Godly Choice System

Chapter 3688: dispute

"I serve Daimikami..."

Ise Kaminakura wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the congressman. He pointed to Li Yun and shouted coldly: "Not to mention that you are still with this person from that country. You even slept together last night, huh, we The parliament has not traced your traitor to your country for prosperity. How dare you come today and ask for Qiong Gouyu again?!"

The congressmen's words completely aroused the grievances and anger among the group of people who were dissatisfied with Ise Jingu.

"That's right, Ise Jinzakura, don't be too arrogant, you are just a seventeen or eighteen year old girl, why..."

"and so on."

This time it was Li Yun's turn to interrupt them, shaking the audience with a clear drink, making their ears hum.

"What do you want to do?" the congressman asked with a sneer.

"I didn't want to do anything."

Li Yun looked at him with a calm gaze, "I just want to confirm it again, what is your name just now, can you say it again?"

"Ha ha."

The congressman is not a stupid, he immediately understood the provocative meaning of his words, and immediately sneered: "What about it again? Only that person, East Asia..."


A heavy slap was slapped on the face of the congressman. Everyone didn’t see how he made the move. They only saw the congressman raised his head and flew. Accompanied by clear applause, the congressman’s body was actually in mid-air. After rolling for several laps, he hit a large group of people behind him, and everything he touched was hit on the ground. The scene was chaotic for a while.


A group of elites from the upper class of the cherry blossom country looked at Li Yun in anger. The bodyguards, warriors, and some powerful supernatural beings all around them all pulled out various weapons and aimed them at Li Yun.

"I actually don't want to kill people." Li Yun looked at this group of people coldly, without paying attention to the actions of these people, "However, if you are looking for death, you can't blame me!"

Xiao Mingzhu's eyes narrowed slightly, and finally reached this point, but she did not blame Li Yun, these unrepentant Sakura people must teach a lesson!


Ise Jinzakura stood up, the generous shrine maiden dress was windless and automatic, and the majesty belonging to Mikami made her look like an inviolable goddess at this moment. She looked at these people with stern eyes, and her voice revealed that she was punished. The taste of tone:

"This is not the way of hospitality in our cherry country!"

Ise Kamakura glared at the assisted congressman, pointed at him and said, "You unprovoked accusations of framing my good friend of Huang Xuanguo, and want to violate the order of Omijin. You have done something wrong, so you shouldn't be here. Leave now!"

Her words are very immature, as if quarreling cannot be overwhelming, so she said angrily that you shouldn't say such things, very naive.

Many people laughed in a low voice.

They discovered that without the company of Ise Jingu's Omiyaji and others, this so-called Mikami couldn't even figure out the truth about being a man.

Have done something wrong and want to leave?

The adult world has never been so naive.

"Ha ha."

After being slapped by Li Yun, this congressman looked like he was holding a winning ticket. It was angry and proudly cursing: "The dog is really low in quality and will hit people at every turn. Wait, I'll fight right away. Call to ask the Minister of Jiaotong to expel you from the camera, and solemnly protest against your country’s protests and demand that people like you be dealt with!"

"The Tsushima Representative is right."

"Get out of the mirror immediately!"

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