In the typhoon, the silhouette of the dragon of despair was visible.

His appearance was hidden by the violent winds of the typhoon, only his eyes and the crackling lightning around him were visible.​​

' He survived? Even in the constant wind pressure of the typhoon and its wounds, he can still fly? . And his magical power and aura are even more powerful than before'.

The image of the dragon seemed terrifying, the eyes visible through the typhoon were consumed by a devastating rage.





The lightning in the sky became more and more violent and devastating, the number of lightning bolts multiplied and the sky darkened.

The lightning gave off vengeful dėsɨrės and struck persistently on all typhoons except the one in which the dragon of despair was found.

As for the dragon, his eyes were constantly resting on Shin with relentlessness and without even blinking.

His gaze seemed calm and analytical, but on the contrary it was full of frenzy, ferocity and madness.

Shin responded with a calm look but nevertheless more serious than before.

The dragon was probably in an uncontrolled and dangerous state.

But Shin could only wait, going into the typhoon was a very bad idea and even if he did, there was the dragon so it would be throwing himself into the lion's den.

Meanwhile, all the typhoons were blown off the battlefield.

And when this was done, the wild lightning fell silent to regroup above the typhoon where the dragon was.

The vortex created exposed a really powerful pressure, even for Shin.

And after a few seconds of formation, the lightning began to rumble when suddenly the silhouette of the dragon moved to look up at the sky towards the vortex itself.


The dragon didn't wait to utter a roar that seemed to be an order for the vortex because after this roar, the vortex concentrated all its power to pull a pillar of lightning.

Descending from the sky, the pillar of lightning encompassed the entire typhoon.

The typhoon did not last long before completely disintegrating.


From the typhoon came a cold and ambitious laugh.

"You are strong, Celestial Phoenix, I must confess. But unfortunately for you, not strong enough! My anger will be your judgment!" laughed the dragon with insolence and superiority.

And following his statement, the pillar of lightning began to deform and gathered in the same place.

Seeing this, Shin's eyes wrinkled and his facial expression became serious.

' I don't know what he's doing, but putting so much magic together is not good news'.

Shin's form began to shrink and his flames gathered into a smaller being.

In his human form, Shin took out his spear while his wings grew tens of meters to reach a hundred meters.

The pillar of lightning had now completely gathered and compressed into a small purple orb filled with lightning that radiated a terrifying magical power.

The little purple orb was just above the dragon's mouth.

And with a single gesture, the dragon swallowed the orb and lowered its head towards Shin.

"Farewell, Celestial Phoenix, this is my most powerful attack."

Reacting, Shin placed his wings a few metres in front of him to act as a shield.

Seeing his attack approaching, a drop of sweat ran down Shin's cheek.

''This attack is... '

But Shin had no time to wonder that the attack encompassed his wings and crossed them without difficulty and resistance.

Sensing the danger at hand, his eyes flashed with a dangerous and powerful light.

He clutched his spear with a strong grip and brandished it towards the sky.

He gathered all his magical power to reinforce it because, given the level of power of the attack, he did not want to take the risk of breaking his spear.

Reinforcing to the maximum and his sharpness at the paroxysm of his edge, Shin watched the lightning laser arrive and lowered his spear.


The lightning laser was split in two and continued on its way for hundreds of metres, destroying everything in its path.

The earth was split and the black clouds in the sky were swept away.

The attack was of such magnitude that it could be seen and felt for miles around.

The village, which was only several kilometres from the battle, could see the attack and its power.

"It's a fight between a demon and a god," exclaimed one villager.

For the villagers, the dragon of despair was comparable to a demon while Shin was comparable to a god.

The villagers were scared to death but continued to believe in Shin.

"Please, O heavenly Phoenix, rid us of this evil and come back alive."

Following the chief's word, all the villagers gathered to pray together.

"AHAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHA, I am the strongest", the dragon gloated.

After using his strongest attack and defeating his enemy, he could only gloat with strength and pride.

