GodKing Of Life

Chapter 6 - 06

When the word "Status" is spoken, a transparent screen appears with various information about it.

Of the four pieces of information, he knew only two, while the last two surprised him when he saw them.​​

"I am no longer a human but a Phoenix? And a God as well?"

[Exactly, your race changed when you were unconscious]

"Why a Phoenix?"

[Well, several things came into play, the first one was due to your karma which influenced a lot for a powerful, noble and pure race and the Phoenix is part of that and then comes the personality of the host, the soul of the host is represented by a flame and other things that are more minimal].

"And then a Phoenix God? Am I a god now?"

[No, in itself you are not really considered a god, your race of phoenix gods only gives you the potential to enter into the divine and an affinity with all existing elements. Whether it is a Phoenix God, a Dragon God, or any other, all divine races, when they are born, must ascend to the divine in order to truly become a God, the race only increases the potential and the chance of becoming one. Wouldn't it be too "out of this world" if all beings whose race is divine had divine power from the moment of their birth? Basically, you will be like a normal phoenix in terms of power, you will only have potential and affinity too].

"I see, it's true that it would be quite op"

Shin was satisfied with the answer given, after all, even though he wasn't really a God, he still had the potential and with the system on his side, his chances are even greater.

"What about the lineage of the God of life?"

In addition to becoming a Phoenix God, which was hard enough to swallow, I mean he was a human not so long ago and now he's a Phoenix? Hard enough to digest, but he will get there in time.

And now, in addition to being a Phoenix God, he has the lineage of the GOD of life, something else related to the God... that's a lot, isn't it?

[Yes, as far as the choice of race is concerned, the God you're going to be in the new universe was chosen with pretty much the same characteristics as for race, i.e. karma, personality, etc. And all this gave the lineage of the God of life].

[The lineage of the God of Life is currently unlocked at 25% given your power at the moment, but it will be unlocked as you become more powerful. There are four levels for the lineage: 25% which you are right now, 50%, 75% and 100% and each level will come with an additional power that you will unlock and which is related to life itself. For example, at 100% you will completely dominate life, you will control it and it will obey you. But the lineage of God's life will always give you little "passive" bonuses such as overflowing vitality that will give you faster healing and eternal youth in addition to being immortal because you are a phoenix. You will also constantly exhale a calm and comforting aura that will put at ease all beings of good intention and good karma close to you and will have a great affection for beings close to nature such as elves or animals, ect].

"And what does the first quarter of the power level give me?"

[The first level gives you the ability to heal all diseases and to heal any kind of non-lethal wound]

"Hmm, pretty handy in case something unexpected happens."

Shin began to remember and think about all the things that had just been said to him and, strangely enough, he thought he had a headache with all the information, he remembered everything without forgetting any details and his brain was completely light and fluid.

"I see" He has now understood the reason for this sudden intellectual ease, even though he was far from stupid before his brain felt less full, lighter.

"System, can't I have more information about myself than I already have?" Shin wondered because in most of the novels he had read with systems, a lot more information appeared as his power, his skills, and a whole bunch of other things.

[You can host, "status" was just a quick way to get personal and primary information, you can say "status" to see your complete and detailed status].

[Name: Shin Ai / Age: 18 (physically and mentally)

Breed: Phoenix God

Title : None

Bloodline: God of Life

Total power: A (low)

Competence :

- Rebirth: As a Phoenix, when you die, you will turn not into ashes but into a flame to be reborn after an unknown time.

- Flame Control: As a Phoenix, a flame-headed species and being at the top, you will have perfect control over the fire element giving you immunity to the fire element but the strength of the flames will depend on the power of the host.

- Phoenix Shape: Switch to the Phoenix Shape which will increase your total power by one step.

Elements : Fire (Supreme), Water (Low), Earth (Low), Wind (Low), Light (Low), Darkness (Low), Space (Medium), Time (Low)

Points : 100 000]

"Waah" Shin was a little stunned to see his entire status with all he had, it even made him escape a little nervous but also ecstatic. At least he had a better chance of surviving with these skills, he couldn't even die because he was reborn afterwards. But that's no excuse to die, and he doesn't know how long it would take to come back, it could take thousands of years.

His status may not have been as abused as others he saw in fanfictions but honestly with what he saw, he thought it was already enough.

But he still had to ask the system a few questions to be sure of things he wasn't sure he understood.

"Um, I have a couple of little questions."

[Go ahead host, I'll answer all your questions]

"First, I'd like to know the ranks of power because I don't know how I'm supposed to take that "A" next to my total power."

[The ranks of power are those established by the system and will be the same for all the worlds you go to unless you ask to change them.

They are as follows:

Rank F

Rank E

Rank D

Rank C

Rank B

Rank A

Rank AAA

Rank S

Rank SS

SSS Rank

Rank Half God

Divine Officer Rank

Divine Rank 3rd class

Divine rank 2nd class

Divine Rank 1st Class

Creator Rank

And each row is divided into three steps up to the SSS row: bottom, middle and top].

