It was a clear morning, and the man was sleeping soundly in the quilt.

At a certain moment, a scream sounded, along with the water cup on the counter, the lines were also cracked, and the thin water lines oozed from the cracks. Bang! The sound of explosion, the man suddenly opened his eyes, tired eyes have a few blood, then, the man is full of anger and crazy vertical roar sounded: "do you want to sleep?"

It's been three days. Since that cute girl came into this house, he hasn't been able to sleep well for three days. These three days are really quiet. There is Fu Ning in Jiangzhou, and he takes care of many things. Yang Xiao thought he could be quiet for a while, but

Shasha wanted to make them peaceful. Really, she didn't mean to. She's been here for three days. Oh, no, the day that Earnshaw brought her was four days. For four days, she has been wearing a suit of clothes. She wanted to change a suit of clothes early this morning. This is not

Take a fancy to Lin xueru's fashionable goods.

Lin xueru plays a big lady's temper and doesn't care about her. However, Shasha sneaks into her room when she goes to the bathroom and forces her to get a set of white gauze skirt, which is Lin xueru's favorite.


This is not the main reason for the trigger of "lion roaring".

Lin xueru was not satisfied with the fact that she had stolen her own clothes. However, Sha Sha had her own opinion and cut out Lin xueru's white gauze skirt.

Lin xueru's figure is quite different from hers, and the size of her clothes is also different. Shasha is a delicate type, while Lin xueru is a mature and charming type. In order to make the dress fit, Shasha changed the white gauze skirt down by one size, which is not the point.

The neckline of the white gauze skirt is cut so that the neckline is wide open. From the neck to the belly, some delicate white ropes are used to tie the neckline. Among them, the snow-white is completely unstoppable. Gauze skirt is no longer gauze skirt, she cut into a short skirt, white flower's exquisite legs without omission highlighted.

The style has changed!

It's changed!

At the same time, it also makes Lin xueru angry with her.

Lin xueru, with her hands akimbo, rarely shows the fierce momentum that only the rent lady has. Her long legs are stepping on the sofa, and she glares at Sha Sha condescensively: "do you know, that's the out of print boutique I collected last summer, out of print, out of print, do you know the meaning of out of print?"

Sha Sha blinked his eyes. Shui Lingling's big eyes swept around his body and immediately said, "are you good-looking?"


Lin xueru couldn't stand it. The scream seemed to tear the space apart. The tea utensil on the tea table cracked. Shasha covered her ears with both hands and turned her eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking?

It was this scream that awakened Yang Xiao, a man who had never had a good sleep for several days.

Yang Xiao pushed out the door and wanted to question. Seeing him coming out, Shasha got up from the sofa, and regardless of Lin xueru's murderous eyes, she turned around in front of Yang Xiao, blinked, and said with a smile, "am I good-looking?"

What's behind this smile?

Yang Xiao certainly did not know, a pair of lazy eyes with her figure to turn non-stop, Adam's apple uncontrollable rolling for a while. It's just... It's just

"Yang Xiao..." before we can enjoy it, Lin xueru has broken the peace.

Yang Xiao is very angry and can't say anything. After all, it's his approval for Shasha to stay here for a few days. He has no reason to turn her out.

What's more?

I can't get rid of it!

Yang Xiao can't do it, but Lin xueru is different. Lin xueru stood in front of Yang Xiao and said aggressively, "I tell you, Yang Xiao is my man, this is his home, he is my man, so his home is my home. Now, right now, right now, get out of here."

The smile on Sha Sha's face was still bright, but a trace of abnormality flashed through his eyes. With a smile, he lay back on the sofa and chewed with a pile of snacks. He said carelessly, "if you want me to go, I'll go? It's so shameless. Originally, Miss Ben wanted to leave today, but since you said so, I'll try to make it difficult for her for seven days. "

While speaking, he twisted his waist, but the lazy action was full of infinite charm. Yang Xiaoyin could feel the fighting spirit hidden between them.

Lin xueruwu turns around and says to Yang Xiao, "Yang Xiao, you let her go."

Look at Shasha and Lin xueru. Yang Xiao doesn't know how to open his mouth. He promised to let her live for seven days. Can't he turn back? But if not, how can we get through Lin xueru?

The biggest headache is Yang Xiao.

After learning that the leader of the Qinglong Gang is Fu Ning, Yang Xiao also wants to be quiet for a few days. At the same time, he also wants to observe in secret. Fu Ning's words are not as simple as they seem, but these days, he hasn't touched the bottom at all.

What's more, it also makes the family "restless".

Yesterday, he also can't stand, shirk to go to work, thought that went to the company even finished, did not expect that without him, two people at home even fight up, make that call a stiff.

In the middle, it's Lin xueru who calls in.

At that time, he didn't care much about it, but when he got home, Yang Xiao felt palpitating. A home he had worked so hard to buy was almost destroyed.

It took a lot of time to recover.

Yang Xiao didn't answer for a long time. Looking out of the window, Lin xueru seemed to understand his mind. Dai Mei said angrily, "do you want to go to work?"

"How do you know?" Yang Xiao asked.

For his rhetorical question, Lin xueru and Shasha have no accident. These two days, when Yang Xiao is faced with such a choice, he almost always takes work as an excuse. Lin xueru and Sha Sha almost said in one voice: "if you want to go, why are you still in a daze?"

These words say, two people are again a burst of big eyes stare small eyes, water fire not allow.

Looking at this posture, it seems that Yang Xiao is just waiting for him to go out and fight for supremacy.

"If you want to quarrel, you can quarrel. It's all because of me. If I'm not here, you'll all feel better. Well, I'll go to work now. Wang Heng's place is also good. I'll go there quietly." Yang Xiao tone slightly heavy, took the clothes on the hanger, opened the door, go out of the back looks a little lonely.

Lin xueru's heart, can't help but some sour, immediately and mercilessly white Shasha one eye.

Sand desert does not care to continue to eat snacks, silly Meng looks like not feeling the changes of the outside world in general, just chewing snacks moment, can not help but slow down.

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