Godly Choice System

Chapter 3333: Inequality

"The friendship between Xiaomeng and Xiaoxiao has developed really fast."

As the current Shan Ruqing, I am very pleased.

For various reasons, her daughter had very few friends before, and never had classmates come to the house.

But after having "Dad" Li Yun, Xiaoxiao was obviously happier.


Shan Xiaoxiao is not very happy at the moment.

Hu Xiaomeng, the dear and lovely sister in her mother's eyes, was twisting her cheek and rubbing hard, and at the same time she whispered: "Okay, you Shan Xiaoxiao, so amazing, you dare to peek at your mother's phone! "

Shan Xiaoxiao screamed, this Hu Xiaomeng is also a very high IQ and very difficult guy, and she can see through her secretly looking at her phone at night while her mother is asleep.

It is precisely because she peeked at her mother's phone at night that Shan Xiaoxiao knew all the chats in the fairy group.

Including Hu Xiaomeng's glorious deeds about picking flowers and seeing Nanshan leisurely under the east fence!

And it happened the night before, so Hu Xiaomeng was so "furious."

So, under Hu Xiaomeng's threats + lure, Shan Xiaoxiao was forced to sign an unequal treaty with this very nasty, very nasty, very bad and very bad sister Hu Xiaomeng in a small corner of the living room.

Including not opposing the sister's leadership, all obey the sister's orders, the sister will give you candy and other terms that lose the dignity of the big girl.

In exchange, it was just a "Sister will help you chase the person you like", that's it! !

This is a rather unequal treaty, but somehow, Shan Xiaoxiao was a little happy, and she didn't know why. Could it be that she liked this hateful sister Hu Xiaomeng?

No, how is it possible!

This Hu Xiaomeng is simply too bad, and he always talks about **** topics, which makes Shan Xiaoxiao feel ashamed. Sister Hu Xiaomeng is too shameless, just like that little pepper sister in the fairy group.

"Very good~."

Hu Xiaomeng happily let go of her hand and kissed her cheek with a grin, "In the future, Xiaoxiao will be my person. If you are bullied, you will report your sister Hu Xiaomeng’s name, your sister Xiaomeng. Make sure to fly over, and kick your bully as soon as you can!"

"Just you bullying me." Shan Xiaoxiao whispered.

"What are you talking about? Loud, I didn't hear you clearly."

"No, no, I...little mean, sister Xiaomeng, you are so cute~!"

"Hehehe, I hate it, the little one is more cute, come on, sister kiss again~"

Fan Qingsheng, who watched the whole process and listened to the conversation between the two little girls, said... She didn't say anything, just glanced at the two of them.

Then Hu Xiaomeng ran to her with Shan Xiaoxiao, chatting and talking.

Sage Fanqing didn't get bored and took out a book to explain to them about cultivation.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Feiyao also leaned over, and snatched Xiao Xiao from Hu Xiaomeng's liu, and hugged it in his own liu.

This made Shan Xiaoxiao so happy that she almost cried. Not only did she escape from Xiaomeng’s softness, but the back of her head also changed from plain to soft cotton. This is a super super thing~!

"Shall we play a game?"

In front of the fireplace, Su Muxin suggested.

"what game?"

"One person tells a ghost story. Whoever is afraid first loses! Those who lose have to go to the bathroom alone, and are not allowed to turn on the lights."

"Woo, don't talk about it, Little Pepper, it feels scary."

"Hahaha, this effect is what you want, hurry up, turn off the lights and start speaking!"

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