Capone Becky didn't respond, but just took a long puff of his cigar. After a long time, a large stream of thick smoke spurted out from his nostrils, completely covering Becky's face in the smoke.

"……Aeron, you are a great leader."Capone Becky looked at the sailboat that had shrunk to a small dot on the sea level in the distance, and seemed to be talking to himself:

"But you shouldn't leave me alive and try to conquer me... I hope the 'King of Zombies' won't destroy your body too badly. Your head will be the most perfect collection worth showing off in my life!"

He laughed sadly twice, and then fell into a lonely silence again, just walking silently in the direction of the 'Coral' headquarters in Alghero town.

"Here we go, kids, 'Coral' is ours."

The night wind howled, and the moon was extraordinarily round tonight.


Capone Becky, wearing an off-white coat, pushed the iron door of the 'Coral' headquarters manor, only to find that it was not locked at all.

The guard also Not here...forget it, just in time to avoid making a fuss. Capone Becky puffed out a puff of cigar smoke and walked slowly across the spacious manor lawn towards the luxurious mansion of the headquarters.

One after another, black shadows continued to pass by Becky Appearing next to them were members of the 'Capone Gang' who should have been dismissed long ago! They quietly surrounded the headquarters building, each one heavily armed.

"Leave 5 swordsmen in my castle. Capone Becky ordered with sinister eyes:"Except for Little Bain's Team 6, the other 40 musketeers are on standby at the 'chest suspension bridge'. Gotti and the heavy firearms team are guarding the 'hand' The gate's place. The remaining people guarded the headquarters and not a single fly was allowed to escape."

Kick, kick, kick...

At this time, there was a sound of feet at the door of the headquarters building, and then the door was pushed open from the inside. It was Krasner wearing a black coat and holding a civilized staff.

Krasner's right hand Carrying a twisting sack, he threw the sack at the feet of Capone Beki.

"It was this guy who secretly informed you and Guntail Suleiman to find the right opportunity to ambush Boss Aeron, right, Becky?"Kransner's face no longer had the smile of the past, only cold anger remained.

Without even looking at the struggling sack at his feet, Capone Becky took out his musket and fired two shots at the sack. The sack jerked violently, and then there was no movement. Soon, the lawn was wet with the blood that kept pouring out.

"Hum...Kransner. The eyes under Capone Becky's hat became colder:"Although I have already guessed your answer, I still have to ask - do you want to join my army?""

Kransner picked up the civilized staff and slowly pulled out the double-edged fencing sword hidden in it:"You know exactly how I will answer...Don't embarrass yourself too much, Becky."

"……Stupid decision. Capone Becky's eyes were a little disappointed:"You are the only one in 'Coral' that I can talk to best. I thought we could become very good friends.""

"Can't you see this unmatched disparity in military strength? Don't be silly, Klansner, 'Coral' is doomed today no matter what! Capone Becky suddenly became excited and shouted loudly:"Do you know what is waiting for Aeron in Bellfall Village!" ? The fate of him and those two chicks will be worse than death! And 'Coral' will be destroyed by my own hands, and then the new 'Capone Gang' will rise again from the ashes of 'Coral'! Come to me, the position of second boss of the 'Capone Gang' is yours!"

Kransner held the sword in his left hand with the tip down, and calmly watched Capone Becky venting his emotions. After Becky finished speaking, he said:"Becky, Boss Ellen is my benefactor, and he is also my benefactor. The great leader whom I swore to risk my life to follow to the end. I don't want to continue chatting with traitors like you anymore. Come on, let's fight to the death with real swords and guns."

Capone Becky made several cruel sneers:"Forget it, it's not worth getting angry for a fool like you... Kill him!"The surrounding Capone gang members who were closest to Klansner raised their swords and howled as they swarmed forward, only to see several sword lights flashing in front of their eyes. Then these people all fell to the ground, and blood gushed out from under their bodies. blood

"Dream Song·Dance of Fire."

Kransner held the sword in his left hand, gently pinched the tip of the sword with his right hand, and moved his feet forward and back like a preparation before the dance music started.

"I almost forgot, you said that one of your ancestors once served as the captain of the guard of the Kingdom of Elu. Although he later went to sea, his superb swordsmanship was passed on to the clan, and you even improved it."

Capone Becky clapped perfunctorily, and wanted to continue to taunt a few more words, but he saw Krasner exerting force under his feet, and a swift stab came straight towards him.

"Serenade·Three-step dance!"

At the same time, gunfire rang out! Several drawbridges appeared on Becky's chest, and a row of musketeers half-knelt inside, shooting at Kransner at the same time!

Klansner sideways avoided several lead bullets, But there was still a streak of blood on the side of his waist. The power of his sword continued unabated, and he stabbed straight into Becky's throat.


Accompanied by a harsh friction sound, the double-edged fencing sword in Krasner's hand could not penetrate the card at all. In the flesh of Peng Beki's throat, he felt as if he had stabbed a sword into the thick castle wall.

"Humph...Kransner, you idiot. Capone Becky sneered and puffed out a burst of smoke, grinning and taunting:"Last time, that bitch Perona almost blew me up half to death with more than 10,000 ghost bombs. Do you think I wouldn't think of developing Strong City?" The fruit’s defensive capabilities? Thanks to that girl, now I can say that no one except Aeron can break my defense!"

As he said that, Capone Becky took out his musket and put it against Krasner's forehead:"Then, it's time to say goodbye, Krasner."

But before he could shoot, an old voice came from the headquarters gate:"It's time to give up, Krasner. Capone

Becky turned to look at the door and found the elusive old man Windrew. He was holding a musket engraved with golden patterns in his hand, aiming straight at Capone Becky.

Windrew Behind her was Nicole Robin. She was a little nervous at the moment, holding a phone in her hands and raising it in front of her plump chest. The phone bug's eyes were looking at Capone Becky casually, but her face turned into a smile. gentle expression of care

" is that possible?"Capone Becky's face was full of horror. Only now did he truly understand the word 'frightened and angry'.

His secret plan to hoard troops was executed flawlessly! His secret contact with the 'Zombie King' didn't even go through the phone. Chong, how could this kid find out!


"Ah, I knew it when I saw your expression. Are you thinking, 'How could this kid find out? Unless he has the ability to predict the future! ',Is it right?"The phone bug turned on the hands-free function, and the familiar voice with a hint of sarcasm in it was like a devil's whisper in Capone Becky's ears.

" already knew my plan?" Capone Becky's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the men around him also flinched. There was no way, the vicious reputation of 'Vicious Chain' Aeron was too great, and they couldn't help but be afraid.

The phone bug chuckled:"Your plan? Which one do you mean? Started secretly recruiting the remnants of the 'Capone Gang' half a month ago? Or use carrier pigeons to secretly communicate with the 'Zombie King' hiding in Solinalfa Island? Or is it to anonymously and secretly instigate pirate riots in other towns as a pretext to lure away gang leaders?"

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