Godly Choice System

Chapter 3552: Visit together

A few people walked around on the grass, and Li Yun always found it hard to tell.

Although the original Lotus Immortal Mansion was a bit stiff, it was better than small and exquisite. With the lotus pond as the center, a small piece of bamboo forest and woods were full of poetry and painting, just like a self-contained small world, full of warmth.

But now the Lotus Immortal Mansion has become the Qinglian Immortal Mansion. It is much bigger and more agile, but it lacks the feeling of being surrounded, shrouded, and full of fulfillment and security. It also grows with the size. And dissipated.

"Qingsheng, I think this place needs to be reduced a bit, what do you think?"

Li Yun looked at the women and asked their opinions.

"Why shrink, I'm going to be big! Super big!"

The son Xiao Su drew a super big gesture, "Just like my Taohua Village, super big! Also create a lot of people, let them live here, it is best to observe their lives, see after the mortals enter the fairy house What is the reaction...or I will teach you..."

"Forget it."

Li Yun quickly refused and waved his hand: "I don't want other people in my small world to come, even if it is a dummy."

It turns out that this little loli has a hobby of observing mortals. No wonder Li Yun and Fan Qingsheng encountered so many weird things when they were in Taohua Village. They dare to be sent out by this little loli in order to see his and Qingsheng’s reaction. .

This hobby is really bad, is it so fun to observe the lives of mortals?


Seeing that there was no way to persuade Li Yun, Little Lolita simply snorted and muttered why she had accepted this treasure if she had known it, so that she could carry this Qinglian Immortal Mansion with her and observe the lives of mortals all the time.

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry, and squeezed her chubby face, "Do you want to observe mortals, don’t you know how to watch TV? There are so many movies and TV shows on TV, or simply go to the streets, so many ordinary people work hard every day for life, full of The smell of the mundane world is enough for you to observe."


Xiao Su clapped his palms and suddenly realized: "I forgot that I was out there, so I don't need to create a world to observe... Ah, but I still like the feeling of being in control of everything. The mortals outside, what I say, they all Don't believe me, I hate it!"


Li Yun decided to ignore her.

After the other girls woke up, Li Yun had lunch with them, and by the way talked about the Qinglian Immortal Mansion, which surprised them all.

In the afternoon, Caiwei and others said that they didn't want to go out to play, they must be people on New Year's Day.

So for the first time, Li Yun took the two sisters, along with the young girl, Liu Xianxian and Xiao Mingzhu who ran back into the brand-new fairy mansion.

"so big!"

This is the emotion sent by all those who have entered the Immortal Mansion before. Compared with the past, the Qinglian Immortal Mansion has indeed become much larger, just like a small county town, and more beautiful and more agile.

"Okay, awesome!"

Sisters Caixia and Caiwei entered here for the first time (if you remember correctly), both of them opened their eyes in surprise.

In this way, their brother has such a fairy house Dongfu, even if they marry him together, it doesn't matter!

Anyway, there is no one else here, and there is no need to care about other people's eyes, as long as you have a happy life.


The only one who didn't express emotion was the young girl.

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