Godly Choice System

Chapter 3734: heat

"Let me see, what's new... smell, what!!?"

Liao Hua opened a mainstream website of Sakura Country, and on the front page headline, he saw the shocking news headline at a glance:

"Omikami comes, and Ise Jingu requires this land to be owned by Omikami!"

In an instant, Liao Hua thought of countless things.

That Amaterasu God, a mighty goddess who has survived since ancient times, wants to rule the cherry blossom kingdom? !

Could it be said that when other gods on the earth revive, they will also have such a demand? Must rule mortals? Must maintain faith?

After a long time, Liao Hua opened the news with a trembling hand.

After reading it, he fell silent and fell into contemplation.

Countless people around the world have had similar ideas, and after being shocked, they have expressed their opinions.

The discussion of countless people flooded various forums and websites like a tsunami, and the related heat rushed to the top of the list in an instant.




"#One hundred kilometers"


After several hot trends completely occupied the rankings, more than half of the netizens turned their attention to this matter.

Half of netizens are hundreds of millions of people.

Li Yun went to a news website casually, and all he saw were discussions related to it, as well as fierce chats among the people in the group.

"What's going on?"

Hu Xiaomeng suddenly jumped out, "Isn’t it good yesterday? Why did you suddenly split the land of Sakura Country today and become a country in the middle of the country? Religious country? @伊势神樱,小巫女, you want to be Pope?"

"Development is so fast." Fang Xue couldn't help but said. She still felt a sense of fragmentation after reading the news in the group.

Before, Ise Jinzakura still showed a cute look in the group, and she said her voice is also very cute. Why is she suddenly becoming a pope?

And he looked like he was going to fight.

"It won't work like this." Xiao Mingzhu came out to explain to the women in the group instead of Li Yun: "The prime minister of Sakura Country came to us this morning. Their attitude was very tough. When the two sides collided, Sakura couldn't give in. So Based on comprehensive considerations, Li Yun decided to issue a statement on the proposal for a direct showdown."

"So...no wonder."

"The appearance of gods will challenge the old order, and conflicts will definitely arise." Shan Xiaoxiao also said.

Caiwei looked a bit the same. It was obvious that Shan Xiaoxiao was an eight or nine-year-old girl who had just started elementary school, but why did she speak so old-fashioned?

People in the group who don't know her will probably think she is a girl of the same age as Gong Qingyu and the same smart girl, right?

"But it's still too fast!" Liao Hua couldn't help but say, "We had a meeting last night and guessed that the great royal **** would do something, but it was only the next day that you announced the occupation of one hundred. Kilometers of land, I think the parliament of the cherry blossom country will never agree to it. No country will agree to split the apprentice.

Xiao Mingzhu said: "It's not the same, it's not split, it's the goddess Amaterasu here."


Liao Hua, as well as the women and others, had nothing to say.

It's really different.

Invasion of other countries, or separatism of land, are all things done by outsiders.

Even if the insiders engage in rebellion and division, they are also not allowed.

But this time, the person who split the cherry blossom kingdom was the highest **** in their myths and legends.

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