Aaron leaned back in his chair and said leisurely:"I know very well what kind of thing Capone Becky is. He is simply a wild wolf that cannot be tamed. If he honestly treats him as his Warehouse manager, then we can still coexist peacefully. It's a pity that he committed the felony of 'colluding with foreign enemies', so I can only remove him from 'Coral'." Wu Hongji handed Ellen a sharpened Apple asked curiously:"But we are not at the headquarters, who can subdue Capone Becky? He is also a magician, right?"

Ellen took a bite of the apple and said vaguely:" Krasner can handle him. His swordsmanship is inherited from the captain of the Elu Kingdom Guards, 'Buzzer' Brooke. He is a rare master, but he is unwilling to fight with others and is suspected and suppressed by the previous boss Pippin, so he is in the gang. Not famous"

"I was reluctant to have Klansner face off against Capone Becky, as it would be too cruel for friends to kill each other. But Krasner insisted on guarding the headquarters building personally, so I had to let him go. Although Capone Becky's fruit ability is strong, he himself is not proficient in swordsmanship. Once Krasna gets close to him, he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. After all,……"

Ellen ate the apple in two bites, took a handkerchief and wiped his hands:"After all, Capone Becky is not an 'invincible defense' in the true sense.’"

At this time, Perona looked up at the sea in the distance. Her group of ghosts floating in the sky as a lookout had already noticed something.

"Brother, Bellfall Island is coming"

"very good……"Aeron stood up and moved his shoulders:"Let's go meet this 'King of Zombies' for a while.’!"

Luozhong Village is located on the Hamluru Islands in the West Sea, not far from the town of Alghero. Ellen came here to perform a mission when she first joined Coral two years ago. During this period, she formed a friendship with Cai Yi, the next pillar of the Eight Treasure Navy of the Flower Country.

‘The Cheese Pizza docked in front of a coast, and Ellen and the two women got off the ship after getting ready.

Aeron was still wearing a black fine suit, and his half-length blond hair hung unruly behind his ears, leaving only a strand hanging in front of his forehead. He put his hands in his pockets and looked towards Luozhong Village not far away.

Perona, who was wearing a black Gothic dress, swung a small parasol and jumped off the boat after Iron. She turned around and looked around, pouting:"What a desolate place, brother."

Mai Hongji was wearing a red kimono embroidered with Ukiyo-e paintings. , the neckline is very large and tilted backwards, and the slender snow-white neck is particularly conspicuous. She tied her long black hair into a ponytail behind her head, and the famous sword 'Hong Siam' hung at her waist. She tugged the thin hair around her ears:"Elan, are you leaving now?"

Ellen nodded:"Let's go."

The three of them walked along the path along the coast towards Luozhong Village. The long reeds on the roadside swayed in the night wind, and the surroundings were so quiet that there was no sound of insects.

Luozhong Village itself is not large in scale. There is a huge abandoned floor-to-ceiling clock in the center of the village, which is how the village got its name. At this moment, because of the 'coral', all the villagers have evacuated in advance, and the whole village quietly exudes a strange atmosphere.

A huge full moon hangs over the village, and the cold moonlight makes the night vision look like daytime. As soon as Ellen and others entered the village, they saw an extremely tall man sitting at the end of the road that stretched straight from the village entrance to the big clock in the center of the village.

This slightly bloated man is at least 6.5 meters tall. There are two protrusions like devil horns on the side of his forehead. There are cross sutures from his forehead to his neck that resemble suture wounds. The most conspicuous one is the brown one. of shallots. At this moment, this man was wearing a complicated Gothic-style black coat. He was sitting on the stone platform with his hands on pillows and his back against the grandfather clock. He smiled ferociously when he saw Aeron and his group in the distance.

The three of them had just taken a few steps forward when a metallic light suddenly appeared on Elen's fingertips, and then he swung it violently, and a slender chain blade with a buzzing sound cut towards the empty place to the right of Wu Hongji.. clang!!

The chain blade was blocked by a shadow wall that appeared out of thin air, and then the shadow wall was defeated and disintegrated.

"Hehe hehe... Philia Aeron, is it really okay to be so arrogant in someone else's territory?"The tall man sitting in front of the big clock in the distance let out a strange and sinister laugh.

"Then tell your dog to be honest, Moonlight Moria!"Ellen showed a cold smile.

Not far from where the shadow wall disappeared, a figure slowly emerged. He was a strong man wearing a top hat, but his face looked like a lion. At this moment, he With a look of fear on his face, he hurriedly retreated to Moonlight Moria's side.

"This is?"Perona and Wu Hongji were a little surprised, and then they realized that this should also be a kind of devil fruit.

"The transparent fruit was unfortunately eaten by a loser."Elen moved his shoulders indifferently.

At this time, several figures gathered beside Moonlight Moria - a red-haired strong man carrying a long sword, a hunchbacked old scholar wearing thick bottle-bottomed glasses, and a round figure. A freak with legs as thin as chopsticks, and a top hat lion face just now

"You don't seem surprised to see me, Aeron the Chain. Moonlight Moria showed his sharp teeth and said with a ferocious smile:"So, that loser Capone Becky failed, right?""

"Obvious things."Iron stopped when he was less than 20 meters away from Moonlight Moria, and faced this evil god with a notorious reputation:

"Don't you have absolutely no expectations for Becky yourself, 'Lord of the Zombies'’"

"But you're still here. You don't think you can defeat me with these two chicks, do you? Moonlight Moria showed a surprised and funny expression:"Then you are too funny.""A large number of zippers appeared under Aeron's feet, and then formed a large chair made entirely of zippers. He sat on the chair with his legs crossed, and the fingers of his hands were interlocked on his knees, as relaxed as if he were receiving guests at home:

"If it were you 10 years ago, of course I would stay away from the edge. But you have been scared out of your wits by Kaido, and now you…………"



" The ground in front of Moriah was punched with huge cracks, and the surrounding houses and roads were shaken. His eyes were blood red and he was breathing heavily, and the veins on his neck popped out. He gritted his teeth and said:"How dare you... dare to mention that name in front of me... You do not know how to live or die, you overheard scraps of information from somewhere and dared to speak nonsense in front of me!"

The red-haired man beside Moonlight Moria pulled out the long sword from behind with a sullen face, and the top-hatted lion-face also pointed his empty hands at Aeron.

"Should we kill this foul-mouthed boy directly, Lord Moria?"The red-haired man's voice was unexpectedly deep and powerful.

"Hehehehehe……"Moonlight Moria's face suddenly became brighter again, and she said with an evil smile:"No, no, no, since he has the courage to come to the appointment, then we must abide by the rules of the game and give them a chance."

Moonlight Moria slowly said Standing up, the huge and terrifying body like a demon brought an extremely strong sense of oppression:"Hey, Zipper Boy, I know your purpose of coming here. Is it for this?" As he said that, he snapped his fingers.

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