Godly Choice System

Chapter 3501: Like now

"Uh, good, good!"

Li Yun was a little bit dumbfounded. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand again, and then scratched the bridge of the tall lady's nose, watching her bear with her eyes closed. It was very cute.

It makes people feel warm.

The so-called Chinese New Year, in fact, is this kind of feeling, right?

The ceremony is not important, the important thing is that when the person comes back, the heart also comes back.

"Qingsheng, let's go buy fireworks."


"It's something to play on New Year's Eve, hehe, I wanted to play when I was a kid, Caiwei and Caixia also quarreled for fun, but unfortunately there was no money at the time, now I will make up!"

Li Yun didn't know if Fan Linglong and the others bought the fireworks and firecrackers. They probably bought them, but Li Yun decided to buy some with Qingsheng.

He probably understands that Qing Sheng actually likes this kind of lively things, her character is undoubtedly cold and lonely to the extreme, but it seems that because of her deserted nature, she needs such a lively atmosphere to break away. Her dusty temperament.

Otherwise, it may be the day when the Sage Fanqing will ascend to a fairy and leave the mortal world completely.

The last time she went to take the college entrance examination, it was actually the same as the new year.

"Do you want to play?" Fan Qingsheng looked at Li Yun.

"It's fun, let's buy more, then we will put enough!"


Fan Qingsheng grabbed Li Yun’s hand and let him lead herself through the crowd of ordinary people buying New Year’s goods. She looked curiously and calmly at the people around her, following Li Yun in her footsteps, as if she was caught by him. Lead in this world.

"Li Yun."


"I like it now!"



"Qingsheng, you repeat what you said just now!"

"Because I like it, so I have to say."

"Ahhhh, my saintly lady, has anyone ever said that you are actually very cute? So cute that I want to hug you and take a bite!"



"You. You said, I'm cute."


Li Yun couldn't stand it in the end. Such a saint was so cute that he couldn't help but hug her, put his arms around her slender waist, and kissed her fiercely!


I don't know when exclamations sounded from the surroundings.

Fan Linglong in the distance was taken aback, and suddenly patted his head: "The spell has failed!"

As a result, Li Yun and the kissing fan Qingsheng were taken pictures with mobile phones by unknown number of people, and Li Yun hurriedly slipped to Fan Linglong's side and asked her to make up another spell for herself.


After buying a bunch of New Year goods, Li Yun returned to his hometown with a group of girls who even the little princess carried a bag in both hands and were full of things to eat and play.

A group of girls who were exhausted, followed Li Yun to the class reunion in the evening, and met Fang Xue, and both parties smiled bitterly.

Li Yun simply drank a little wine, and then dragged Fang Xue to the balcony to talk about love, but it didn't take long for Fan Qingsheng to come out, saying that she didn't like the atmosphere inside.

So it turned into three people talking about love together, coughing cough.

After the party was over, the next morning, Li Yun brought five more girls from Lord Saint to visit Fang's house. After another lunch, he finally returned home.

This time Fang Xue also came, because Li Yun celebrated the 29th New Year in his hometown tonight, and will return to Zhonghai City tomorrow, so tonight is equivalent to celebrating the New Year in Longyang County, and tomorrow will be back to Zhonghai City.

"Cook the noodle soup and paste the couplet, Caixia, little princess, come and help!"


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