/ In a mountain /




At the top of a mountain on flat ground, we could see Shin hitting rocks several meters high with his fists.

He would hit a rock with his fists, destroy it, and then move to another rock at lightning speed.

After the punches came the kicks that destroyed the rocks or rather completely annihilated them from existence.

The rock became nothing but dust.

Suddenly, Shin appeared in front of the two huge rocks. He swung his leg back and put enough force to send it flying through the air several kilometers above the ground without demolishing it.

After he measured his strength, he gave a vertical kick to the rock on the right.


The force of the kick caused a small shock wave that propelled the huge rock high into the sky.

But Shin was not finished, just after kicking, he rested his leg which was in the air on the ground with force, creating a small crater under his foot.

With his leg stuck in the ground, he did a 360 on himself and lifted his other leg to give a horizontal kick.


The leg split open when he placed a heel on the second stone, creating another small shock wave.

This time, the block moved at full speed towards the horizon and broke into nine pieces.

The fact that he was able to rest his leg quietly showed that he was in control of his strength.

A heel strike with great propulsive force and such momentum was very difficult to stop or slow down.

Shin's right hand then burst into flames to form a green fireball in the center.

Shin swung his right arm back and propelled it forward with some force, throwing the fireball towards the nine pieces of rock.

Halfway through, Shin's eyes glowed as he looked at the fireball as if he was giving it an order.

And as if to carry out his command, the fireball split into nine flames that all went in different directions towards one piece of rock each.

3 flames on the right, 3 on top and 3 on the left in perfect symmetry and synchronization forming a semicircle.

They all went towards the piece of rock and destroyed it in a small explosion.









Just after the nine explosions, Shin's head turned to the sky as small flames began to come out of his mouth.

With his head turned towards the rock in the sky, he opened his mouth and let out his roar of flame.

The roar burst against the huge rock in the sky, causing a great explosion.


A cloud of dust burst but no debris fell.

"Ah" Shin sighed with fatigue after his training.

Today he had been training all day and night was beginning to fall.

It had been 1 week now that Shin had been working on his body and strength as well as his control over fire magic.

He had acquired a perfect and terrifying control of his body and strength, he now knew that a punch with 100% of his strength could destroy a mansion in his previous world.

As for his fire magic, he controlled it on a clearly divine level, the fire obeyed him with his finger and eye. At a glance he decided what to do with it, and at a glance he decided its trajectory.

He could control the fire at will, only his imagination could limit it. With his 100% magical power, he could wipe a kingdom off the map.

To start a new life with such mastery of the fire element was a cheat in itself.

"Shin wiped the sweat from his forehead thinking that this day was the last day of his magic training and his body.

"Tomorrow is the big day"

"My first fight, in this life or in my old life."

This will be his first fight even in his previous life he had never fought before. Even though it can't really be compared, in his old world he could have fought against ordinary humans without a disproportionate and superhuman strength.

Except that there it would not be with humans, or at least not ordinary humans, but with dragons of tyrannical power, mages with magic and maybe even divine beings later on.

Beings who can destroy continents, countries or even worlds as they see fit.

Thinking about it, he could feel shivers running down his spine and cold sweats, but yet his eyes showed a yearning to become stronger and an unfailing determination.

"Well, let's go home, it's already dark."

He put out his wings of fire and began to fly away as his body burst into flames and became that of a Phoenix.

And with a flutter of his wings he disappeared from the mountain.

The mountain on which he was standing was a mountain that he had found several dozen kilometers from his home.

It was isolated in the middle of nowhere in a mountainous place with no civilization nearby. A perfect place to train without attracting attention.

After about 15 minutes of flight, he arrived at the cave having been careful to be discreet so as not to attract attention if there were people in the crater.

Landing in front of the cave, he transformed back into his human form and put his foot on the ground.

He immediately entered the cave so that he could quickly go to the pond to wash and refresh himself.

Arriving at the cave still lit by the crystals, he ran to the pond, took off his clothes and jumped happily and impatiently into the pond.

"Aaah, that's the best" All the accumulated fatigue and all his numb muscles disappeared to feel such a good, liberating feeling that he could only close his eyes and enjoy it to the fullest.

Two hours of relaxation later, Shin mistakenly decided to leave the pond to get dressed again and go lie down on his bed of leaves.

"Tomorrow awaits me a big exciting day full of action" A smile on his lips and an intrepid face formed on his face to accompany him in his sleep.

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