Godly Choice System

Chapter 3631: Personal instruments


Ise Jinzakura retracted the bell of the gods, and raised the Yata Mirror in the other hand enthusiastically, "This mirror, Yata Mirror, is one of the most important treasures of Ise Jingu. It is said that Yes……"

"Ah, there is no need to introduce this Yata Mirror, I know more than you."

Li Yun hurriedly interrupted her, the little witch said more than he thought, and asked her the next one: "Anything else?"

"Yes! Yes."

Ise Jinsakura walked into the Imperial Shrine, as if forgetting the priest and maiden lying down outside, and also forgot the battle between Xiao Mingzhu and her great samurai, and enthusiastically displayed the collection belonging to Mikami. Show it to Li Yun.

It seems...because of Li Yun's previous act of rescuing her from the great imperial god, she became extremely trusting in him.

Li Yun glanced at the distance. The battle between Xiao Mingzhu and Dongzhao Sword Saint was still going on.


The Owha Miko, who was watching from the side, was both happy and sad.

In her original impression, Sakura, the Mikoko, maintained the dignity and elegance of the **** maiden at all times, and her words and deeds were in line with others' imaginations of the holy, white, elegant and noble Mikoko.

But who could have imagined that after the aura of Mikami faded away, Ise Kamakura was only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, at a young and lively age?

If it weren't for someone like Li Yun to talk to her on an equal footing, Ise Kamakura would never show her side to outsiders, right?

"This is a flower hairpin, Kagura dance and marriage...Well, Mikako can't get married. The only time it can be used in a wedding ceremony is when you no longer serve as Mikako, but... there are very few Mikakos. Will get married."

Ise Jinzakura's face was a little red, and she whispered: "The previous Miko-senpai would choose to spend their entire lives serving the gods and never get married, but this flower hairpin is also used when dancing Kagura."

"Let me see." Li Yun stretched out her hand, and the little witch obediently handed the golden ornament that resembled a hair ornament into his hand.

Sure enough, an evil energy was transmitted into Li Yun's body again.

In this imperial palace, I don’t know how many magical artifacts that have been infected by the power of the "Great Royal God" remain. They have been corroding for hundreds of years. Even the previous gods can only exert a small part of their power, but it is enough. Deepen this influence into all aspects.

Even... on the clothes of the little witch!

"Although I am embarrassed."

Li Yun stared at Ise Jinying's simple and elegant witch costume with red and white tops and white bottoms, and asked seriously: "Little witch, your clothes are also ancestral?"

Ise Kamakura didn't quite understand what he meant at first, but Li Yun's eyes were so shy, she panicked her hand against her chest-not too big, not too small.

"I, I, I..."

Yuko blushed and made Ohwa Miko wonder if Li Yun did it on purpose.

"Ah, I'm serious, don't get me wrong."

"I will answer."

Ohana Miko stood up and carefully guarded Ise Jinzakura, and replied respectfully: "Mikako's clothes are all made by us retired Miko. Of course, it cannot be passed down...everyone. Miko's body is different."

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