Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2632: Ancient Ice Beast and Ice Soul Divine Light

According to the marks on the map, Shen Lang avoided the red circled area, and he really didn't encounter threats such as prohibition and killing array along the way.

It seems that this map should be real!

About two hours later, Shen Lang and Le Feier passed through a snow-capped mountain and came to an ice field.

A violent blizzard was blowing in the ice field, and the line of sight was severely blocked. The blizzard was mixed with strong cold power, and the surrounding space was shattered and torn.

"Broken sky!"

Le Feier's apricot lips lightly spit out the two words, and her bare hand plucked the strings of the cheese quiet guqin, and the vigorous and tactful tone of the piano burst out, showing the "breaking sky" in the seven rhythms of Tianyin.

Suddenly, a large swath of cold white light gushing out of Si You Guqin, covering hundreds of miles in a radius, supporting a special ice and snow space, absorbing and blocking the original blizzard, which is equivalent to a defensive barrier.

Shen Lang was a little shocked. This Tianyin Qilu was clearly only a mental method, but it could evolve a variety of magical powers similar to the profound realm, which was almost unheard of. I was boasting that I was going to Haikou before, and I am afraid that there are not several kinds of mental methods that can match the level of Tianyin Qilu.


Le Feier urged, Shen Lang returned to his senses and continued to walk forward.

After a while, the two were already very close to the palace marked on the map.

At this moment, the ice sheet in front of him suddenly formed a thick fog, which was made up of small ice chips, and swept around like a storm.


Amidst the dense fog, a roar that shook the sky and the earth suddenly came out, like the roar of an ancient giant beast, which made people palpitate and fearful!


Shen Lang felt great in his heart.

Le Feier said: "We have reached our destination."

She has excellent hearing and has already heard some movement.

Le Feier walked forward on her own. Shen Lang worried about her safety and hurriedly followed.

The two of them passed through the dense fog and finally came outside a huge golden palace.

The palace stands tall, the architecture is gorgeous, the gilt shimmering, and glowing in the mist. The gate of the palace is concealed, and the interior is dark and dull, and it is impossible to see the reality.

These are not the main points, the main point is that there is a towering beast standing outside the palace!

The giant beast is 10,000 meters long, like a human shape, and the whole body is carved like a blue spar, smooth and translucent, like a giant made of frozen ice.

The giant is extremely ugly, his head is shaped like an irregular blue boulder, his sunken eye sockets are burning with blue cold flames, and his mouth makes a heavy roar, seeming to be guarding the golden palace.

"It's an ancient ice beast!"

Shen Lang smacked his lips and finally ran into a tricky guy.

The ancient ice beast is the strongest king among the ice beasts and one of the most powerful beasts in the Three Realms. In terms of strength alone, the ancient ice beasts can be comparable to Mahayana peak monks who have not mastered the magical powers of the profound realm, and may be stronger than ordinary sub-lower true spirits.


When the ancient ice beast found that the intruder was approaching the palace, he regarded Shen Lang and Le Feier as foreign enemies. The giant beast opened its mouth and roared, raised its giant blue crystal palm, and patted Shen Lang and Le Feier heavily!

"Nine Blood Spirits!"

Shen Lang immediately stood in front of Le Feier, yelled, and transformed into a golden-eyed stone ape.

The golden-eyed stone ape clenched his fist like a hill, and came with a Shenglong fist, and slammed it heavily, with the extremely strong red lotus karma surging in the heart of the fist.


The fist of the golden-eyed stone ape slammed into the palm of the ancient ice beast with a forceful force, making a stunned sound.

A huge counter-shock force struck, and the huge body of the ancient ice beast staggered backwards, backing a few steps, and a lot of white gas came out of the palm.


The ancient ice beast let out an angry roar, fiercely raised his left palm, and patted the giant ape heavily.

The golden-eyed stone ape was not to be outdone, and fought with him.

Le Feier retreated to a position where the ancient ice beast could not attack from close range, holding the body of Si You Guqin in his left hand, and strumming the strings with his right hand, gently twirling it, playing the "Ningyin" of the Tianyin Qilu.

The extremely beautiful sound of the piano flows like a clear spring, and dots of light gush out from the Siyou Guqin and poured into the golden-eyed stone ape.

The great ape suddenly felt his blood boil, a huge amount of red lotus karma surged all over his body, his muscles bulged, and his attack power increased by at least 30%!

Le Feier's Ningyin has a strong gain effect, and it also greatly enhances Shen Lang's fighting spirit.


The golden-eyed stone ape was mad, and his fists threw out like a stormy sea, turning into countless golden fist shadows, and the red lotus karma fire in the fist shadows.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ancient ice beast was caught off guard, and was hit by a large number of golden fist shadows and red lotus karma fire.


With a grinning grin, the great ape presented the Mountain of Ice and Fire, and raised the Mountain of Flames high, smashing into the forehead of the ancient ice beast with the force of the sky and the earth!

Unfortunately, this ancient ice beast was not so easy to deal with.

Seeing that the Flaming Mountain was about to smash, the ancient ice beast was furious, and suddenly spit out a large amount of blue light, and hit the Flaming Mountain with lightning speed.


A huge amount of blue light filaments hit the Flame Mountain, and the blue light and the fire light intertwined and collided with each other, bursting out extremely bright light.

The Golden-eyed Stone Ape even took the Huoyan Mountain and flew far away, and finally stabilized his figure.

After a blow, a thick layer of blue frost condensed on the entire body of the giant ape, and the surging flame of the flame mountain was obviously weakened a lot, and even the mountain was frozen a little!

"Ice Soul Divine Light!"

Shen Lang took a deep breath, and he couldn't imagine that this ancient ice beast would have the top supernatural power that can only be displayed by the water-attribute real spirit of Ice Soul Divine Light.

Even the Flame Mountain can be frozen, the power of this ice soul divine light is a bit outrageous!

The golden-eyed stone ape burned a layer of red lotus karmic fire all over his body, and the blue frost on the surface of the body turned into a large amount of white mist.

The ancient ice beast got up from the ground and opened its mouth to continue to spout the icy light.

A huge amount of blue light struck Shen Lang like a huge wave!

"Red lotus industry fire!"

The great ape also opened its mouth and fangs, and spewed a lot of red lotus karma fire.

"Boom boom boom!"

The dense lotus-shaped flames collided with the blue light filaments, bursting out one after another roar.

In the blink of an eye, the red lotus industry fire was suppressed by the ice spirit light, forcing Shen Lang to display the sword domain, and the waterfall-like sword shadow space rushed out in front of him, which resisted the spreading ice spirit light .

The power of the red lotus karma fire theory is actually a grade higher than the ice soul divine light, but due to insufficient cultivation, the red lotus karma fire power released at this stage is really not on the table.

"Dome Light!"

Seeing that Shen Lang seemed to be stuck in a short-term stalemate, Le Feier gave a soft cry, and the slender jade hand that was touching the qin turned into a phantom, and the sound of the qin suddenly became noisy and frustrated.

Suddenly, a large number of white light filaments gush out from Siyou Guqin, and countless white light filaments gather to form a 10,000-meter-long, heroic Valkyrie!

The Valkyrie joined the battle. She waved the giant sword in her hand and slashed towards the ancient ice beast with a force of breaking the sky and the earth!

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