Godly Choice System

Chapter 3656: small bug

While the goddess was stomping madly, Li Yun quickly said: "Mingzhu, you remember, in the consciousness of others, the master will always control everything, unless external forces break the balance and occupy the core of her consciousness. , Turn her into a puppet-like existence, otherwise, you will always stand on the side of the master in the sea of ​​consciousness and seek the help of her original consciousness."

"Like...Sakura now?"

Xiao Mingzhu looked at the little Ise God Sakura who had not recovered his sanity. The poor little guy was frightened by the sudden runaway Amaterasu, holding the Yata Mirror in his hands, his little face was pale.

"Yes." Li Yun gently embraced the squatting little witch, stroked her little face, and said: "Sakura, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you! No matter who you are, as long as you are in this world , You are the bravest, you don't need to be afraid of anyone!"

Ise Kamizura looked at him blankly, and asked unconsciously, "Brother...why, why?"

"Little bug, how dare you laugh at the demigod, die!!!"

The golden goddess spotted the three people in the sky, and did not hesitate to wave her palm again, as if she was hitting a mosquito, without mercy.

Even the messenger to her is the same!

"Don't be afraid."

Li Yun flew in the sky with Ise God Sakura and escaped the blow. He had a certain guess about this crazy goddess in his heart. He hugged Ise God Sakura tightly and continued to tell her. : "Sakura, don't be afraid, the Great God in front of you is fake!"


Hearing these words, the little Ise Kanzakura gradually regained the ability to think.

She herself was in a sudden riot because of the great Royal God she worshiped, and slapped the Imperial Shrine into the air. She fell into a huge shock and wondered if there was something wrong with her belief.

At this moment, when I heard the trustworthy Li Yun saying that this great **** was fake, Ise Kamakura suddenly seemed to have grasped the straw, desperately wanting to know the truth.

"Yes, how could the Omikami, whom Kozakura has always respected, go crazy?"

Li Yun pulled out the Leap Fire God Sword and swung his flying sword awe-inspiringly at the golden goddess in the distance like a mountain, "Look, this fake **** is attacking like crazy. Will the Great Royal God be such a god?" "

"No, it's not, Omita, Omita..."

While Ise Jinzakura was whispering, the golden goddess under attack was even more crazy, as if to overturn the whole world.

However, as the master of Ise Kamakura, as long as she still has consciousness, it is impossible for anyone to occupy this place, unless a stronger force is used to forcibly erase her consciousness.


The surrounding rumbling vibrations, the huge goddess kept attacking, just a slap shot, the wind and waves set off are enough to blow people for several kilometers, Li Yun doesn't care about that many, hastened to Xiao Mingzhu, and he was attentive. Hiding around.

Knowing what Li Yun meant, Xiao Mingzhu grasped one of Ise Jinsak’s small hands, and was too nervous, and quickly said to Ise Jinsakura: "Sakura, you see, the great **** you believe in is such a mess. Are you attacking people? Before you think about it, did you think that the guy in front of you who pretended to be the Omit was very different from the Omit in your mind before?"


Little Ise Kamakura nodded fearfully, not daring to look at the great god, thinking she was strange.

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