
A morning coo could be heard in the room.​​

Irene was in her bed with a very cute and childish sleeping face.

She soon opened her eyes quietly, feeling that Shin's presence was not in the bed.

And just for that, she got up, her head in the clouds, to see that Shin wasn't even in the room.

She glanced at the window and could see that the sun wasn't even up yet.

Her look showed a bit of surprise because seeing Shin get up so early was too unusual.

Shin was a heavy sleeper so every morning Irene used to wake up before him and take the opportunity to give him kisses, cuddle him and ċȧrėss him without his knowledge with his cute little drooling face.

The only times she didn't wake up with Shin by her side was when he had something important to do and she would always be in the loop. Also, usually even in those moments Shin would always manage to get home before she woke up.

And waking up without him at her side and without his little morning tradition was, she had to admit, a situation she didn't really like.

So to solve this mystery, she got up and got ready to go out.

"Let's go find your daddy ~" said Irene with a smile as she stroked her belly.

She wandered through the corridors of the castle to find him but she thought back to the last days.

Shin was often busy these last few days and he didn't want to tell Irene what he was going to do.

Irene, with curiosity, tried to follow him to see what he was doing and to hide from him but when she got close to the room where Shin was, Shin always noticed him and prevented him from coming.

Her eyes became mischievous and she formed a mischievous smile.

"Fufu, you thought you could escape from me by getting up early."

Irene sneered like an evil little goblin and joker as she headed towards the room in question.



In his play, Shin could be seen hammering the scales of the dragon of despair, resting on the anvil.

The air was heavy and hot and a tension was felt.

The concentration and the feeling in the room made the room seem like a bubble cut off from the world.


The last blow was stronger than all the others.

In this last blow, all of Shin's strength and dedication had been exercised.

The scale on the anvil didn't look at all like before when it was on the dragon.

It was smoother, cleaner and denser.

"Phew, finished"

Shin breathed out a deep breath after the series he had just produced.

He had just finished the production of a hundred refined scales with "A Thousand Refinement".

He still had some scales left but he was not going to make them.

100 scales was more than enough for him, it was more of a margin of advance in case the first try failed.

"Now the serious things are going to start".

As Shin was about to start, his attention was drawn elsewhere when he felt a presence next to the room observing him.

Shin smiled in amusement at this, he already knew who it was.

Knowing this, he backed into a corner where he could not be seen and then disappeared from his place.

For her part, Irene was always hidden in his corner, obsessed by Shin's too beautiful and charming face when he showed a serious and concentrated expression.

Just seeing him like this makes me feel warm," thought Irene with blurred eyes and red cheeks.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice echoed right behind her, a warm breath teased her ear.

"AH!" Irene was startled, startled with fear when she heard a voice behind her, pulling her out of her little world.

And now that she was watching, Shin was no longer in the room!

She turned around and looked at Shin with black eyes.

"You scared me!"

"I'm sorry but didn't I warn you not to come? It should be me who is angry, not you" said Shin sarcastically.

She was the one who was wrong and he was the one who was being yelled at.

"I was just making sure you weren't going to see another woman behind my back" said Irene impassively in a strict voice that came from not crossing the line.

He understood that she was trying to make him feel guilty and tease him so he decided to use the secret card.

"Don't you trust me?"

With a broken and trembling voice, Shin simulated sadness and a distressed look.

Irene's strict and uncompromising look and her unwavering expression collapsed as she saw Shin's face.

Trust in a couple is paramount, especially in a couple who were soon to be married.

And Irene felt depressed when she saw how she had ruined that trust.

Confidence in a couple is essential, especially in a couple who are about to get married.

And Irene felt depressed when she saw how she had ruined that trust.

In full distress, she ran to jump into Shin's embrace and hold him so tightly that if he were a normal being, he would already have broken his bones.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tease you."

His little trembling voice made Shin's heart bounce and filled it with remorse.

"I, too,"

Opening her eyes, Irene raised her head to see Shin's naughty smile and understood immediately that she had just had it with her own game.

"You're mean" she said with a little sulky pout.

She punched Shin in the ċhėst and he squeezed her a little harder, forcing her to sink in and enjoy her warmth and embrace even more.

"But really, don't come and see what I'm doing, it's important, please."

Irene nodded with force when she saw that Shin had a serious, begging look on his face.

"I'll meet you in the room afterwards."

With a wink and a little kiss, Shin entered his room.

"I can't wait" mumbled Irene as she watched Shin leave.

The dragon part was starting to grow and her libido followed and overcame her shyness when it came to action in bed.

"Here we go again"

He returned to his previous concentration and took out from his gourd a few more dragon scales as well as magic crystals in case the first attempt was a failure.

He took a scale and a crystal already refined to a thousand refinement and put them down.

Then he made a green flame appear on his hand and increased its heat.

With his other hand, he pointed the only one of two fingers that created a barrier around it to prevent the heat from escaping and potentially melting the whole room or worse.

The flame in Shin's hand increased to 1000 degrees.

With his other hand, he pointed at the two metals which levitated up to the green flame in my right hand.

