Godly Choice System

Chapter 4113: the last time

Wan Qingya likes to talk to Li Yun when she has nothing to do, she simply writes the two words like on her face, completely disregarding Li Yun's current status as a small translator!

When Concubine Wan Qing waited for her to walk over, she stretched out her hand and pinched her waist.

"Oh, sister, what are you doing?" Wan Qingya suffered a lot, and she also pinched Concubine Wan Qing, she can't suffer!

In normal times, Concubine Wan Qing must have fought back with both hands now, and screamed and screamed with Qingya, but now she was under the eyes of Wan Faxian, she could only bear it.

As the plane landed slowly, Wan Faxian looked at Wan Qingya, and then showed a smile: "Qingya, this child, you are so similar to Qing concubine, and I don't know how the neon clothes were brought up."

Now Wan Qingya’s apparent identity is the cousin of Wan Qing’s concubine, the cousin she recognizes, and she has also entered the door of Wan Nishang and was raised secretly by Wan Nishang.

But everyone knows that Wan Qingya's origin is a bit unusual, and her strength is also very strange.

Wan Qing Ya slapped her lips, too lazy to answer his questions.

The relationship between her sister Wan Qing concubine and this Wanfaxian is neither good nor bad. Wan Qingya's perception of Wanfaxian is roughly the same, which is worse than her sister's view of Wanfaxian. It belongs to the kind that will conflict at any time. Potential enemy.

In fact, apart from Wan Nishang, she coldly wanted to look at everyone at Six Dao Men.

"When I was young, I didn't discipline it well, so I made you laugh, senior."

Concubine Wan Qing said lightly, reaching out her hand very calmly to stop Wan Qingya's small hand from reaching out again.

"Be more lively."

Wan Faxian nodded, "The former concubine Qing was also very lively, but unfortunately, when he grows up, he feels a lot more calm as a so-called saint."

Concubine Wan Qing was silent for a while, not knowing what she was thinking, shook her head and said: "Senior, you also know that people will always change when they grow up."


Wan Faxian’s words one after another may be due to the fact that the plane was approaching the landing ground: "I have not changed my expectations of you, Qing concubine. I still hope you can live happily and happily. When this matter is over, you will resign It’s a female position."


Concubine Wan Qing was stunned and looked at him.

Wan Qingya blinked, looked at Wan Faxian, then looked at Li Yun.

The men looked at each other and had no opinion.

Wan Faxian spread his hands and said with a smile: "The so-called saints are actually used to reconcile the contradictions of various families. Nowadays, even if there are contradictions, even the six doors are about to die. Everyone falls apart and develops separately. The mission is the last time you will perform the duties of a saint, Qing concubine."

Consort Wan Qing did not speak, silently watching the lower and lower scenery outside the window, the plane had landed on the runway.

Wan Qingya took out a piece of bubble gum and ate it, but didn't react to these words.

She used to be too lazy to think and like to speak with her fist. Leave it to her husband and sister.

At this moment, the plane stopped completely, Li Yun smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Wan, the last time is not a good word, I believe there will never be the last time!"

Wan Faxian smiled as if he had met an old friend.

The cabin door opened, and Concubine Wan Qing made a please gesture, asking Senior Wan Faxian to walk out first.

"Let's go, don't be so polite."

Wan Faxian waved his hand, "All get off the phone, and meet old friends with me." City God Level Selection System The latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com/book/124578.htmlthe city god-level selection system Full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/124578/Urban God-level selection system txt Download link: https://www.readwn.com/down/124578.htmlUrban God-level selection system mobile phone Reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/124578/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click The "Favorites" below records the reading record of this time (the last time of Chapter 4113), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "City God Level Selection System", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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