Godly Choice System

Chapter 3527: Set off fireworks (part 1)

The joyous New Year's Eve dinner lasted until ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone had their stomachs rolling, and even the dishes were taken in and heated twice before it was over.

The rest I want to eat, I can only eat some hot pot, or roast some beef, lamb and vegetables on a small grill to fill my stomach.

"Brother, shall we go and set off fireworks?"

Plucking Li Yun's arm, Cai Wei swayed a little.

Li Yun Dama Jindao slumped on the sofa, and there was no girl beside him—all of them were shy and dare not come over. The so-called three monks had no water to drink, it was the situation of Li Yun now.

"Fireworks? Good!"

Li Yun reluctantly stood up and greeted the women: "We bought a lot of fireworks, let's go out together!"

There is no question sentence, but affirmative sentence.

"What's there to let go."

Qingnv was the only one to grumble and protest, but she still followed out. Like her, she was a long-lived person. The son Xiaosu seemed a lot happier. She ran out with Caixia Shan Xiaoxiao and other little girls, and pulled up by the way Some sleepy little princesses.

Upon seeing this, Li Yun smiled and asked the little princess to eat another small recovery pill.

The pill can keep the little princess awake. Of course, it can't last. Because tonight is the New Year's Eve, Li Yun specially allowed her to play for a while and then go to bed at 12 o'clock.

"Ah~~~ Husband, feed me."

The little princess opened her small cherry mouth, took the pill from Li Yun's hand, and rubbed her eyes, and then happily ran out of the villa with a few little girls.

Predictably, tomorrow she estimates that she will have to sleep all day to make up for sleep.

However, in life, sometimes it is necessary to break the routine and create a sense of ritual and excitement, so that it can be exciting, and it is normal to stay up late occasionally.

"Ah, great, what is this firework?"

"Sky Monkey~!"

"What about this? This is great!"

"Well, I don't know, it's just fun."

A few little girls set off fireworks as if they were fighting, sparks in front of the villa with lightning, and some fireworks scurried around like fire rats, whizzing around.

Liu Xianxian couldn't help it for almost a second, and immediately ran to join the team that set off the fireworks.

Tang Anxi was stunned, and couldn't help saying: "The benefits of the villa are probably like this..."

If you change it to another place, in a big city like Zhonghai City, let alone firecrackers, you can’t even set off fireworks. They can only be set off in a fixed place. Ordinary children in the city can rarely enjoy what they grew up in the countryside. Child, the pleasure of blowing up cow dung and septic tanks with firecrackers.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

However, this problem does not exist at all in the villa area!

In my yard, I would like to set off fireworks. Especially in Huangting Mountain, there is no smoking ban, so many people come to the foot of Huangting Mountain to set off fireworks.

The villa that Li Yun bought has a large area. The front garden also has a badminton court and the back garden, which is enough to show that the villa has a large area.

Therefore, Caixia, Caiwei, and Shan Xiaoxiao all just set off fireworks if they wanted to, or firecrackers if they wanted to light firecrackers, without considering the feelings of their neighbors.

——The nearest neighbors are all a few hundred meters away from this villa. There is no need to worry at all.

Moreover, as the time gets closer and closer to midnight, the fireworks and firecrackers on Huangting Mountain become more and more intense.

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