Godly Choice System

Chapter 4147: Really didn't watch

The body of the three girls after a day of exhaustion was soaked by the moderate-temperature hot spring water, and underneath were smooth pebbles. Turning over, the stones touched each other, as if they were massaging her. They were so comfortable that they almost didn't want to get up.

Wan Qingya didn't even want to play in the water, so she floated on her back, allowing her to float around in the pool with the flowing hot spring water.

This place is amazing. The hot spring water is replenished by flowing river water, but the river water is cold. When it flows through the hot spring pool, the temperature of the water rises, and when it flows into the lake, it becomes cool again.

Concubine Wan Qing had an idea of ​​living in with Nie Xiaoqian.

"Not really!"

Li Yun raised his hands and said that he had never peeked.

"It doesn't matter if my husband saw it, anyway, we are all in good shape, nothing to be shy~." Wan Qingya smiled and wanted to jump over, and Li Yun hurriedly stopped her.

"I haven't taken a shower yet, wait a minute, I'll take a wash."

"Go back quickly."


After Li Yun left, Wan Nishang bit her lip, her face turned red, and asked them: "Do you think that guy peeped?"

This place is Li Yun's possession. He can see the three women in the hot spring pool as long as a thought arises, and it is absolutely impossible for them to find out.

At the thought that she might be glared by Li Yun, Wan Nishang couldn't help but feel shy. If it weren't for the tiring cleaning the pagoda today, she would never take a bath in the hot spring water!

When she was in the hot spring pool, she blushed all the time, always feeling that there was a gaze on her from the sky, looking at her body...

Damn little bastard!

"Don't worry, sister Nishang."

Nie Xiaoqian smiled lightly: "Our husband is a good man, he will definitely not look at it."

"What our husband... You."

Wan Nishang closed her mouth and realized that the "we" in Nie Xiaoqian's mouth refers to Qing Fei and Qing Ya, not her.

But maybe!

Because Nie Xiaoqian blinked at her, it was obvious that "we" also included her.

Nie Xiaoqian said nonchalantly: "This place, only her husband and the girls around him can come in..."

This sentence made Wan Nishang blush even more. She hadn't been touched so easily after living for most of her life, but for some reason, she could not guard against Li Yun.

Firstly, Li Yun was her benefactor and gave her Recovery Dan. Secondly, her daughter Wan Qingya had a close relationship with him. Thirdly, Fan Linglong's relationship with him was also a lover relationship. Four times, it was because of Wan Qingya.

Finally, Li Yun also took them to find solutions to Wan Qingya's problems.

And, on the night of New Year’s Eve, the warmth that Li Yun’s family brought to her and her two daughters when she was in the Huangtingshan Villa...

and many more.

All sorts of things made Li Yun completely different from other men.

What should she do?


Wan Qingya wanted to speak, but her sister covered her mouth and put a finger to her mouth.

Wan Qingya glanced at her mother who was sitting on the grass in a daze, and nodded quietly.


Li Yun took the bath very quickly, not knowing if it was an illusion, the hot spring pool after the three girls took a bath became particularly fragrant, cough cough.

"Xiao Qian, we are out."

Li Yun apologized and said to Nie Xiaoqian: "We are going to spend the night outside the pagoda tonight. We cannot stay with you here.

"Okay, okay son, wait for the son to accompany Xiao Qian next time."

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