Godly Choice System

Chapter 3748: Little Witch's Remuneration

"Ah, it seems a lot of people are discussing it?"

During dinner, Ise Kanzakura finally saw the impact of this incident from her mobile phone-not because she went online to read the news, but because she saw the chat group that sister Mingzhu pulled her into. Everyone is asking her something with concern.

Only then did Ise Kamakura reacted, and it seemed that this incident was very annoying.

Xiao Mingzhu's expression froze, and she held her two small hands, and said solemnly: "Sakura, you are now fighting against a country and a half, and you are still the most powerful country on earth. They People will be sent to stop you, planes, tanks, artillery, missiles, nuclear bombs, etc.!"

"Sakura, if you are afraid, I can ask Li Yun to come forward to you and make peace temporarily."

Xiao Mingzhu was really scared of this little witch, she had reached the point where she was now, and had not yet realized what was happening.

"Huh? Make peace? Don't make peace!"

Ise Kaminakura was very confused, but she was also very hard-hearted, and she refused directly: "Omikagami said, let me protect the shrine, and hit whoever comes. She fully supports me! Moreover, Omikagami also said, if... Lee Yun Yun, if you help me, I will be in the future."

"What are you?" Li Yun held the chopsticks and looked at her in surprise.

"Have you contacted Da Yushen again?" Xiao Mingzhu also asked.

"Hmm, yes, yes."

Ise Jinzakura became shy and moved slowly to Li Yun's side: "Just before eating, Omikagami gave me an instruction. I took the Yata mirror to ask and got some enlightenment."


"Omikami said, saying, tonight...well, let Li Yun help me these few days." Ise Jinying blushed.

"That's it?"

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry, "Am I just helping you? Besides, I'm not helping you in vain."

He also has other purposes. Ise Jinzakura's friend is just one of them. Another important reason, of course, is to see how much impact the gods will have on the current earth after their recovery...

"No, yes, yes, yes, then, yes, I have to give you... reward!"

"What's the reward?"

"The reward...is...me."

Ise Jinsakura, who was kneeling on the floor, finally came to Li Yun's side. After trembling and saying this, she poked her head, straightened her slender waist, her small mouth pouted, her eyes closed, panic He kissed him on the cheek.

The soft cherry lips were like sweet sweet-scented osmanthus cake, with a slight moist feeling, printed on Li Yun's cheek, near the corner of the lips, the little witch's kiss directly stunned him.

Xiao Mingzhu was also stunned.

"Omikami said, say..." Ise Jinzakura plucked up courage, her small face flushed, and her big eyes were full of shyness. "Say, the reward is to let me... marry you in the future."

Li Yun's heart swayed. A petite and lovely girl with a personality that fits his appetite very shyly and said that he would marry him. This is really...

"The reward is you...? This, this... can't it?" Li Yun still has a trace of struggle in his heart, his favorability system is closed, and there is another beauty, which is really...breaking!

"No?" Ise Shinying's heart suddenly fell, but out of trust in Li Yun, she did not confess to the other ordinary girls and escaped from the sadness after failing to confess. In front of Li Yun, he asked from a close range:

"why not?"

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