Luanjiang villas are located in the vast mountains in the suburbs of Kyoto.

In fact, this place is deserted, but who can know that it is actually located in the top villa group in Kyoto?

It's rare here because the road is hard to walk and there are not many tourists.

Although some people in Kyoto have been hoping to lay more roads and other infrastructure here, so as to develop these mountains into tourist attractions

But because of various reasons, but did not pass, so at this time here is still a primitive style.

In fact, many people can't figure it out. After all, if we develop it a little bit, it will certainly become a good tourist attraction. However, the government seems to be blind and is unwilling to develop it.

Ordinary people don't understand, but those who know a little more know the real situation.

That is, in this seemingly deserted mountains, there is actually a top villa group in Kyoto. Luanjiang villa.

The people who can get a house here can be regarded as the top families and figures in the whole Chinese area

It is precisely because the combined power of these people is too huge that the situation here is what it is now.

Although we know it's good to develop tourism here, no one is going to do it.


At this time, Yang Xiao was full of shock.

Because after long Xiaotian hung up the phone, they went out directly to go to Zhao Mingde's villa.

But long Xiaotian didn't choose to drive. Instead, he directly brought in an armed helicopter

When Yang Xiao saw the helicopter, he was stunned.

He really couldn't figure it out in his heart. He just went to Zhao Mingde's home. Why did he have to get such an armed helicopter?

But when Yang Xiao really saw this villa group in the towering mountains, just like a fairyland, the whole person understood it thoroughly.

It is surrounded by mountains everywhere, surrounded by wild mountains and ancient trees

Not to mention the road used for cars, even people are very rare.

To come to such a place, it is obvious that helicopters must be used.

But the shock in Yang Xiao's heart at this time could not be expressed by any words.

Obviously, he still underestimates the top Chinese families.

Originally, he thought that he could get a villa in the urban area of Jiangzhou, even if it was a very enjoyable thing.

But compared with today's, my villa is no different from the slum.

"Shocked, right?"

At this time, long Xiaotian, after seeing Yang Xiao's eyes, could not help sighing: "Yang Xiao, although you have good ability, your vision is still too narrow."

"In fact, the villas here are nothing at all. The real top aristocrats in the world are all directly contracted an island by themselves, and even directly armed an island."

"Have you ever seen a villa armed with such unconventional weapons as submarines, destroyers, bombers and artillery regiments?"

"You haven't, but I have."

"Even I know that there is a family that even built their villas directly under the real ocean."

Ah, ah!

At this time, after listening to long Xiaotian's words, Yang Xiao was immediately dumbfounded.

At this time, he really understood that he was really a bit of a sit in the air.

In the face of such a real top family, their own strength can be regarded as negligible.

In the shock of Yang Xiao, the armed helicopter he and long Xiaotian took finally landed in the apron of a luxury villa in the mountains.

When they are in the back garden of Zhao's villa, they can see Zhao Mingde, who is now a very old man, practicing Taiji sword in the back garden with a long sword in his hand.

When Yang Xiao saw this behind the scenes, his whole brain felt a little inadequate.

Although he was not able to be directly sure at this time, he felt that some of them were inseparable

That's the sword in Zhao Mingde's hand at this time. It's probably the so-called sword that can stand and break the chain in his hand.

But Zhao Mingde's performance at this time seems too deliberate.

It's necessary to show off in front of your own eyes.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Finally, Yang Xiao and long Xiaotian look at each other, but both of them can see wukenike in each other's eyes.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Mingde finished playing that set of sword skills. Then he yelled at Yang Xiao: "lift up your broken iron chain, and watch the old sword break the broken chain!"

Yang Xiao was stunned when he heard that Zhao Mingde was so worried. He was worried because of the situation.

After all, in order to laugh and think about it, it is estimated that Zhao Mingde and Zhao Mingde will at least have to wait until they have talked about the terms and conditions, and under his repeated requests, Zhao Mingde will solemnly invite this sword

But Yang Xiao didn't think of it. He didn't wait to talk about it. When he came, Zhao Mingde grabbed the sword in his hand.

Then I didn't even talk to myself, so I asked myself to lift up the iron chain in my hand, and cut the broken chain directly according to the situation?

How can Zhao Mingde be so kind?

However, today's Yang Xiao obviously has no time to consider so many problems, so he directly raises his iron chain.

After all, for Yang Xiao at this time, this broken iron chain has brought him enough distress.

So now that there is a chance to cut off this broken chain, it will be a natural thing for Yang Xiao.

Even if I know that Zhao Mingde will not help me for no reason, I also know that Zhao Mingde must have some backhand waiting for me.

But so what?

It's just that soldiers come to block, water comes to cover.

First of all, I'll take care of my broken chain, and then I'll talk about the next thing.

It was for this reason that Yang Xiaocai raised his hands high.

At this time, the sword in Zhao Mingde's hand is also cutting to the iron chain in a strong posture.


The big iron chain that made Yang Xiao and the whole dragon group helpless was broken by the sword.

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