In spite of his arrogance, deep down he is extremely tired, exhausted and wounded.

The damage he suffered from the collision of their first attack, the meteors and the typhoon was not insignificant, not forgetting that his last attack had cost him to empty his magical reserves to dry them out.

His condition was not at its best and he knew it, but he couldn't show any weakness, his ego wouldn't allow it!

Only, when he laughed at his success, he felt an aggressive pain in his belly.


And he didn't even have time to lower his eyes that he was going to be thrown against the rest of the mountain that had miraculously survived all this destruction.


When the dragon crashed into the mountain, it didn't take long for it to break it down and reduce it to thousands of pieces, and it continued to be thrown around until it landed on the ground.

When landing on the ground, the dragon created a crater slightly larger than its size.


The dragon squealed from the pain he felt in his belly.

Tilting his slightly trembling head forward, he saw a fist forming in his belly.

Then, feeling a presence, he raised his head with difficulty to see someone in the sky.

From the aura he radiated, he was able to deduce that it was the human form of the celestial Phoenix.

It was Shin, standing in the sky, wings spread and eyes cold and a little angry but containing pain.

Indeed, in the sky, Shin was not in the best of states.

A trail of blood ran from his mouth while the clothes covering his right arm were completely destroyed, giving the impression of an arm covered with cuts and tears.

Blood was flowing profusely from his right arm and fell to the ground, which, on contact with the earth, seemed to bring the dead earth back to life.

"Ah,ah,ah" Shin was breathing heavily.

A few drops of sweat ran down Shin's face and his clothes were covered with tears.

Shin's condition was normal, the attack he had received with full whips was extremely powerful and he had managed to block it to protect himself.

To block it, he had only used his spear and had not even provided all his magical power.

He didn't want to use all his magic power because he was afraid that if he used it all, he would be vulnerable afterwards and wouldn't be able to inflict the finishing blow.

And yet, this shows the power of Shin, which is higher than a normal AAA (average) rank.

A normal (average) AAA rank would not have been able to get out of such an attack as easily as Shin and would have come out much more injured.

"FUCK!" From afar, the dragon roars with great rage.

The dragon couldn't stand such humiliation.

Gathering all his remaining strength, he tried to get up.


The dragon heard a high-pitched noise in the sky, then felt a painful thrust in his ċhėst that brought him back to the ground.


The dragon cried out in pain and spat blood as he felt his ċhėst pierced.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, he saw a beautiful green spear pierce his ċhėst.

The indignation of being nailed like that carried him away and his madness took him away again; only he didn't have time to express it, he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his body.

And this heavy weight was none other than Shin, standing on the dragon's body.

"What are you doing?!" roared the dragon in anger at the neglect that Shin was showing him.

In his anger, he noticed something that made his eyes widen in shock.

The wounds he had seen on Shin were healing.

And when he saw this, he realised he had screwed up.

''This bastard has advanced regenerative power! '

"I'm sick of this fight, let's end it"

Shin's words made the dragon come out of his thoughts.

Shin was quick to pull the spear from the dragon's ċhėst and put it away.

He then raised his hand in the air and hooked his fingers in the shape of a claw under the dragon's crazy gaze.

"You ..."

The dragon blew with rage but opened his eyes at the sight of what surrounded Shin's hand.

Blue flashes.

Blue lightning crackled around Shin's hand with power and impatience.

Shin mastered all the main elements so it was normal that he could create a secondary element such as lightning.

"Can you feel it?"

Hearing Shin's monotonous and cold voice, the dragon's eyes began to dilate and show not fear but despair.

"Despair of dying at the hand of a "weak" person and the element we use."

"For a proud and powerful dragon like you, it must be torture."

"Then take back the despair you've given to so many and seek redemption in hell."

What an irony, he gets a taste of his own medicine.

With a cold and emotionless face, Shin advanced his hand surrounded by lightning towards the dragon's ċhėst.


Suddenly its scales were destroyed and crushed under Shin's hand and his heart pierced by lightning.

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