her hand to beat Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao doesn't fight back either. Xu Lei's strength is not strong enough. It's just like massage to hit him. It's really comfortable to hit him with a little pink fist!

Yang Xiao couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy himself. He cocked up his legs and hummed a tune. Xu Lei out of gas, a look up to see Yang Xiao's appearance, a sullen and depressed in her chest. This, this villain!

I thought that Yang Xiaohui apologized to herself for not coming to work for a long time. No matter how he was his assistant, he turned a deaf ear to himself, which made her feel a little disappointed. As a result, this guy not only pretended to be nobody, but also closed his eyes and enjoyed a free massage!

"Yang Xiao! You, you Xu Lei gave a big drink, but she didn't know what to scold Yang Xiao, scum? No, no, he didn't do anything when he bathed himself, not scum. Pervert? Not either, hooligan? Lust? None of them! Damn, is my definition of bad man at such a point? For a moment, Xu Lei found that the man in front of her really didn't seem to have any shortcomings, which made her cheek turn red suddenly.

Yang Xiao also opened his eyes in a daze, pretending to be at a loss and asked: "this is me? What? "

"Go to hell!" Xu Lei is also so angry by Yang Xiao that she doesn't know what to say. She always feels that she has been teased by this guy! As soon as her eyes changed, her right fist was no longer directed at Yang Xiao. Instead, it was directed at Yang Xiao's "second younger brother.".

"Poof" Yang Xiao obviously didn't expect Xu Lei to hit that part. He didn't stop him. In the blink of an eye, the heartfelt pain spread all over Yang Xiao's body, and his cheeks began to swell.

"You, you are crazy!"

Seeing that the attack has finally worked, Xu Lei smiles at Yang Xiao Tiantian, pushes her chair back, and is about to leave. But maybe it was because she attacked there, which made her nervous. Her right high-heeled shoe suddenly tripped over the foot of the table. The whole body toward the side of a fall, head is about to hit the sharp corner of the desk.

Sitting in a chair, Yang Xiao quickly kicks away the desk that weighs dozens of kilograms. He tries to hold back the pain, and then flies over to help her. Because of the kick and flash, the balance of his body is difficult to control. In addition, his "second brother" is injured. Yang Xiao's chest is close to her back. After holding Xu Lei, they fall down together.

"Hiss - it's killing!" Yang Xiao's "second younger brother" is more painful because of such a fall. He can't help twisting his waist in the hope that he can take his "second younger brother" to do some exercise and relieve himself.

In Xu Lei's opinion, Yang Xiao's sports are like "obscene" strides at her. Suddenly, he blushes and thinks that this guy is really a sex wolf! Last time I peeked at my body, this time I took the opportunity to do this to myself! However, Yang Xiaogang just flew away, and her scene is still fresh in my mind. Her heart once again has a strange change in her feelings towards Yang Xiao.

After bumping into Yang Xiao for several times, she didn't want to settle the accounts with Yang Xiao. She quickly broke away from Yang Xiao's arms and bit her lip gently: "manager Yang, I'm leaving!" After that, he ran away like three steps and two steps

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