Godly Choice System

Chapter 3681: Decide

"What Mikako said!"

Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu were surprised, but the priests and witches present all agreed with Ise Jinying's decision.

They have done something wrong and committed such a big omission, they should make atonement for their sins. This year, and even many years to come, they have to pray for forgiveness from the Great Imperial God.

Therefore, Ise Jinzakura is not sad, but self-blame.


Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu looked at each other. Sure enough, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the thoughts of the **** stick.

Normal people know that they have been deceived for so many years, they are either angry or sad, and feel that their life is deceived, and some may even commit suicide.

But for people like Ise Kamakura, who is a mad believer and a **** maiden, the first reaction to be deceived is self-blame. It was her mistake that caused the oracle of Omikami to fail to be conveyed.

Li Yun feels that this kind of thinking can sometimes be dangerous. Maybe something will go wrong in the future, especially if the goddess Amaterasu issues some strange oracle.

But then again, Ise Jinzakura, who is a **** envoy, can't seem to refuse, and can only pray that Amaterasu will not be so crazy.

"Forget it, let's go now."

Li Yun looked to the sky, "While it was still early, we had lunch and went to the palace to get Qiong Gouyu back."

Xiao Mingzhu glanced at him.

"No way!"

Ise Kaminakura immediately refused, and Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu looked at her again.

"Before lunch, I still have to pray." Ise Jinzakura added.

"Didn't you just prayed?"

"Just now it was in the morning, now I have to make up for noon."


Facing the righteous little witch, Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry, and knocked her head hard, causing the little witch to yell and look at him angrily.

"You can't miss one day? You didn't pray three times a day before, did you?"

"One day can't be less!" Ise Jinzakura is very firm. "I used to be three times a day, and no day is less. Besides, today's prayers are reserved for tomorrow, then tomorrow is reserved for the day after tomorrow? Besides, ah , Today’s prayer is different from tomorrow’s prayer."


Even Xiao Mingzhu was speechless, "You mean you must pray?"


"That's it."

Li Yun had a headache, and had to find an excuse to point to the Yata Mirror in her arms: "The Great Royal God passed down the oracle and asked you to gather three artifacts. Little Witch, do you think it is important to execute the oracle, or Is it important to pray?"

"It's important to execute the oracle!"

Ise Jinzakura replied immediately.


Li Yun waved his hand, "Now eat, take a 15-minute rest after eating, and set off to the palace!"


The stupid little witch stared at Li Yun with her eyes, and after a long while, she reluctantly agreed.

Stop praying, eat, and then go to the palace to get Qiong Gouyu.

As for the question of whether the emperor allows it, wait until the palace.

"Mikako." Omiyaji and several people in charge of the shrine stepped forward and asked respectfully: "Then we shall prepare now? First inform the imperial palace and say that Mikami will arrive in two hours. "


Ise Jinzakura agreed and let them do these chores.

Mikami is actually a respectable name. Usually they call Ise Kamakura as Kozakura, but in formal occasions, they all call Mikamiko. If translated into Chinese, it can also be called Mikko.

Both Mikami and Miko are fine.

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