Don't worry, it won't be nerfed.



In the forest, Shin opened his eyes as he was dazzled by the sun but he stood up.

"Ouch" As he stood up, Shin felt his whole body hurt.

[The host is injured, it will take 2 years to heal]

Shin sighed and inspected his body.

He could tell that his body was indeed injured and more fragile but as such, it hadn't lost any of its power.

So in 2 years, he will be as good as new..

"I can make the time here go by faster but it won't affect my body. But I can at least use the space element to make a barrier around this place to be quiet" Shin said thinking.

The space element manifested itself in Shin's hand and a bubble came out of it and expanded to surround the whole place around Shin.

"Perfect. Hm?" said Shin before he saw something shining in the corner of his eye.

There was a shiny blue stone on the ground where he had woken up, except he noticed something.

"Life?" said Shin as he felt a trace of Life Energy in the stone.

"Then an egg. But of what?" concluded Shin.

He walked over to the egg, crouched down and touched it.

When he touched it, the egg seemed to absorb Shin's Life Energy in large quantities.

And after taking a good amount, a crack appeared on the egg.

Then several cracks appeared as Shin stood back to watch the hatching until the egg broke open and a baby dragon was born.

The baby dragon was tiny with scales and sapphire blue eyes but its eyes were filled with curiosity as it looked from left to right.

The baby dragon finally turned its head towards Shin, walked slowly towards him and held out its head.

Shin instinctively reached his hand towards the dragon's head and placed it on it.

When he put his hand down, he received a flash of light and immediately passed out.


In various parts of the world, legendary dragons felt a sensation, a flash.

They all widened their eyes when they felt what they thought was no longer possible.

'A dragon rider is born...' they thought.As they stood in huge, ancient ruins buried for millennia, dusty, old statues suddenly began to glow with their former glory.


Shin awoke once again, this time with a small blue dragon in his arms sleeping against him.

The little dragon woke up and looked at Shin as she stood up and rubbed her head against Shin's cheeks and purred.

Shin stroked it in return but was drawn to a slight pain in the palm of his right hand.

A sort of burnt e-shaped tattoo was on the lower part of his palm towards his thumb.

Shin concentrated and searched for the meaning of this mark, looking for any change in his body.

And what he found was not an injury but rather a bond.

As if his soul was linked to the little dragon's.

Shin was speechless for several minutes and then looked towards the mini lake where the little dragon had gone.

Getting up, he went to the mini lake and watched the little dragon emerge from the water with a fish in its mouth.

"Grrr." The little dragon growled as he looked at Shin, not to scare him but to show him his prey. Like a proud child showing off to his parents.

"Pff, ah" Shin chuckled looking at the little dragon as the sun shone on its wet blue scales.

"Saphira..." said Shin unconsciously.

The little dragon who was busy eating his fish at the edge of the mini lake suddenly looked up and his eyes shone.

The little dragon grunted with joy and ran eagerly and excitedly towards Shin, jumping on him to lick and bite his nose and ears.

After that, Shin decided to build a little hut and started while Saphira helped him and grew.

\ A few weeks later /

"Perfect" said Shin as he looked at the finished hut in front of him.

It had taken him this long because he hadn't used any powers or anything given the time he had.


The wind blew hard and the trees swayed a bit as a large figure came from the sky.


And just after, a large and beautiful dragon landed it was the same size as the boar.

"Well, we're going to have a big dinner tonight. Thank you, Saphira," said Shin, looking at Saphira.

Saphira was now well grown and was at about teenage size.

(The same size as in the movie)

"I'm looking forward to it" said Saphira with a smile.

Saphira was now also able to speak telepathically to Shin.

She was now, although young, very wise, quite proud and very protective of Shin.

Their relationship was quite difficult to explain, what he knew was that he would do anything for the other. Even give their lives.

Besides, beyond that, if Shin died then so did Saphira.

They both ate the boar until their stomachs hurt, then Shin went to bed while Saphira slept in a little hut with a nest in it stuck to the house and which had a window that looked into Shin's room.

Saphira had taken to sleeping with Shin as a child and so when she grew so big that she couldn't get into the house, she insisted on having that window.

\ The next day /

As Shin slept, he suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

"Weird," Shin murmured alertly.

His instincts and senses told him he was being watched but nothing around him.

"If someone can observe me through the space element bubble, that means they are much more powerful than me."

"But I didn't feel any bad intentions or killing intent" Shin said as he calmed down but still remained on guard.

"Get up beautiful" said Shin as he patted Saphira who slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

"I'm going hunting" said Saphira after she got up.

