Godly Choice System

Chapter 3529: I'm very good

The girls had a good time, and Li Yun didn't care about them either. Anyway, there are a lot of fireworks, so you can just order them.

He glanced around, walked to Nie Xiaoqian and Tang Anxi, and handed a firework stick to the two empty-handed.

"what's happenin?"

Li Yun asked with a smile.

"My son~" Nie Xiaoqian yelled in a soft voice, but with a pitiful look, as if he could see Li Yun's intentions, and proactively confessed: "It's nothing, I'm just a little bit uncomfortable with the lively environment, eh It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that I can’t blend in, but I don’t have to worry about Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian feels very good now, watching the sisters together. Light the fireworks to play, I feel very good~"

In fact, her personality is a bit quiet, but she doesn't reject this kind of New Year's Eve activities. It's better to say that the New Year should be happy.

If it’s the New Year’s Eve, the son did not think of her in the Lotus Immortal Mansion. Nie Xiaoqian would feel lonely and sad. Fortunately, the son told her to participate in the New Year’s Eve activities with her early, and she did not forget her identity as a ghost she was.

"How about you? An Xi."

Li Yun squeezed Tang Anxi's cheeks that were reddened with freezing. Li Yun had already had a relationship with her before, but Tang Anxi was still very stubborn.

"Yun, I'm fine!"

Tang Anxi took a sneak peek at the girls who were still setting off fireworks, and took the initiative to approach Li Yun, put her arms around his waist, and put her delicate body on it. She stood on her tiptoes and took the initiative to print on Li Yun's lips.

Touch it.

Tang Anxi didn't greedy too much. After separating, she covered her lips with her small hands, her eyes full of happiness with a smile.

"Sister Xianxian kissed you husband, I have to kiss back too!"

"You've been entangled just because of this?"


Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. It's no wonder that Tang Anxi had been watching him frequently just now. He had been looking for a chance to kiss him.

Li Yun estimated that if Tang Anxi, who was a little sick, didn't give her a kiss tonight, she would have been thinking about it from New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival!


Tang Anxi lowered her head and smiled shyly. She didn't ask Li Yun to do more for her, but if her husband treats other women well, he must do it to her!

Otherwise, her jealousy will not disappear at all.

"Do you want more?"


Li Yun kissed him, Tang Anxi was quickly lost in the kiss, threw away the firework stick, and responded to him like fire.

Caiwei used fireworks to block her eyes, and was ashamed to look at her brother.


Shan Xiaoxiao pretended to be a little girl, "Bad father always kisses others, I really don't know how to be ashamed."

"What's the shame?" Another Li Yun's daughter, Hei Yudie danced up and down happily, "Baba also likes kissing Didie the most.

Shan Xiaoxiao's face blushed, and she lowered her head to hold fireworks.

Shan Ruqing glanced at her daughter, and then at Li Yun, who was holding Nie Xiaoqian not far away, suddenly looking forward to it.

Since Li Yun kissed one by one, would it be her turn next?

"Big pervert!"

The little maid Qingzhu murmured, her face flushed, if Li Yun came to hug her at this time, she... would definitely refuse, definitely!


After releasing Xiaoqian, Li Yun walked towards Shan Ruqing, this glamorous female president, almost when he walked over, the blush on her face spread from her cheeks all the way to the slender neck, which was especially cute.

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