Godly Choice System

Chapter 3558: After the new year

When Fan Linglong moved away, she didn't mess around with Li Yun every night, and moved back to her disciple's house, which is Mansion 8. Otherwise, the **** Li Yun would toss her every night, she couldn't bear it.

Li Yun naturally refused, reaching out his arm around her slender waist and sitting with her on the sofa.

After some bargaining, Fan Linglong reluctantly agreed to move back after the Chinese New Year.

"After the New Year... at least it is also Lantern Festival, right?"

"What do you want to say? Humph, I won't be with you tonight!"

Fan Linglong followed Li Yun with a glance, leaving his embrace, entering the bathroom, and washing himself.

Wash away the messy marks left last night.

The other girls have not gotten up yet. After they get up, it is estimated that they all have to wash.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the spacious bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, his whole body was dirty, and Fan Linglong felt that he was depraved!

After the Chinese New Year, she will go back to retreat, at least one month, no, half a month... it's still a bit longer, let's go for a week! Come here again on the weekend to accompany Li Yun this little **** to make a fool of yourself.


The little princess finally adjusted her work and rest. She woke up at eleven o’clock in the morning and ran to take a shower. She wore a small pajamas and went out of the bathroom. She shouted "Husband" and threw herself in with joy. Li Yun embraced.

"Why don't you wear more clothes?"

Li Yun hilariously patted Princess Yongning's little face, causing the little princess to giggle again, twisting and acting like a baby in his sorrow.

The girl next to Li Yun said a long time ago that the little princess Yongning is the sweetheart hidden in his golden house. There is no doubt that the little princess is small and soft, and is especially comfortable to hold.

"Because Yongning wants her husband to help dry her hair."

Zhu Shue squeezed her wet head into Li Yun's chest. If it were someone else, she would definitely not do that.

But her husband has a very powerful ability, able to use flames, and can dry her wet hair all at once, including the drops of water on her body that have not yet been wiped dry, and can quickly become dry. ,Very comfortable.

"Well, wait obediently, don't move."

Li Yun had no reason to refuse her lovely wife's cute and coquettish offensive. He stretched out his palm to stroke her head, urging her with a certain amount of spiritual power to help her dry her hair.


Princess Yongning snored comfortably, more and more like a kitten raised by Li Yun.

Every time Li Yun comes home, Princess Yongning is waiting for him.

In addition, the little princess rarely touches outside affairs, she is not stupid, but because of long sleep, she is not interested in contacting outside troubles.

Therefore, her mind is very simple.

Belongs to the kind of little girlfriend who can be hugged and loved, every man has fantasized about.

"Why do you wash your hair early in the morning?"

Li Yun asked casually.

Princess Yongning blushed, bit her lip, and said shyly: "Bad husband~~It wasn't last night...well, in short, the husband is bad! Even in the morning, I still ask Yongning this question."

Li Yun just remembered that he messed up Princess Yongning's hair last night.

No wonder she took a long time to wash.

"Well, it's all my husband's fault, my husband apologizes!"

With such a cute, cute and petite girl, Li Yun's mood has become simple and happy.

The so-called happiness is actually like this, right?

Only in the afternoon, Xiao Mingzhu came again.

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