"Ok be careful and call me if there is anything" said Shin seriously.

"Hmph, I'm not that weak" said Saphira sniffling but deep down she liked that he was worried about her.

"That's true" said Shin with a genuine smile as Saphira took off and left.

"State," Shin whispered just before Saphira flew through the space bubble.

[Name: Saphira

Race: Dragon

Title: Daughter of a Dragon King

Lineage: Dragon King

Total Power: S (middle)

Element : Water (medium), Fire (low)]

(I'll say it, just because she's a dragon doesn't mean she has much control over the fire element. Phoenixes do because they are made of fire. Dragons breathe fire so they have at worst a tolerance but that's it. At least for normal dragons)

She's strong, sure, but Shin was curious about her title and lineage.

' The daughter of a dragon king? No wonder she's so powerful at her age, I guess the dragon king deserves his title.'

Unfortunately for him, he didn't know any more because he has no information about this world, except that it must be a fantasy world since there are dragons.

Shin could only go out into the surrounding forest as he did not want to venture into this world until he was healed. It is a higher world after all.

So Shin continued his routine and after a few hours, he went to the mini lake to wash himself.

Disappearing his clothes, he dove into the mini lake.

"Aah, refreshing" he said with a satisfied face.

He also took out his wings to clean them.

"Hm?" As he cleaned himself, Shin felt a presence appear in his bubble of space.

He turned around quickly, surprised.

'How?' he thought.

The only way was if it was someone more powerful than him, and in his current condition, that would be a big problem.

But after turning around and looking towards the place, he could see a woman.

She had long silver-blond hair, translucent blue-green eyes and long ears.

She had a white dress with blue patterns and was wearing lots of jewellery. She also had a golden stick or sceptre in her hands.

She was also bȧrėfoot. She was beautiful and graceful but this did not disturb Shin.

"Who are you?" said Shin seriously and cautiously as he tucked in his wings and teleported out of the lake a few feet away from the woman, fully clothed.


\ Earlier, in a palace /

"My queen, are you sure?" asked a woman who looked a bit old but was still quite beautiful.

"Yes, I have to go" said the woman in front of her with determination as she prepared herself.

The woman getting ready was the same woman who stood before Shin.

She was the queen of the elves, Thalia.

In this world, the elven race lived in a forest away from all other civilizations.

This did not mean that they were unsociable, they often left the forest to go to the cities. It's just that they were more comfortable in the forest.

In the forest, they lived in a big city where in its centre was an immense tree of hundreds of meters which sheltered in its heart the palace where the queen lived and the meetings with the elders were held.

And the woman who spoke with Thalia was the priestess of the sacred tree.

The tree in the middle of the city was the sacred tree and a powerful spirit lived in it.

The spirit had special powers and could foretell fortune or misfortune.

Then one day the priestess called the queen at the request of the spirit.

The spirit predicted that the queen's problem could be solved if she went to the place where the anomaly appeared.

After that, a meeting between the queen and the elders was held and led to the queen's decision to go there herself.

The elders, although against it, could only ask her to at least be accompanied.

"To break this curse, I will go" said Thalia with conviction and anger.

Queen Thalia was under a curse. In fact he didn't know if it was really a curse, but they took it as such.

She couldn't get pregnant. She had everything she needed, but strangely enough, she couldn't.

And as a queen, it was a problem if she couldn't give birth to heirs to continue the royal line.

Then even personally, Thalia wanted them.

"Say, do you know what this anomaly is exactly?" asked Thalia curiously, putting her anger at the curse aside.

"Hmm.. No I don't really know, the spirit of the sacred tree only told me it was a powerful being that appeared out of nowhere" the priestess said thoughtfully.

"Powerful how?" asked Thalia.

"I don't know either but if I had to guess... It would be comparable to the dragon kings" the priestess said seriously as Thalia turned to her in shock.

"And what are we supposed to do when we meet this being?" asked Thalia still surprised and a little desperate.

You have to understand that the ranks of the Shin system are the same as those of this world, from F rank to SSS (high) rank.

And Thalia was of S rank (high) and was therefore a very powerful person in this world.

But beings of SS (low) rank and above were on a completely different level and very rare.

"We must ask her to give us some of her blood" said the priestess with difficulty and a drop of sweat.

Thalia became even more desperate but the priestess quickly retorted.

"But the spirit of the sacred tree said that this being was good and honest," the priestess said quickly to cheer up the queen.

"Hmm," said Thalia, half-convinced.

