But Perona didn't expect that adding one more person would slow down her flying speed to this extent! Even if you’re walking on foot, it’s time to reach it now!"Xiao Wu... tell me the truth, how much do you weigh?" Perona felt like her little arms were about to break. This drama queen from Wano Country was so heavy!

Wu Hongji curled her lips in displeasure:"Pepei, you are so rude! Also, you really should exercise more... Ah, I can see it, it's Yi Lun and the big guy!"

Wu Hongji didn't need to remind her, With the help of the ghost observation mirror, Perona had already seen the battle situation in the central battlefield earlier.


This word can only be used to describe the tragic situation in the central church square of Luozhong Village at this moment. There is basically no intact place on the earth, and Aeron's not-so-tall figure looks even thinner and smaller against the background of Moonlight Moria, who is 20 meters tall in the form of the 'shadow gathering place'.

But this does not mean that he has no power to fight against the 'King Shichibukai' Moonlight Moria!

Under his control, a large number of metal zippers condensed into a huge and ferocious knight's gun or a large shield full of jagged teeth to resist Moonlight Moria's nearly endless sea of ​​shadow beasts and ferocious fists full of destructive power..

The shadow pool at the feet of Moonlight Moria condensed a large number of shadow beasts, and they rushed towards Aeron one after another, trying to tear him into pieces. Every huge blow full of destructive power from Moonlight Moria was accurate. Predict Aeron's avoidance direction.

Such a powerful offensive should be looked down upon. However, every wave of attacks by Moonlight Moria was resisted by Aeron with difficulty.

He is like a small boat heaving in the stormy waves. It seems that it may be destroyed at any time in every turbulent wave, but in the end he always survives tenaciously.

As the battle progressed, Aeron's body bore more and more scars. But Moonlight Moria gradually suffered more injuries from Aeron's counterattacks from time to time.

This is a battle between men. Whoever's will breaks first will be completely doomed!

After Perona and Wu Hongji landed in a relatively safe place in the distance, the former wanted to mobilize the ghost group to help Ellen, but was stopped by the latter

"Pepe, don't take action. The battle between the two of them is too stalemate, and if you take action rashly, it might be detrimental to them. and……"Wu Hongji's beautiful purple eyes stared at the blond man on the battlefield, and murmured:"Iron is using this battle to oppress himself! What a handsome and powerful man... Oops! What are you talking about? Yeah!? The shame of the warrior! The shame of the warrior!"

Ignoring Wu Hongji who was twisting in shyness over there, Perona stared blankly at Aeron who was fighting with the 'King of Zombies' in the distance. His eyes were filled with tears unconsciously.

The pink-haired girl clasped her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes and prayed silently.

Brother, you must win!

On the battlefield, Aeron was once again severely knocked away by Moonlight Moria's heavy punch full of armed domineering force! The evasive move 'Resin Zipper·Spotted Pocket' has no evasive effect against such a huge fist that is covered with armament-colored domineering and is larger than Aeron's height.

Aeron could only raise his arms to protect his head, summoning up all the armed domineering energy in his body to resist such a heavy blow. Even if he is a rare cultivation genius, how can his armed color Haki, which he has cultivated for only one month, compare to Moonlight Molya's armed color Haki, which he has practiced for more than ten years and refined after countless battles?

Ribs, internal organs, leg bones, tendons! Aeron's injuries grew more and more severe. Even if he maximizes the use of resin zippers to continuously splice and glue wounds and broken bones in his body, the recovery speed is still far from keeping up with the frequency of injuries. Aeron's own hegemonic power will be weakened when he uses unskilled weapons, and Moonlight Moria's power has also been interfering with him.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous.

Although his injuries continued to worsen, Aeron could clearly feel that his armed domineering energy was becoming more and more refined. This should be considered the only good news.

The strength displayed by Moonlight Moria far exceeds Aeron's inference of its strength from the description in the comics. If Moonlight Moriah in the Terror Barque Chapter in the manga had the strength he has now, Luffy would have been beaten into a little pie by him, right?

Aeron didn't think about retreating. If he couldn't beat him, he would just stay away from him. There was no shame in it. But with his sense of sight, he has already sensed that Perona and Wu Hongji are not far away, and I believe Moonlight Moria has also sensed it. Once he turned around and ran away, Ellen had no doubt that Moonlight Moria would immediately attack Perona and Wu Hongji!

For the sake of your partners and your dreams, you can’t retreat! Can't lose!

Another fierce punch with fierce wind pressure struck. Aeron, whose vision was already a little blurry, let out a roar, mustered up all the strength in his body and swung his right fist straight at Moonlight Moria's giant fist! boom——————!!!

The violent shock wave spread rapidly! Aeron felt that his right arm bone and right phalanx were broken again, but this was the first time! For the first time, the armed domination of both sides is evenly matched!

Moonlight Moria let out a horrifying roar in pain, staring at the tiny figure with bloodshot eyes, her heart full of surprise. Even if he consumes too much Armed Color, and because he loses the Overlord Color's Haki, the level of his Armed Color's Haki is declining faster and faster. But how old is this kid? With such terrifying qualifications...he must also have the potential to become a 'overlord'!

"The world doesn't need so many overlords……"Moonlight Moria roared ferociously. At this moment, he felt that he was very lucky to have found this ungrown Overlord's egg in the West Sea. He wanted to completely kill this big threat at the starting line!

A large number of shadow beasts were sucked back for smelting by the shadow pool at his feet. The shadows are surging, and there is a terrifying thing gestating and squirming in the pool of shadows.

"You can't run away, Aeron! Not just you, I won't let either of those two chicks go! Let's destroy this island together!"

The shadow at Moonlight Moria's feet was completely integrated into the Pool of Shadows. Under the illumination of the moonlight, his shadow gradually squirmed and deformed, his hands became sharp and ferocious, and the horns on his head bent and extended into a devil-like goat horn shape. , huge bat wings stretched out from behind……

"Shadow Revolution·King of Limbs and Horns!"

Since the shadow is connected to the entity, if the entity changes, the shadow will also change. On the contrary, if the shadow changes, theoretically the entity will also change.

————Moonlight Moria

‘Shadow Revolution', this is a move that seems quite idealistic. By changing the shape of the shadow, the shape of the body is correspondingly changed. Yes, it's a very unreasonable effect, but Devil Fruits have this kind of unreasonable and idealistic ability.

Now, Moonlight Moria showed everyone present just how outrageous the development of Devil Fruit abilities can be!

The small sharp horn on the side of the forehead turned into a huge and curved goat-shaped horn, the shallot hairstyle on the top of the head became blazing like the fire of hell without emitting even a little bit of heat or light, and the narrow eyes spread a strange light. Bloody red light, the sharp teeth became more ferocious, the upper and lower canine teeth were directly protruding from the lips and exposed, the fingertips of both hands became sharp and terrifying, and a pair of huge bat wings appeared directly behind it. The overall length directly increased to a terrifying 30 meters!

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