Godly Choice System

Chapter 3677: Great God Descends

Xiao Mingzhu asked in surprise.

Yesterday she and Li Yun only saw this golden plump goddess in the sea of ​​consciousness of Ise Shenzakura, but they saw it in the real world today!

"Guess so."

Li Yun nodded and looked at Ise God Sakura: "Little Miko, don't kneel, get up and ask, can your Great Royal God speak!"

Xiao Mingzhu and Ise Shinsakura both gave him a blank eye—Ise Shinsakura gave Li Yun a look after carefully raising his head.

"You are not allowed to be rude to the Great God!"

Seeing the Great Royal God with my own eyes is more effective than any recovery pill. The little maiden recovered suddenly, knelt forward and walked a few steps forward with vitality, her face was in front of the two or three-meter-high golden goddess, if it weren't for the goddess, she would still look like an illusion. , She is going to talk with her chin on the knee of the goddess


Ise Kaminakura shouted pitifully, her eyes gleaming like a goddess.

Unfortunately, no response was received.


"Woo, Omikami, it's me, I'm yours...your child!"

"Yes, I am your child, and you are also your messenger, Omita, you can't ignore me!"

Ise Jinying kept crying pitifully, so that Li Yun, who thought she would use some magic to call or communicate with the gods, made the corners of her mouth twitch.

"Okay, Sakura, don't shout."

Li Yun retracted his hand from the Yata mirror, and the golden goddess dissipated again.

But the magical thing is that these golden brilliance did not fly away directly, but fell on Ise Jinzakura one after another, like a commendation to her loyal believers, poured into her sea of ​​knowledge and gave She has a lot of magical knowledge.

"What is this? Will something happen?" Xiao Mingzhu couldn't help asking, and she thought of the strange snake before, which had a similar green aura.

"……probably not."

Li Yun carefully observed that this power is not of the evil type, and Ise Jinzakura was not harmed by herself, on the contrary, she couldn't stand it.


After a while, Ise Kamakura recovered from the trance, but she still looked at Li Yun steadily, and seemed to be in a daze again, turning into a stupid state.

"what happened?"

Xiao Mingzhu asked softly, for fear of disturbing her.

"Da Mijin!!!"

Ise Jinzakura suddenly yelled, then stood up, stretched out her hand to the sky, and shouted again: "Omikami, Omikami, Omikami bless us!! Omikami did not leave, she has been watching us!"

The sound was so loud that it alarmed the people standing outside the door.

Afterwards, the people outside saw a golden goddess walking out of the imperial palace.

In the golden light, a plump figure of the goddess appeared in front of them, sweeping everyone's faces with a majestic look and torch-like eyes.

There was an idea in everyone's minds: Great God!

"It's the Great God!"

"The Great God is here!"

"Woo, Omikami, we are finally waiting for you!"

A group of people knelt down with excitement, and they all started crying, praying, or telling Omikami what happened during this period.

I don't know how long the noise was going on before Omiyaji wiped his tears and raised his head, and was stunned.

Where is the great god, it is definitely the **** child!

No, it was the Mikami who gave the power to Amaterasu, and her appearance almost changed drastically.

A golden phantom of the goddess appeared on her body, as if it had become a fusion with the goddess, and as if guarding her, giving her supreme power.

Seeing Ise Jinzakura is like seeing Amaterasu Omikami.

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