Godly Choice System

Chapter 3649: Brother Li Yun

"Li Yun... Brother?"

Koise Kanzaura had a terrified expression on her face, and the thing she was holding in her hand was blocking her chest.

It is a mirror.

To be precise, it is Yata Mirror! !

Only then did Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu see clearly, it turned out that this little Lolita Ise Shenzakura actually held the Yata Mirror, one of the three artifacts of the Kingdom of Sakura!

Recalling that when she first saw her, Little Lolita did indeed hold a mirror in her hand, but at that time Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu were too surprised and did not pay attention to what a little girl was playing with.

"Sakura, don't be afraid of this bad brother! There is a sister."

Xiao Mingzhu became a confidant sister, and after some coaxing, she succeeded in reassuring little Lolita, and quietly made a grimace at Li Yun. After confirming that the bad brother was not angry, her little face showed a smile again.

——Children are like this. They like to make faces to others. If they are not specifically provocative, they are meant to be friends with each other.

Li Yun smiled and asked, "Little Miko, why are you playing with a mirror? Do you know that this mirror is very precious!"

In the real world, Yatagami is a treasure enshrined in Ise Jingu. Of course, it is also an item that Ise Jinzakura is responsible for. Theoretically speaking, Ise Jinzakura can play whatever she wants. For example, she can play Yata Mirror took out the Imperial Shrine and used the mirror to perform shinto skills, purifying a large number of priests and witches.

Yata Mirror, Eight Shaku Qiong Gouyu, Kusanaru Sword, these three treasures were originally gifted by Amaterasu to the first emperor and divine envoy. Yata Mirror should indeed be an item of the divine envoy, otherwise it won’t. Enshrined in Ise Shrine.

In the Kingdom of Sakura, God Envoy = God Miko = Mikamiko.


The eight-year-old little witch screamed again and corrected Li Yun's address to her again: "I've said that I am not a little witch... Well, is this mirror? It was given to me by the Great God!"

"Omikami!?" x2

Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu were surprised at first, but soon thought that what the little maiden said should be that she would become a miracle in the future, so Yata Kyou was also a gift from Amaterasu.

Nothing wrong.


The eight-year-old Ise Kaminakura said something that made both Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu horrified at the same time: "Omikaru is good, he taught me to learn, and rewarded me with fun things, even the food was given to me by Omikami. Yes, I like Omikami the most!"

Innocent words surprised Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu at the same time.

Amaterasu Omikami, is within the sea of ​​knowledge of Ise Kamakura? !

Li Yun asked directly: "Little Witch, the Great Royal God in your mouth is real...Have you really seen her?"

"Tell me Sakura."

The eight-year-old Ise Jinsakura bulged and said, "Of course, Omikami is my most important person. Of course she is in the shrine."

Li Yun looked at the inside of Ise Shrine, thoughtfully: "Did the little maiden imagined it, or something? Pearl, get ready!"


When he said a word, Xiao Mingzhu knew what to do. At the moment, she smiled and said to the eight-year-old Ise Kanzaku: "Sakura, can I take my brother and sister in and have a look? We also want to see Omikami It."

She was a little nervous, face to face with a god, even if it was a phantom, she deserved to be treated with caution.

Of course, the saint son Loli at home, because of the familiarity, no longer has the majesty of the gods!

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