She wanted to believe in the spirit of the sacred tree, but beings of SS rank, even if she had never met one, should be dangerous and powerful, and therefore arrogant and uninterested in the weak.

Conversely, powerful and ancient beings can be honest and wise, so Thalia regained her determination.

After that, the queen and the priestess joined some elven soldiers and magicians to go to the forest.

There were dozens of them because the forest where Shin was was known to be a very dangerous forest as it was home to many S rank monsters.

Also, the anomaly was probably felt all over the world so they wouldn't be surprised if other kingdoms or people came to see the anomaly.

During their journey, they were attacked by various monsters but were able to defend themselves quite easily.

Then the closer they got to the place, the less monsters there were.

And everyone in the group understood why.

He was scared, or so he thought.

But when they arrived, they were more than surprised.

There seemed to be some kind of bubble that disturbed the space.

And around this bubble, a lot of monsters were there but none of them were attacking or had dangerous auras.

They were all peacefully either sleeping or looking at the bubble.

And all the monsters around were the most powerful S rank monsters!

He was in the heartbeat of the forest so it was no surprise.

The whole group stood on guard as they moved quietly forward without the monsters saying anything.

' What kind of beings are in there?' everyone thought.

The group stopped in front of the bubble when they knew they couldn't get through.

So she took out her sceptre from her ring and her sceptre emitted an aura that surrounded her, allowing her to pass through.

"My queen!" shouted the knights and mages as their queen disappeared and went into the bubble alone.


Thalia was now inside the bubble and what she saw surprised her.

The image in front of her looked like a small paradise.

A small cabin, a mini lake with a lawn and green trees.

She walked slowly forward in amazement but stopped when she heard a voice.

"Who are you?"

When she heard this voice, she was surprised because she had not felt any presence.

Turning towards the voice, she saw a man in the lake.

He was nȧkėd and seemed to be washing himself.

He was very handsome and with the water running over his glistening skin, it made for a beautiful scene.

And what embellished the scene was that beautiful pair of green wings on his back.

But the man quickly disappeared from the lake and reappeared in front of her fully dressed and dried.

He gave off a very powerful aura that made Thalia sweat.

'What a powerful magical power,' Thalia thought.

Shin was unleashing his magical power to scare the woman.

He didn't know what his goals were and he wasn't at his best so he wasn't taking any chances, especially since the woman wasn't weak.

[Name: Thalia

Race: Elf

Title: Queen of the Elves, Mage of rank S

Lineage: Royal Elf

Total Power: S (high)

Element: Earth (medium), Wind (medium), Water (low)]

"My queen!" Suddenly, several voices were heard as a group entered the bubble.

Shin was surprised to see that not only could this queen enter, but even weaker people could as well.

He was weakened but they were entering too easily so Shin looked carefully and noticed that they were somehow protected by a more powerful being.

Shin spread his wings to be more impressive and looked intimidated.

The group and the priestess noticed this and were overwhelmed by his power, while the queen was able to resist better even if it was difficult.

"Stop, we don't want to hurt you," the queen said with some difficulty.

Shin looked into her eyes and calmed down when her magic power stopped.

He could see if a person's intentions were good or bad, as well as see if they were lying.

He was just being too impulsive at the time.

"Sorry, I was too harsh, but understand that I'm careful," Shin said sympathetically.

The knights and mages stood up and remained on guard but he was suddenly more at ease and calm.

So was the priestess.

Thalia no longer felt threatened or frightened by Shin but instead felt comfortable with him and found his presence pleasant and gentle.

"I understand, I'm sorry," Thalia said as she bowed in apology.

"No problem," Shin replied with a smile.

"Excuse me, are you an angel? " asked the priestess to the surprise of the mages, knights and Thalia.

" ? Why do you think so? "Shin asked, curious as to how he looked like an angel.

"At first glance, the wings, but more importantly, you give off this sacred or rather soothing, invigorating and pleasant aura. I've never felt such a pure aura," the priestess said seriously, but you could see that her eyes were sparkling.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not an angel," Shin said honestly as he could see a little disappointment in everyone's eyes.

After all, seeing angels was something mythical and unthinkable.

It is even said that some angels are equal or even more powerful than some gods.

"Come and sit down," said Shin as he turned and walked towards the hut.


Suddenly, a loud roar sounded as a draconic figure came from the sky, entered the bubble and stepped in front of Thalia and the others to their surprise.


Saphira roared in front of them as they stood guard.

"Stop it, Saphira," Shin said as he went to Saphira's side to calm her down.

