Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 987: Hold the throne of His Royal Highness 3

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Feng dance is happy.

She is not happy to go to the Imperial College, but to see the beauty master.

And when I saw the Master of the Beauty, I regained my cultivation in eagerness, and I also took the first place in Imperial College.

Therefore, Feng Dance is very happy to tell, go out and make a red envelope, send a red envelope to each little sister, send hair -

Fang Ge looked at Feng Feng and looked at it. This girl is really abnormal. When it comes up, it will not be a problem.


Fang Ge old soon discovered that he thought too much.

When the phoenix dances -

The hardest part is not the orientation of the stone, but the drawing of each inscription.

The difficulty of the formation method is difficult in the inscriptions.

However, Fang Ge old saw the phoenix dance pen.

Before she dropped the pen, she would habitually look at the right direction, as if someone was teaching her there.

A few breaths of time, the phoenix dance a little bit, bow down and draw!

That complicated and complicated symbol, like a flowing stream, just swiping it!

If it is a general spiritual master, this inscription is afraid to draw for a few months, because it is too complicated, and a little bit of mistake is drawn, and the whole is abolished.


Phoenix dance draws a piece of inscription, which is less than a minute!

And this inscription -

"This is a five-level inscription!"

The old eyes of Fangge are falling down!

The inscription is hierarchical, and the level of the inscription determines the level of the spirit array. You must know that many of the current formations are still level one and two, three levels are rare, and the fourth level is rare!

Take the Spiritual Law of the Imperial College, the one that is offered to the first-year freshmen is the first-level spirit.

For those who are outstanding in the first grade, the Accommodation Training Office will be a second-level spiritual array.

But now, the phoenix dance is a five-level shot! Five levels!

At Imperial College, it is the five inscriptions that are offered to the special teachers.

And the discovery of the old eyes of Fangge -

In Feng Yan's eyes, the five-level inscription is the foundation, and she is now drawing six inscriptions!

Six levels? !

Fang Ge’s old eyes widened and he held his breath, fearing that a little bit of noise would disturb the Soviet Union.

Ten minutes later, Feng Wu draws a six-level inscription.

But in the last stroke.


The painting was broken, and the entire Lingshi was broken into slag.

Feng Fan’s face was frustrated.


Fang Ge looked at the phoenix dance with a silent voice.

What is this gimmick frustrated? Six inscriptions, as far as he knows, should there be few people in the Junwu Empire to draw?

Of those old families, among the unborn old guys, are there occasions?

In the famous spirit strategist, I really couldn't draw six inscriptions!

So failed, what is rare?

Feng Dance still looked at the right direction, her eyes fixed, and the spirits fluctuated. It seemed that after listening to someone else's words, she thought about it and wrote it again.

It has failed again.

Practice again.

It has failed again.

The old chief of the cabinet sighed, not, the age of the little girl, how can such a calendar draw six inscriptions?

Fang Ge old swayed his head and went to take a nap.

After a nap, Fang Ge slowly swayed back and saw the scene in front of him, his old man’s eyes were straight!


Because there are three inscriptions on the table in front of you, the golden yellow that shines in the sixth inscription!

This is impossible!

The old age is old, and the whole person flies up!

At this moment, he is a healthy figure, like a young man!

He took the six inscriptions in his hands and looked at them over and over again!

It’s almost blasting out!

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