"You mean Mr. Kim sent his secretary to talk business with you in person on the condition that I would attend the dinner tonight?" Yang Xiao flatly confirmed a sentence.

"The boss is wise." Wang Meng on the other end of the phone trying to please, "this is not relying on my boss's power?" Wang Meng knows that Yang Xiao, who won the championship in Jiangzhou boxing championship, is the only one that Jin Laoer can like.

It's a boxing match in Jiangzhou city. Although it's only the first in the amateur group, the last fight is amazing. Yang Xiaoba was supposed to be the final of a fierce fight. I don't know if it was David's intentional operation. He was publicized by the outside world and quickly solved it with just a few moves.

You know, Jiangzhou is a prosperous city in economy and trade. There are many rich people who cherish their lives. Underground fighters like this don't fight to death. Such a running dog deserves to spend a lot of money.

In other words, don't underestimate the amateur boxers. The first prize in the professional group of Jiangzhou city can fully attract the attention of the whole country. Gold owners of such level as Jin Laoer can completely despise them. Jiangzhou amateur group first, but also has a legendary decisive battle, really can let Jiangzhou king old two attention.

"I see. I'll be there."

"OK, I'll come to pick you up later."

Wang Meng left a boss, there is a right old shout, not to mention more cordial. But Wang Meng did not know that Yang Xiao had his own worries. Wang Meng doesn't know Yang Xiao's true identity. Yang Xiao is not afraid of anything else. What he is afraid of is that his identity has been exposed. Yang Xiao is really worried about the safety of these friends, Lin xueru, whom he has not seen for a few days, and Xu Lei, who can not tell the truth.

This time, I may have lost a lot. However, Yang Xiao understood that his ability was so strong that he could not have shrunk in this small world. It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse.


"Dinner tonight? Take me

Xu Lei, who was not in the same line with Yang Xiao just now, suddenly stood in front of Yang Xiao. I don't know how she heard Yang Xiao calling in the office. She knew that there was a dinner party this evening. She had already communicated with Wang Meng.

"You little girl took the wrong medicine?" Why can't Yang Xiao believe it? Xu Lei, a wonderful woman who hates smoking and drinking, came here just because she doesn't like to socialize and wants to find a formal job. With her bad dinner experience last time, she asked Yang Xiao to accompany her this time.

"What's the matter? There are two hidden in your house. Are you going to hook up three or four? " Xu Lei said in a strange voice, "manager Yang, aren't you afraid that you will drink too much and delay your work? What's more, if you two men go at the same time, are you not afraid that others will say that you're a faggot? "

Don't say, Xu Lei, dressed in formal clothes, is charming. Even if it is said so strange words, from her exquisite mouth, with a pleasant voice to spit out, no less than the impact of the direct Jiao Chuan of those Island movie stars.

Yang Xiao's bones are going to be soft.

"Well, follow. Many servant girls, our company is not stingy

Yang Xiao looks at Xu Lei's triumphant appearance and pours a basin of cold water on her.

"Yang Xiao!"

Xu Lei's eyes suddenly stare up. Chest forward prostrate, take a deep breath, a folder brought fell on Yang Xiao's desk“ I'm going to change. "

After that, she glanced at Yang Xiao's casual sportswear again, "you should change your clothes first. Do you know where the dinner party is tonight? The first restaurant in Jiangzhou, Marriott International Hotel. I'm afraid manager Yang's clothes will disgrace our company. You won't be able to get in then. "

Xu Lei is also kind-hearted, but at the bottom of her heart, she still can't stand Yang Xiao's way of being a villain. In his own way, he returned his own. Who let him say that he was a servant girl! How to say, I have to be the master's family, how can I be a servant girl.

Xu Lei thought to herself, her face turned red and bashful.

Yang Xiao listen to Xu Lei so damage his man's prestige, that also got“ I'll wear this sportswear. Don't you believe me. I'm an international brand of Nike. When the watchdog sees me, he can't get down? "

"Just brag hard." Xu Lei doesn't care whether this guy's mouth is true or false. Anyway, her face is as red as monkey's ass, so she doesn't want to stay with him at all.

Besides, if she stays any longer, Xu Lei is afraid that Yang Xiao will find out what is really on her mind. Yang Xiao didn't know that Xu Lei's hand had been hiding behind the bottom of her skirt and clenched tightly into a fist. Occasionally, a strange color flashed in his eyes. But cleverly by her and Yang Xiao's fight cover up the past.

"Remember to change!"

Xu Lei hurried out of Yang Xiao's office, and did not forget to remind Yang Xiao before she left.

Marriott International Hotel is one of the best chain hotels in China.

Although Huaxia is still only in the position of developing Huaxia, it is obviously the leader of developing Huaxia. Cities like Jiangzhou are among the best in the world.

Marriott International Hotel, which is ranked by Forbes China, is a luxury private hotel built by the richest gold owners. May day, who can live there, is not an official, noble or merchant.

The company for ordinary people is only a few thousand yuan a month. The price for a night here is five or six thousand yuan. It's not the best Suite Villa, just the ordinary standard room. Of course, the most common standard room that can live in is also common to everyone.

The dinner party for Mr. Kim is held in this Marriott International Hotel. It covers the banquet hall on the second floor of Marriott.

curtain of night.

On the other side of Ganjiang bridge in Jiangzhou, the busiest commercial street in Jiangzhou. These international famous brands are shown on the LED large screen one after another, and most of the "big brands" on this large screen are "people friendly" prices. Ordinary people only need to save one or two months' wages to take them home.

The real big brands are located under these big screens, with huge logos. The first floor has a huge facade, but there are few people inside. From the glass, you can see only a few upright waiters. There is a sharp contrast between the crowd outside and the loneliness inside.

But it can't be denied that these are the real big names. What they are waiting for is the real local tyrants.

Although Jiangzhou is the world trade center and a business district like this is full of luxury cars, today is different. There are a lot of good cars in succession. No, they are luxury cars. They pass by here. The number is three times as many as usual.

Some direct luxury cars directly stop at the door of the big brand of floor glass in the commercial street. People outside can see that a lady with sunglasses and shining brightly comes out from here. Before they can see her face, she is taken away by some Mercedes Benz and BMW Maserati.

Their destination today is the Marriott International Hotel not far from the commercial street.

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