The green flame grew larger to reach the other hand and encompassed both metals at the same time.

The two metals immersed in the flames gradually began to melt.

Shin's eyes were riveted on the metals so as not to miss the moment when he would have to stop.

He had to stop melting them at the right moment otherwise the metal would be too molten and invalid.

And after several minutes, Shin stopped his flame and made it disappear to make way for two liquids floating in Shin's hands.

One liquid was translucent with a few blue colours running through it and particles coloured like a rainbow shining inside proving the purity of the metal.

This was the liquid result of the magic crystal.

The other liquid was of a beautiful bright purple colour and shining while it was surrounded by small purple sparks showing its power and ferocity.

Admiring these two magnificent liquids, Shin wasted no time and brought his two liquids together.

The two liquids came violently into contact.

The two liquids began to mix but also began to spin faster and faster.

As a result of the mixing, the two liquids released an immense magical power which confronted each other powerfully.

Both liquids sought to consume the other completely.

The more time passed, the more the magic power was unleashed and became powerful.

Luckily Shin had put a rather powerful barrier around him otherwise the magic power would have been unleashed in the kingdom and could have caused very heavy damage as well as attract powerful beings.

The magic power increased to a power that exceeded that of Shin at the moment.

Shin was under pressure and the pressure was even stronger for him who was confined in his barrier right next to the source of this magical power.

A drop of sweat appeared on Shin's cheek and his eyes wrinkled from the powerful collision of the two liquids.

He did not expect such a result.

Under difficulty, Shin thought of a way and bit the thumb of his hand.

From the blood coming out of his bite, he made it flow into the vortex so that the bite would heal immediately afterwards.

Knowing that the problem was that the two liquids had equal magical power, a third substance beyond their power was needed to subdue them.

And Shin could think of nothing else but his blood.


When his blood came into contact with the two liquids, the pressure increased suddenly and Shin clenched his teeth.

Blood flowed out of Shin's mouth as he tried to force the liquids to merge through his blood.

After several seconds of relentless effort, the liquids became shiny and exploded in a dazzling light.

When the light disappeared, Shin was standing, sweating, with a mini vortex in his hands.

The vortex was a blue rainbow colour with crimson sparks crackling all around.

And at its centre was Shin's drop of blood which acted as the catalyst core for the fusion of these two liquids.

The vortex was breathtakingly beautiful and radiated a frightening magical power.

"Ah, ah, ah"

Large breaths could be heard from Shin, the concentration and force required to fuse these two liquids was monstrous.

A few minutes of intense breathing, Shin took a deep breath and was ready to resume.

"And now the moment that should have been harder."

In his mind, Shin hoped it would be simpler because the difficulty of fusing the two liquids was not expected to be so stressful.

First, he moved the floating liquid vortex into a circular shaped mould.

When this was done, he put his hand over the mould and used the magic of ice to bring the temperature down to about 0 degrees.

0 degrees was the temperature for the solidification of liquid water into solid water but he didn't know the temperature for magical metal and dragon scales so he improvised.

Shin waited several minutes and when he saw that it was taking a long time, he lowered the temperature.

And after a short wait, the result appeared.

It was a solid in the shape of a circle.

It was sublime, a translucent, bright rainbow blue with a few purple streaks.

Thus, before beginning the refinement of the spirit, Shin took out his wings and plucked one of his feathers.

And after a few modifications, he inlaid his feather so that it was the same size as the ring.

Admiring the object, he placed it on the anvil and took his hammer.

He closed his eyes, isolated himself and separated himself from the world, leaving only himself and the object.

Taking regular breaths, he opened his eyes, which shone with absolute concentration and power.

He pulled his arm back and swung it forward with neither too much nor too little force, the perfect balance.



Shin hit the object and kicked it.

The blows were dry and fast, each blow was meant to give life to the metal.

Shin's Life Energy was transmitted to the object via his hammer and each grain of his Life Energy was mixed with his magical power.

With each blow, Shin felt the Energy of Life scattering and concentrating to form life and give intelligence.

He harmonized with the object itself with each blow.

And this lasted for a good half hour.

At the end, Shin felt as if the ring was going to be born and pulsed like a heart.


And in his last blow, Shin gave everything he had and when he touched the object, Shin felt something break inside the object to finally reveal itself in broad daylight.

Shin stopped, stepped back and looked at the object with a fiery and proud look.


The object had come to life and gained intelligence.

And with that, Shin finally became a 6th rank blacksmith, a master craftsman.

For the next step and reached the 7th rank, it was necessary to do the refinement of the soul to give a soul.

But Shin didn't see the need for it for the moment, maybe later.

The object on the anvil moved and flew of its own free will towards Shin to hover above his palm.

The brightly coloured and powerful shiny object appeared in front of Shin to show him its beauty.

Shin smiled with pride at seeing it and his eyes showed his impatience to put it on Irene's finger.

And yes, this is the object with which Shin put so much fervour and sweat was the wedding ring of his future wife.

A magnificent rainbow ring shimmering with shades of ocean blue and purple with a beautiful green feather hanging from it.

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