This is totally different from what I thought before.

Today's Lin xueru should have a very clear premonition about this matter, and now he is just giving himself a last chance?

How could things have come to this?

Now Yang Xiao's heart is obviously ten thousand don't understand, after all, this matter with his heart expected the result is too far away.

Looking at now angry, even want to directly rushed to kill his own Lin xueru, Yang Xiao almost brain explosion.

What's going on here?

So it is just after thinking of this that Yang Xiao can't help but focus his eyes on Xu Lei beside Lin xueru.

Obviously, in today's situation, only Xu Lei, the woman who called herself, knew what had happened.

But now Xu Lei, although she also saw Yang Xiao's eyes, after her eyes twinkled for a while, she turned her eyes and looked at other places. She didn't want to see Yang Xiao again.

Although actually at this time, Xu Lei also wants to remind Yang Xiao, but she is obviously not willing to annoy Lin xueru in this situation.

After all, she herself is very clear. Although Yang Xiao is the master when she is outside, if she really comes back to this home, it is Lin xueru who is the master in front of her.

Now that he's at home, it's obvious that he'd better listen to Lin xueru. As for Yang Xiao's words, he can become whatever he likes, which has nothing to do with himself.

But today's Yang Xiao doesn't know this, so after seeing Xu Lei ignore himself, he suddenly feels that the world is gray.

Of course, although he didn't know what Xu Lei was thinking, most of them were clear.

It is obvious that Lin xueru is the real boss in her family. It is understandable that Xu Lei is not willing to help herself at this stage.


Thinking of this, Yang Xiao couldn't help sighing.

What kind of thing is this.

Facing the angry Lin xueru at this time, now Yang Xiao obviously has no way.

He doesn't know what he should do now to calm down Lin xueru a little bit.

Even he didn't know why Lin xueru was angry at this time, and what was it

This is helpless.

Therefore, it is in this helpless situation that Yang Xiao can only use the most primitive way to rush directly to pick up Lin xueru, and decides to use this spirit of pestering and fighting, and that the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water

After all, no matter what to do in the end, it is obvious that Lin xueru will be left behind now, right?

Obviously, it's normal.

If I really let Lin xueru go now, then I want to coax him back in the future. It's impossible.

So at this time, Yang Xiao is really coaxing Lin xueru, while his brain is constantly asking himself, where is the problem, why the situation has become this situation?

Obviously, at this time, Yang Xiao didn't understand at all. How did he get to this situation?

After all, in today's situation, isn't Lin xueru already aware of Fu Zijia?

But at this time, the development of the matter has obviously been completely out of Yang Xiao's control, so in the end, he obviously can only put it down for a while, and began to think about how to stabilize Lin xueru first.

Time goes by.

In the spirit of Yang Xiao, who is not afraid of happy hot, Lin xueru's spirit has gradually stabilized.

Finally, after she slapped Yang Xiao in the face, she ran directly to her room and slammed it shut.

Yang Xiao felt helpless.

Obviously, he didn't know whether he needed to rush to Lin xueru's room to appease her?

Although Yang Xiao himself wants to rush in directly, after all, now Yang Xiao is very worried about her.

But after a little consideration, Yang Xiao finally chose to give up.

After all, in today's situation, it is obvious that Yang Xiao himself actually knows that Lin xueru really needs a little time to calm down for a while, so that he can think about it.

If you really rush in now, maybe the final result is not what you want to see.

After all, Lin xueru is very reluctant to see herself now. If she really chooses to rush in now, maybe Lin xueru's mood, which had calmed down a little, will become strong instead

Therefore, it is precisely after figuring out this point that Yang Xiao finally gave up the plan completely.

forget it.

Let Lin xueru calm down for a while.

Yang Xiao finally sighed in his heart, and then focused on Xu Lei again.

And now Xu Lei very much himself also very want to avoid, but finally in Yang Xiao stern look, but still helpless sigh.

"Well, Yang Xiao, don't stare at me so directly. Can't I just tell you?"

Today's Xu Lei, obviously in Yang Xiao's eyes, could not control herself, so she finally chose to compromise, and then said helplessly: "in fact, it's all my fault. This morning, everyone was idle and bored, so I made a bet with sister Lin xueru."

"I bet Yang Xiao that when you come back this time, you will definitely bring a sister back in addition to Aoye shoumeijiang."

"But sister Lin xueru doesn't believe it. She finally chooses to believe that you will keep her promise."

"That's why we finally decided that I would call you in person and call you back to see which of us guessed more accurately!"

"Although sister Lin xueru already knows that you have made the train, she still thinks that she is about to announce her disappearance, which gives you a sense of tension..."

"Then, after you suddenly came to your home, without knowing what happened, sister Lin xueru suddenly asked you a question."

"Because people are actually the easiest to tell the truth in this situation, so..."

Xu Lei now after these words, can't help sighing at Yang Xiao.

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