"Come on Huaxia, great China will win!"

"Red star, red star, red star!"

"Chinese power, Chinese power!"

There are no empty seats around Huadu underground boxing ring. Even if David has arranged nearly 100 more seats than usual this time, he can only see the virtual shadow on the boxing ring at a distance, which does not affect everyone's enthusiasm at all.

"Welcome to the challenge of sun country professional boxer Zuo Lisha and Red Star Club." All of a sudden, the light dimmed down and shone on the host standing in the ring.

The host is about 30 years old and is also in a period of vigorous blood. He is also a boxer before red star, but he has not played in these years. This time, he is also the host of this cross international competition.

"Red Star! The Red Star! Red Star

In response to the enthusiastic voice of the audience, the ring hit a shining fireworks, all of a sudden the audience's cry more intense, emotion to a small climax.

"As we all know, it is Zuo Lisha, a well-known professional boxer who has just finished the boxer's name Series in mordu a few days ago, who proposed red star to fight for red star this time." With the rise and fall of the voice of male supporters, the voice of the audience is also endless.

"Zuo Lisha, Zuo Lisha!"

"Zuo Lisha, the new generation champion of the sun Kingdom, is a well-known new generation boxer of the sun Kingdom who has won the title of the professional boxer of the sun Kingdom and the champion of the new generation group. This time, he came to China to compete on behalf of Japanese professional boxers. In this first stop, I chose the Red Star Club which just won the champion in Jiangzhou boxing competition. "

"Red star, red star, red star!"

Obviously, the voice of red star is much higher than that of Zuo Lisha.

"And this time, the representative of the Red Star Club --" the host stopped at the moment with great skill, making the mood of the masses reach a small climax again“ Yang Xiao, the boxer who won the final championship for red star

"Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao!" The audience gave the host face very much. Although most of them were present, they didn't know who Yang Xiao was. But those who have heard of Yang Xiaona's record in the final World War I have all stood up and cheered.

"Next, let's get the boxers out."

With the end of the host's introduction, Yang Xiao and Zuo Lisha came out from both sides of the ring at the same time. What they received was the applause of the audience.

Yang Xiao stood in the ring, calm and restrained. He was quietly watching the professional boxer from the sun country. If change to do in the past any time, Yang Xiao is impossible to promise to come down this to break into the competition.

This kind of professional boxer generally looks down on amateur clubs. He can't challenge them with good intentions unless he has a special purpose. Besides, he is not good enough to compete with Yang Xiao because of his general ability. In the past, Yang Xiao would not even take a look at these two situations.

But these days, Yang Xiao needs to vent. He needs this kind of fight to wake up his sleeping fighting spirit.

Sun country rookie? Standing in the ring, Yang Xiao's aura has changed. This is the boxing ring. No matter what the opponent's strength is, Yang Xiao will take every match seriously.

Yang Xiao is looking at the Zuo Lisha in front of him. Of course, he knows that Zuo Lisha is also examining himself.

1.7 in the ring is very dominant, stable footwall. At the first sight of Zuo Lisha, Yang Xiao made a judgment.

What makes Zuo Lisha different is that his left hand is thicker than his right hand. Yang Xiao estimates that his left hand is stronger than his right hand. It's not common in the ring.

With strong calf muscles and obvious muscle lines, Yang Xiao is afraid that he can't benefit from his bounce and explosive strength.

Just a few eyes, Yang Xiao made a judgment on the rise of the sun country. It's hard to deal with, but it can. He also knows that the other party is afraid of this conclusion.

Neither of them despised the other.

"Take your place, the PK of Zuo Lisha and Yang Xiao, the red star of China, officially begins."

With the sound of the referee's bell, the two officially began the game, attack and defense.

Yang Xiao, however, didn't take it lightly. He stood at attention, with his left foot as wide as his shoulder, his palms closed to his waist, his hands clasped, and his left foot half stepped forward to form a straight step from right to left.

Zuo Lisha did not panic and stood firm.

Maybe the two people have made a simple judgment on the stage, and the scene is not stalemate for a long time. Zuo Lisha first attacked Yang Xiao.

Zuo Lisha strode forward, the center of gravity left, a come up to Yang Xiao to a fierce move. He lifted up his right knee, put his hands on both sides of his abdomen, and quickly pulled out his knee to push Yang Xiao's abdomen.

Yang Xiao was calm and steady. His body tilted slightly. He let Zuo Lisha hit his knee on his side bone, and his body didn't move. He took advantage of the situation to lift out his fist. His left hand turned into an eight character palm and passed the outside of his right arm, like a left arm embracing his hand. His left hand grasped the fist of his right hand and wanted to give Zuoli Sha a top knee fight.

Zuo Lisha's reaction was not slow at all. He quickly made the corresponding judgment and took a few steps back selectively to dissolve the strength on the body.

In this short one minute, Yang Xiao and Zuo Lisha made moves one after another, which made the audience exclaim.


"Do you think Yang Xiao can do it? I've heard that Zuo Lisha has won the Japanese professional boxing championship. Red star is an amateur club. I'm afraid it's just a little fight, isn't it? Do you think it's going to be a paid reality show? "

A woman nestles in a man's arms. She comes here to accompany her boyfriend to join in the fun.

"How could it be a reality show? You know, if you want to make a show, you also need to invite those real talents and celebrities from the United States. This Zuo Lisha is not very famous in China and has no show effect. "

The man hugged his girlfriend and yelled even louder.

"Why do you look so hard, and how can you just elbow back and forth?" Girlfriend some puzzled, just like looking at neuropathy, disdain to look at his boyfriend and around these people as abnormal excitement.

"It's not a simple back and forth elbow! This pace, this strength! " The man's eyes shine with emotion“ You see, it's only a minute. They've already gone through several moves. The strength and time of the elbow is a test of reaction and boxing ability. It's not easy to be two. "

Girlfriend obviously did not put the man's words in mind, "then you say who will win? Is that so mysterious? It must be the professional boxer. I've never heard of Yang or something. "

The man didn't pay attention to the woman's words and said perfunctorily, "this man is awesome. With only a few moves, he solved the final battle of Jiangzhou boxing match. Don't talk nonsense. " Immediately did not pay attention to his girlfriend, shouting: "Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao!"

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