Magician, it's just as hard to be ruthless as it is to be cold.

The four men in black seem to have insight into the opportunities, and they are a little familiar with the moves of several people, or so powerful that they can directly take on the moves of several capable people in Jiangzhou. The most terrible thing is that even Yang Xiao can't see any way to these people's moves.

"Be careful." The magician is in the direction of the north, and merciless two people are not far away, but it is obvious that they were defeated by the man in black, they can only resist, but they are close together. The magician stepped forward and blocked the back of a big knife.

"Thank you." Ruthless frown, hand is still busy, hand holding ruthless whip around, like a snake.

Even if he waved the whip mercilessly and quickly, he couldn't touch the body of the man in black. Every time he was chopped back by the man in black with a big knife.

"I can't see their way. These people are terrible." Cold eyes try to get close to the two people, cold eyes have been flashing dark red light, the current one-on-one, it seems that cold eyes can still be handy, the means to clamp down on people in black.

"I can't get close." The magician gave the cold eye a positive answer.

Yang Xiao is more difficult to deal with. In front of him, the man in black is not only imperceptible, but also difficult to deal with the bayonets from all directions.

It's easy to hide a sword in the open, but it's hard to defend it in the dark. Yang Xiao has some difficulty facing the people in black.

There seems to be some rhythm in the body method of the man in black. After five or six bayonets from the man in black, Yang Xiaocai affirmed his idea. At the moment, his shoulder has been scratched by a bayonet. Fortunately, he is not a vegetable eater. The man in black can only stand in a stalemate all the time. It's impossible to take Lin Xiao down with such skill.

Yang Xiao scanned the distance between the six bayonets on the ground. What if he extended the center line of the six bayonets in the opposite direction? Yang Xiao doesn't believe in this evil. If there is such a silent and unstoppable way of footwork, it's really killing people.

The next knife of the man in black is coming down from the last bayonet. In Yang Xiao's eyes, his figure is like a slow motion, passing slowly in front of Yang Xiao's eyes.

The scene before Yang Xiao's eyes seemed to slow down, but his hand speed was not slow at all. The left hand quickly blows, raises 45 degrees angle, quickly swings out, hits the right chest of the man in black all of a sudden.

The man in black jumped up to Yang Xiao's right side, and was hit on his right chest. His whole body trembled, spewed out a mouthful of dark blood and fell to the ground.

This is far from the end. Although the man in black hit the trick, he responded quickly. For example, he rolled several rolls on the left side and followed the trend out of the range of Yang Xiao's next punch.

Avoiding Yang Xiao's second punch, he quickly picked up the sword on the ground and flew out a bayonet in the direction of Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao didn't notice it and had no time to react, so he had to rush to the ground. But the speed of the bayonet is still too fast. Just now, there is a deep cut under the shallow scratch.

Yang Xiao's side is still in a stalemate. The magician is ruthless and cold-hearted. The three people have been surrounded.

"Pay attention to their pace." Cold corner of the eye has shed a trace of dark red blood, but even in the moonlight, this dark red is not eye-catching, a few people did not care to find.

"OK, change the formation." Ruthless has been surrounded by two people in the middle, forced by cold eyes and magicians, they have some overdraft.

Cold eyes toward the magician made a look, "change formation."

It seems that the magician flashed over to the cold position, but deliberately raised his hand to the man in black in front of him and hit him on the chin. It's time for the magician to witness the miracle. His magic hands, somehow, have already removed the black mask of the man in black. With a strong pull, the black mask falls.

The magician's move did succeed, but the cost was not small. Originally, standing in a cold position, he suddenly came out empty, and was pushed to this position mercilessly. In addition, she was kicked in the abdomen by the man in black who flew out of the air.

And the magician himself is not easy. Under the mask he pulled down, what he saw was not the face of a real person, but a strange mask. The mask was like a devil and a demon, and the strangest thing was that there seemed to be a black and silver dragon on the mask.

The cost of pulling down the veil was not small. The man in black who was pulled the mask fell back and waved the big knife in the air, which hit the magician's chest. The magician's back was soaked by the blow.

At the same time, Yang Xiao took off the veil.

On Yang Xiao's side, Yang Xiao's Dragon catching hand is like a tiger. When he meets the way of the man in black's steps, he suddenly holds the way to catch the man in black.

After several fights with the man in black, he almost took down the veil of the man in black at the same time as the magician. What also makes Yang Xiao strange is the mask that looks like magic and demon, and the black and silver dragon on the mask.

How could he be so cautious? Yang Xiao didn't expect that he couldn't find out their true features. It was hard to win the four.

A long whistle suddenly sounded on the slope of LvHua forest. I don't know where it came from. Maybe it was in the mouth of the man in black in front of Yang Xiao's eyes. In short, there was no direction.


The three magicians didn't get any advantage at all, and they were still at a disadvantage. However, hearing the whistle, the three men in black chose to retreat without hesitation.

"Poof -" as soon as the three men in black left, a big mouthful of blood came out of their cold eyes, leaving two tears in their eyes. They pressed their hands on the ground to support their bodies.

"Is cold eye OK?" Although ruthless himself is not easy, but obviously, coldness is much more painful than him, overdraft is excessive.

Cold eye shook his head, indicating that he was ok, wiped two tears with his sleeve, and quickly ran to Yang Xiao“ Head, do you want to chase

Cold eyes seem confident that they can find the whereabouts of these people now.

Yang Xiao secretly exclaimed at the abilities of these capable people in Jiangzhou. As expected, they were all capable people with a few brushes“ Retreat. We can't help each other. "

Yang Xiao went to the ground and picked up the bayonet left by the man in black just now. As Yang Xiao saw, there was a dark silver dragon on the bayonet.

What is the origin of these people? Yang Xiao squints at the dark green forest in the distance. It seems that they are also being watched.

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