Godly Choice System

Chapter 3389: Still world

"Evidence?" Sage Fanqing asked. Her question was actually to help Li Yun sort out his thoughts.


Li Yun thought for a while, "Ignore the sky above my head and treat it as an existence that we don't understand. Illusions or barriers are both. Regardless of it, I don't care about the physical rules here, and don't worry about whether it is just 300,000. Kilometers every wonderful.

Just talk about the terrain here! "

Li Yun pointed to the ground under his feet.


Fan Linglong and Fan Qingsheng looked at each other. The master and apprentice squatted down together and carefully touched the soil on the ground with their slender hands.

"It's no different from ordinary soil, but it's even drier." Fan Linglong judged, found another stone, and poked it with his finger. Jin Dao directly pierced the stone, revealing the heart of the stone.

The three of them took a look, and the inside was no different from the outside stone.

"The terrain is nothing strange." Fan Linglong concluded.

"No, just because it's not strange, it looks strange."

Li Yun smiled slightly, "This strange world has air, but there is no flow, which proves that the temperature in any place here is equal, and it is in a state of almost time static, but this state is never generated naturally, but has Anyone, whether a **** or an immortal, transports soil and air here, and uses his force to forcibly balance the temperature and the flow of objects here in an instant!"

Sage Fanqing looked around and nodded: "Yes, the dust here did not spread out and spread on the ground, but showed signs of being blown by the wind."

She rarely said so much.

Fan Linglong didn't quite understand, "What if no one forced it to stop?"

"If not, then there should be repeated wind blowing here, just like boiling water, blowing repeatedly because of temperature imbalance, until the temperature of all objects is the same, this chaotic breeze will stop."

"During the period, the stones here will also change due to weathering. It will not be in such a complete state!"

After Li Yun finished explaining, Fan Linglong thought about it again, and slowly said, "What you mean is...Although there is no time to stand still, the rules of heaven and earth here are to make the problems of all objects become consistent in an instant. Let all the material flow be balanced."

"That's right." Li Yun admired. Even though Fan Linglong is an older generation born several hundred years ago, she has lived in seclusion for a long time, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand modern science at all.

Moreover, it seems that Fan Linglong now has an epiphany?

"Even..." Fan Linglong raised his hand, his eyes brightened: "The temperature change caused by my spells can't change anything here, because the rules of heat transfer here have been rewritten!? "

"I think... yes."

Heat transfer is rewritten, that is, the second law of thermodynamics is changed, heat will no longer be spontaneously spread from objects with high energy to objects with low energy, and even vice versa, from low-heat spontaneously to objects with high heat.

This is the terrible thing about changing the rules of the small world. Li Yun can even imagine that if the master who created this world is still there, he is a complete **** here, and anyone who comes in does not even control his own life and death. were able.

Although Li Yun also has a free-to-view Lotus Immortal Mansion, it is like the difference between a smart phone and a non-smart phone compared to this small world where the rules can be changed at will!

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