Yang Xiao has been busy with the treasure of LvHua forest these two days. He hasn't come to the hospital to see Xu Lei who is still unconscious on the bed.

He always felt that Xu Lei had to bear a lot of responsibility when she became what she is now. Yang Xiao has been blaming himself for not finding Xu Lei earlier.

From the private hospital, Yang Xiao rushed to the first people's Hospital of Jiangzhou city. Xu Lei was in a coma all the time.

Lin xueru has been guarding Xu Lei's bed for four or five days. Xu Lei's family can't get in touch with her. Yang Xiaoneng found Xu Lei's file from the company. It's just Xu Lei's rented house in Jiangzhou. Xu Lei seems to live alone. Now that this happened, there is no one to guard her bed.

No one asked Lin xueru to keep the bed for Xu Lei, but Lin xueru also has her own guilt for Xu Lei. I'm afraid no one can explain how this guilt came.

"Go back and have a rest."

The ward is not high-grade. Although it is one of the few popular single rooms in the hospital, compared with the private ward of the private hospital arranged by Jin Laoer for mad dogs, it is simply shabby.

Lin xueru is quietly leaning on the wall beside the bed, reading a book.

The room is very small, and the bed is only a small distance from the wall. Lin xueru opened the window of the ward, the afternoon sun just came down, hit Lin xueru's book, face.

Lin xueru is so quiet that she doesn't have to be the domineering imperial sister when she was a child. She is also totally different from Lin xueru who has met again in recent days. From Yang Xiao's point of view, Lin xueru was not the mayor's daughter who was enjoying a myriad of auras, nor was she the talented woman who saw things thoroughly and was full of clever ideas. At this time, Lin xueru just wanted a simple, extremely vulnerable and sensitive girl.

"Here you are?" Lin xueru moved her eyes away from the book she was reading and grinned at Yang Xiao“ I'm just here. I'm not at ease. For four or five days, Xu Lei is still like this. "

Lin xueru's bloody face turned pale again and shook her head.

"Go back and have a rest. I'll watch." Yang Xiao is a little worried. Lin xueru is even worse for him.

Lin xueru looks at Yang Xiao's insistence. At ordinary times, she is afraid that she will not stop thinking about other places happily. But at this time, she doesn't have the strength.

"Well, I'll bring you dinner this evening." Li xueru nodded.

In fact, both of them don't need to be here. It's been four or five days. Xu Lei's chance of waking up is extremely small. If Xu Lei wakes up, the doctors and nurses in the hospital will call them as soon as possible. The two of them are not related to each other. Xu Lei knows that if she can do this, she is afraid that it will only increase her self blame and burden.

Xu Lei is lying quietly in the hospital bed, just like she used to be. Compared with a few days ago, the face more ruddy luster, but the corners of the mouth are still some white. She is like a beauty, waiting for the prince's kiss in the fairy tale to wake up, if you know her story, anyone will feel pity for her.

Yang Xiao sat on the stool where Lin xueru had just got up and left. He frowned tightly and didn't know what he was thinking. He couldn't be relieved.

Even he, who is known as the No.1 murderer in Jiangzhou, has so many thorny problems that he can't solve.

"Xu Lei, wake up quickly. I still need you." Yang Xiao's voice faintly reverberated in the room, but there was nothing in the ward. What could reverberate to Yang Xiao was the dripping normal saline.

Huadu, underground boxing.

Yang Xiao didn't come to the underground boxing ring to have a look after the reporter's interview that day. He did not know that after these days of publicity, the Red Star Club's reputation has already spread.

No, David and Gangzi are receiving a woman from the sun kingdom. She said that she was a famous boxer on behalf of the sun Kingdom, who came to red star to fight in the afternoon.

"Miss Shajing." David's eyes were a little congested and excited.

It is only under his wise leadership that such brilliant achievements have been made. There is no amateur boxing club that can be challenged by the boxers in the world, or in the following battles rather than in the form of competition. This is the first step of his one-year plan to make great progress.

"Mr. David."

The woman of the sun Kingdom, who was made Miss Shajing by David, was wearing a kimono and clogs, and she was still making a sound when she walked. Miss Shajing was surrounded by several sun warriors in suits and came to the Red Star Club to find David.

"This is where our boxers fight."

Shajing is the kind of beauty in the sun country that Chinese people can appreciate. There is often news in the sun kingdom that it is rare to see the most beautiful women in a century, but most of those women, in the eyes of Chinese people, or in the eyes of Chinese otaku men, are just the objects who can practice left-right fighting.

But the Shajing in front of David's eyes was different. His face was small, his lips were red and his teeth were white, his eyebrows were beautiful, and he was dignified and generous. More importantly, the big cup of Shajing is completely in line with the Chinese aesthetic.

David's attitude towards beauty has always been different. At this time, David is enjoying his inner ecstasy and spiritual satisfaction.

"It's beautiful." The soft words came out of the mouth of the manhole, which made David enjoy himself.

"Of course." David patted his chest, full of pride, "our red star, although it is only an amateur boxing club at present, the strength, ability and all the facilities of boxers are built according to the standard professional boxing club."

"I've been in China for some time, and I've heard about the reputation of Red Star Club for a long time." Shajing bowed to David, looking respectful and polite. "This time, we're here to fight against the elite fighters of China. We've heard about the reputation of Jiangzhou red star. On behalf of Zuo Lisha, I'm officially fighting for the Red Star Club."

The obedience of the women in the sun kingdom is really emanating from their bones, with a bit of enchanting atmosphere, which makes David's blood boil.

"Miss Shajing, you Mr. Zuo Lisha are so modest and progressive. How can a world-famous taiyangguo boxer like him come to our small place?" Although David said that in his mouth, the light in his eyes fully expressed his excitement and confidence.

Zuo Lisha is a character. Of course, he doesn't exaggerate as much as he says. The internationally famous taiyangguo boxer is a rising star in the professional boxing world of taiyangguo. He said that just to give both sides full face?

However, no matter what, Zuo Lisha is a professional boxer. In recent years, he has sprung up in the boxing world of sun country. It is a great honor for the amateur club that he can play in the field.

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