"I see, so I'm as powerful as I thought I was," said Shin as he looked at his ranking.

He wasn't as powerful as he thought he was, he was an A Rank and on top of that he was at the "low" stage. Then he imagined that the power between only one stage was big enough so between a whole Rank, it's another story. Afterwards, Shin can consider himself as an A (middle) Rank in his Phoenix form since he wins a stage.

[Host, it's true that in this Rank, you can be considered very weak, but this Rank takes into account from the weakest to the most powerful universe, it's not limited to this world. Besides in this average world, the host can be considered quite powerful because the maximum Rank in this world would be Rank S (low)]

Shin was a little less anxious and happier knowing that he would not be so weak in this world and that he could defend himself well enough. He hoped that with his divine talent and hard work, he would quickly reach the top of this world so that he would not have to fear.

But he didn't want to get his hopes up too high either because even with divine talent, he still didn't know how long it would take to move on to another stage, let alone another Rank. Whoever he is, it surely takes years and years of training to get through a Rank and it must be getting harder and harder to move up from Rank, even with divine talent.

Maybe at a certain Rank, it will take centuries to climb up a Rank or even a step.

Shin quickly changed his mind so as not to put unnecessary pressure on himself and lower his morals.

And in the response he received from the system, there was a moment that caught his attention.

"System, what do you mean by an average world?"

[In the different universes, the worlds are classified by different levels which are:

- Weak world

- Middle World

- Upper World

- Supreme World

A supreme world is a world where the most powerful beings of these worlds are the beings at the top of a universe. Your goal is to become one of them]

Shin sighed when he heard this, it wasn't going to be easy after all.

Shin then turned to the other questions he had after seeing his "status".

"As far as the elements are concerned, even if I suspect so, why is the element of fire supreme and the element of time average? And what are the levels?"

[The levels represent the level of mastery you have with the specific item, the higher your level of mastery, the more different ways you can use it. The levels are as follows:

- Low

- Medium

- Superior

- Supreme

For the reason of your level for the element of fire is simply the fact that you are a Phoenix God, the Phoenix are one of the most powerful creatures along with the dragons and their mastery of fire is supreme since they themselves are birds of fire and without counting your divine potential, that you are a Phoenix God and not a normal Phoenix, that you have me, all this is enough to have the element of fire on the supreme level. As for the element of space, well, that's only because you crossed space to come here, which must have given your soul a deeper understanding of space]

Having digested this information, Shin quickly asked another question based on the elements.

"Okay then, what does the element of fire allow me at the highest level and the element of space at the middle level?"

[The element of fire at the highest level gives you freedom and perfect control over the element allowing you to, for example, change its shape, give it the heat you want as long as you can bear it, total immunity to fire and heat and cold, only your imagination restricts you. As for the element of space, the low level allows you to teleport yourself to places you have already visited and to create a small personal space like an inventory whose surface will increase with the level of mastery, the medium level allows you to teleport yourself anywhere in a world]

Shin was more than astonished at what the system had just told him.

"I am literally a fire god."

[You have mastery and control but not power, if you attain the power of a god then yes, you could be considered a fire god]

"It's true" Shin was not at all demoralized by this truth since he was saying it as a joke at the base.

"What about the points?"

[It is rather simple, the points will be useful to you to buy what you want in the store like weapons, competences, clothing, accessory, all is available but all has a price]

Shin suspected that when he saw the points, they could not be used for anything other than a store.

But Shin did not get carried away by greed when he saw how many points he had.

He preferred to keep the points he had and save them to use them at times when they would be useful to him. After all, if he ever needed them at a crucial time but had them left just because he had used them hastily and thoughtlessly before, that would be the worst mistake.

So he decided to keep them until he was sure what he wanted to use them for.

"By the way, are the status and the store the only functions you have?"

[Yes host, those are the only ones]

"Didn't you have an inventory function?" Shin wondered, very often systems had an inventory function if not all the time.

[Not host I didn't have since you already have the mid-level space element, you can already make a small space comparable to an inventory so it was deemed unnecessary to have that function. Also, it will always drag the space element a little bit].

Shin thought it was a bit weird but the reason was plausible and quite good so he decided to accept it.

After receiving all this information, Shin had a long yawn due to all this information received as well as everything that happened to him recently, it gave him a big blow mentally and gave him a good rest to sort out all this information.

'I'm going to have to find a place to rest in peace and safety,' Shin thought.

But before looking for a place to rest, Shin thought of a crucial question he hadn't asked since the moment he landed in this world.

"System, what kind of world am I in?"

It is true that Shin had not asked this question since the beginning, whereas it was a rather important question, even very important to know what kind of world he had landed in.

[The host is in the world of Fairy Tail]

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