When Lin xueru woke up the next morning, she was surprised to find that there was one more person in her family. A girl was lying lazily on the sofa, blinking her big eyes at herself.

"You, who are you?"

"Surprised to see me?" Sha Sha can't hide the smile in his eyes. "The acting is good."

Lin xueru was at a loss. "What's going on? How did you get in? "

"How else can I get in? Yang Xiao brought me back." Shasha saw Lin xueru's expression, and she didn't continue to talk about it. Since you like to play, you just have a lot of leisure!

"Yang Xiao brought you here?" Lin xueru's eyes seem to be changeable. Good Yang Xiao, you are no different from those smelly men!

"White" Shasha looked at Lin xueru with a smile, "it's rare to meet, or I'll show you my cooking skills at noon."

"White? White what white, don't shout, you want to do it, whatever you want Lin xueru said with disapproval, "I don't care about the relationship between you and Yang Xiao, but my name is Lin xueru. Don't give others a nickname blindly, although I'm really white."

"White, idiot..." Sasha turned her head and mumbled, then got up and ran to the kitchen. There was a clanging sound in the kitchen.

Is this guy going to tear down the house?!

After a long time, Yang Xiao, who is still in his sleep, is awakened by the sound of hitting the door heavily. He opens the door with his eyes narrowed, only to find that Lin xueru stares at him angrily.

"What are you doing! No one's going to sleep! "

"Sleep, sleep fart, you look at your little girl friend again do!"

"Little girl friend?" Yang Xiao is surprised, thinking that Lin xueru is not jealous? Just to argue, Lin xueru said again, "it's not impossible to find a girlfriend. I'm not your mother, so I don't care about you, but..." she angrily pulls Yang Xiao to the kitchen, and Yang Xiao is also surprised.

Since living with Lin xueru, Lin xueru has been cleaning the house, which is called accommodation cost labor. Although she disdains it, Lin xueru still keeps the house in good order, but she can't help admiring her. But now, the original clean kitchen

The broken dishes were all over the floor. Two small black fried fish were lying on the pan of the gas stove. There was a crack in the door of the microwave oven, and yellow juice flowed out of it. Yang Xiao came forward and took down the two vegetables hanging on the range hood. As soon as he slipped, he almost fell to the ground. Looking down, a large bottle of edible oil fell to the ground, and the liquid in it ran all over the ground.

"Well, what's the situation?"

"What's going on? Ask your little girl friend to go, fooling around for a long time, suddenly ran out and said to me, the rest is left to you, just lie down on the sofa to watch TV, give it to me, give it to me, I don't care, Yang Xiao, you solve it yourself! If the kitchen doesn't change back to its original appearance, you can clean it by yourself or let your little girl friend clean it The last sentence, Lin xueru is simply a sharp voice roar out, make Yang Xiao's eardrum a burst of pain.

Yang Xiao had never seen Lin xueru lose such a big temper before, so he had to coax him: "don't be angry. I'll clean it up. I'll clean it up. I'll calm down. Besides, this girl is not my girlfriend. I'll let her go later."

Lin xueru grinned and then turned her head again. "It's none of my business whether she's going away or not. I just hope she won't make trouble for me in the future!"

"Good, good!" Yang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Shasha also crowded into the kitchen. Yang Xiao glared at her and handed her a rag. "You can handle the mess you've made! Don't give me any trouble

"Oh" Shasha looks at Yang Xiao's angry face, so she has to nod and agree.

Lin xueru didn't know why she was suddenly in a good mood at the moment. She said to Sha Sha with a smile, "little girl, do a good job. I'll give it to you."

"Hum, why, it's not good to be young. In a few years like you, I'm afraid nobody wants to be young!" Sha Sha vomits his tongue at Lin xueru, and then buries himself in cleaning up the kitchen.


Yang Xiao's head began to grow, a woman is also OK, two women stay together how pure is a mess? He quickly pulled Lin xueru out of the kitchen, "don't quarrel, don't quarrel, soon it's a small matter, no one wants you, don't you still have me? Don't worry, don't worry. "

"Bah, you think it's beautiful!" When Lin xueru is white, Yang Xiao doesn't talk about it any more and goes back to his room.

Seeing that the gaffe finally subsided, Yang Xiao went into the kitchen again.

"When you're done here, you can go. Don't stay here."

"Go? Where to? "

"Where to? I don't care where you go, what you love, where you used to be, go back now! "

"But I, I don't want to go back." Sha Sha lowered her head with an aggrieved face, full of fog in her eyes.

"Hiss", looking at the poor girl's appearance, Yang Xiao can't help but move his heart, "quarrel with the family?"

"Well!" Shasha nodded heavily, "otherwise I was so late yesterday. Why did I stay outside?"

"But you can't live here either."

"Why, I can't live in this house?"

"No!" Yang Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment, "your family will worry about living here."

"Don't worry, they won't worry about me. I'll stay with you these days!"

"You Yang Xiao's head was very big because of this guy's unreasonable making trouble, and a evil smile gradually appeared on his face. "If you live here, hehe, how can I say I'm a man?"

"Hey hey" Shasha also showed a sly smile, "do whatever you want?"

Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy! Yang Xiao sighed in his heart and waved his hand just like he was out of breath. "You guy, what happened last night, shouldn't be your self directing and acting?"

"They don't do this kind of thing. They just happen to say that they haven't given you a good thank you. Otherwise, as you wish, they will agree with each other." With that, Shasha's big eyes gradually turned red and burst into tears.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Yang Xiao really can't stand this guy, "then stay with me for a week. After a week, you have to go. My family is not a charity, so we won't adopt stray cats and dogs."

"Hei hei" heard that Yang Xiao finally softened, Sha Sha laughed happily, and the original grievances and haze disappeared.

This girl, is she a movie star? This is the only thought in Yang Xiao's heart.

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