"Who are they?" asked Saphira telepathically to Shin as she looked at them with a growl.

"I felt your magic power going wild and your heartbeat was getting a little excited so I came over right away"

"I thought they were enemies but they are just elves who came to ask for help. I believe it" Shin said, stroking Saphira to soothe her.

"It's okay. She's not mean, just careful, don't hold it against her" Shin said apologetically.

"It's not a big deal. She's a very pretty dragoness" Thalia said with a smile.

The others were shocked as a dragon is a very powerful and quite rare creature.

And despite appearances, Thalia was also a bit shocked because an S-rank (middle) dragon was even rarer and as young...

'Maybe this dragoness could even become a dragon king in the future' Thalia thought with a drop of sweat.

"I like that one. But they move a little finger and I killed her" Saphira said with pride before walking towards the lake but keeping an eye on them.

They then all went towards the cabin and the lake for Shin and Thalia to sit on a table, facing each other.

"So? What do you need?" asked Shin as Saphira went into the lake to wash herself.

"Hm.. We'll need your blood" said Thalia with difficulty and apprehension.

"Grr" Saphira grunted at the request.

Asking for the blood of someone she had just met was odd so she didn't really expect a positive response.

"..." Shin didn't speak, which added tension to everyone as well as desperation to Thalia.

"Of course," Shin replied with a friendly smile, which shocked everyone as Thalia's eyes widened in wonder and happiness.

She now saw the man in front of her as her savior and had an even higher regard for him.

"But for what?" asked Shin next with a serious face.

Of course he would be willing to give blood if it would really help but it would depend on the reason.

Already, he knew that Thalia and the rest had a good soul so they were already starting with a good point.

"That's... It's to free me from my curse" Thalia replied with a sad, distressed face.

"A curse? A curse of what, if you don't mind me asking?" Shin asked a little surprised because he didn't feel any dark magic coming off of her or anything.

"One that prevents me from being able to have children. And that's my dearest wish" Thalia said with even more regret and sadness.

Shin felt sorry for her. He could see that she wasn't lying and he completely understood her pain.

"Okay," Shin said after much thought.

"But how did you know that I could heal you and that you needed my blood?" asked Shin curiously.

After all, he could do it now with his Life Energy, there was no need to give his blood.

"The spirit of the sacred tree has powers of premonition and predilection and has told us that we should ask for the blood of the being resting here," the priestess replied.

Sacred tree spirit?" thought Shin and then realized.

"It was this spirit that poured its aura and magical power onto you and your scepter to get you past my bubble," Shin asked even though he was almost sure of the answer.

"It's true, we couldn't have done it by ourselves" replied the priestess.

"I see... Do you have a container?" said Shin.

"Yes, of course" said the priestess as she pulled a vial from her pockets.

The vial was not made of glass but was made of wood.

"I see, a vial made of wood from the sacred tree, you honor my blood, ahah" laughed Shin after taking the vial and examining it, which made the mood warmer for everyone.

Shin bit his finger with drops of blood dripping from it.

Thalia and the others were surprised and a little intimidated by the power that a single drop of blood gave off.

One drop of blood seemed to give off pure, infinite power.

They felt younger, fitter and stronger and felt even more comfortable just being around that drop of blood.

"Here," Shin said after pouring several drops and handing the vial to Thalia.

"Thank you so much," Thalia said with tears in her eyes as the others all bowed in gratitude on behalf of their queen.

After several seconds of thanks, they were about to leave when Shin turned around.

"Wait," Shin said as Thalia and the others turned around curious as to what Shin might want.

"Take. Although I highly doubt it will work, just in case, take this feather and put it next to you" Shin said as he spread his wings and plucked a feather that floated to the priestess.

The priestess held the feather with great care while she could still power it like the drop.

She regarded both as a treasure not far from the divine.

A creature of SS rank is the pinnacle of power in this world and is not so far from the divine.

"Thank you," Thalia said emotionally as she watched Shin turn around with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks.

Then they left while Shin went to Saphira in the lake to wash her with soap.

Thalia imprinted this image and especially the man in her memory before leaving.


\ 2 years later /

"Ready Saphira?" asked Shin as he looked back at Saphira.

He was dressed in a large hooded robe like the one he had taken when he arrived in Dragnof.

"Always," replied Saphira.

Then the two of them stepped out of the bubble and into this world.




I forgot to mention that during those two years, Shin could no longer go to the divine realm because of his injuries and a disruption in his connection with the space-time during his journey to the new world.

But when the two years were up, he went to see them again and told them what had happened so far.

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