Godly Choice System

Chapter 3562: What is Bai Fumei

The two of them went up to the top of Huangting Mountain in the evening sunset. Before entering this castle manor with a value of not knowing how many billions and the size of a football field, Xiao Mingzhu opened Li Yun's forehead with his finger. It was after tidying up her appearance, she went from being a gorgeous girl who fell in love to a heroic, faintly smiling Bai Fumei.

"Really awesome." Li Yun admired.

"What's great?"

The corners of Xiao Mingzhu's lips twitched, revealing an alluring smile, but for Li Yun, this smile must be a little false, and Mingzhu didn't smile like this at all.

"It's you who are great."

Li Yun stretched out his hand elegantly, and Xiao Mingzhu took his arm wittily, and the two matched like a pair of golden girls.

"Playing dumb riddles again?" Xiao Mingzhu raised her eyebrows.

"Emotion management is great."

"What, isn't it the same for you? Sometimes you have eyebrows and eyes, and sometimes you pretend to smile. You also hate it!"

Xiao Mingzhu knew that what Li Yun said was that her hypocritical smile at the moment was very powerful.

But don't all adults need such a disguise? And only in front of people who can be trusted, will they let go of their guards.

Li Yun smiled and stretched out his hand to squeeze her beautiful face: "I mean, occasionally, you can also show some true temperament, and you don't need to talk to those people. It was you before. Teach me, now it's counted as I taught you!"

Xiao Mingzhu laughed and said softly, "Well, you are right this time, I am wrong. I shouldn't have been accusing you before. You can fool around with as many girls as you want at night. Anytime is fine, and it doesn’t matter if you are too tired to go to school the next day, okay?"

"...Miss Mingzhu, spare your life!" Li Yun raised his hand and surrendered.

"Hahaha, it's yours, go!"

Holding Li Yun's arm, Xiao Mingzhu took an elegant step and entered the gate of the castle together with Li Yun.

It is not the first time that Li Yun has been here as a guest. After entering the door, the security guard did not come to bother, but just nodded slightly and saluted the lady.

Li Yun walked to the parking lot near the gate and got on a scooter with Xiao Mingzhu.

The disadvantages of the castle being too big are reflected. From the entrance to the main castle, it is nearly a kilometer away. It is hard for outsiders to believe how big this castle is!

Of course, this is definitely not the most local tyrant. Li Yun once read a news that said that the kitchen and dining room of a rich man’s home are 2.3 kilometers away!

After the chef prepares the dishes every day, he has to drive them in, which is very exaggerated.

The scooter soon arrived in front of the main castle. There was an angel’s rockery fountain at the gate. Under the clear water, colorful goldfish swimming freely in the water. At night, the angel statue will still shine, and the fountain pool is also It will be radiant and very beautiful.

Li Yun asked Xiao Mingzhu once before, that this castle alone costs more than tens of millions every year.

Butlers, chefs, drivers, security guards, maids, gardeners...

In addition to personal doctors, personal fitness trainers, etc., there is also a high-end physiotherapy room in the castle, which is not low-cost.

It can be said that the expenses that Xiao Mingzhu's family spends in a year are worth the money that ordinary people can earn if they don't eat or drink for several lifetimes!

What is Bai Fumi? What is luxury?

Just look at Xiao Mingzhu to understand what Bai Fumei is, and come to her home to see Xiao Mingzhu's life, and you will know what low-key luxury is.

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