Godly Choice System

Chapter 3679: Omiya's decision

The thousand priests and maidens who were kneeling were shocked again. This man is really amazing. No, it should be from an extraordinary background. Even the Great God pays attention to him. It is no wonder that he can help the Mikami solve the legendary one.


When a goddess pays attention, Li Yun's answer is "Oh".

There is no one more calm than him in the world.

Ise Jinzakura puffed up her cheeks again.

"How come it seems?"

Xiao Mingzhu asked curiously, "Is these two instructions an oracle, a command, or a hint? What is the first oracle?"

The two oracles, Ise Shenzakura, seem to be used, and there is no certainty that they are oracles.

This is not in line with the character of the little maiden, she usually says what she has, especially when it comes to the oracle of the Great God, she is even more outspoken.

So these two seem very unusual.

"It's... not sure!"

The little witch was discouraged. "The oracles I received before were all very clear commands, but this time they were vague. I don’t even know whether it was the order of the Great Royal God or I thought it myself. In short, it was very clear. strange."

"What's weird about this." Li Yun patted her little head amusedly, "Little Miko, are you stupid? Now you have only obtained two artifacts, so the Amaterasu God left not much information. In addition, all your oracles before are from Yaqi...Uh, I still don’t talk about it."

Ise Jingu’s Mikamiko was blinded by the Yaki Orochi for a thousand years. It is not only a taboo to say it, but it will also make Ise Kamakura sad, so it’s better not to say it.

Omiya Secretary raised his head and glanced at Li Yun. He also thought of this, but he must not say anything about Yaqi Orochi!

The majesty of Ise Jingu cannot be trampled on.

What happened during this period of time has been pushed to the Yaki Orochi. The previous Mikoto had obtained the oracle from the Amaterasu Orogo, not from the Yaki Orochi!

In fact, for thousands of years, Ise Jingu has always believed in Amaterasu, not the big Yaki snake. Even if the strange snake occupies this place, it can only act as Amaterasu. The Great God, not the **** of faith that occupies here.

Therefore, it is better to conceal the matter from the mistake.

"This matter... Mikako doesn't need to be involved. She has regained the favor of Omikami and became a true envoy. In the future, she will continue to lead us at Ise Jingu, and Omika will also guard us."

Omiyaji made a secret secretly. The Yaki Orochi matter must be rotten in the stomachs of those who know about it. People outside can only know that it was Mikako Ise Kamakura who summoned Omikami and killed eight. Qi Da Snake!

Fortunately, last night that Miss Xiao only said that the Yaki Orochi occupies Ise Jingu, but did not say how long the Yaki Orochi has occupied the shrine. The fact that the Yaki Orochi was here for a full thousand years was still in the morning. , I found out when I was chatting with Mr. Li Yun.

And there are only a few people who know this, and they won't spread it out.


Li Yun kept silent, but Ise Kamakura was very puzzled, but did not ask much, but thought of another thing, and said in surprise: "How do you know that the first oracle of Omikami was to let me gather together? Three artifacts?"


A group of kneeling people were taken aback by the oracle of Omikami, but after thinking about it carefully, they could understand all of them.

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