Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 1012: Don't want more people to know

At this time, the face of the Oriental Mu Hong Zi has been greatly eased, and the white scorpion is greatly relieved.

She turned to look at the people around, everyone's eyes were on the electronic screen in her hand, her side was on the screen, and the miniature camera inside the pliers was facing her side.

She pressed the power-off button, and while she was waiting for the shutdown, her brain was moving fast, thinking about how to explain it to them.

This kind of thing can never happen in this era. How can she explain it to make people believe?

If the explanation is not appropriate enough, will it be misunderstood as a monster? Thinking of this, she had a cold sweat on her back.

Bai Hao Chao Song Lang said: "Can you please do me a favor?"

Song Lang returned to God, his eyes finally moved from the palm-sized screen to the white face: "Ah? What?"

Bai Yu pointed to the humanities in the house: "I just didn't want to let more people know."

Song Lang sighed and handed a look to Yuan Lao.

Yuan Lao would like to know, and his eyes glanced at the things in the hands of Bai Yu. Then he turned and coldly looked at the guards. "This is the white girl's medical skill. It must not be rumored. If there is a hint of wind outside, carefully your Human head."

The four guards immediately squatted and screamed.

"Well, you will carry the two out first and manage your mouth."

The four guards never dared to look at the white, and even she was afraid to come near, and walked around the two unconscious youths and carried them out.

The sputum removes the sterile and sutured tool from the medicine chest, removes the cannula from the neck of the Oriental Mu, and carefully sutures the wound.

On this way, the atmosphere of the Eastern Mu is very unstable, the blood pressure is also high and low, but fortunately, fortunately, there is no greater reaction, and finally came over.

Although it was only a minor operation, in such an environment, it was impossible to achieve sterility. In order not to infect the wound, she used the only anti-infective needle Liu left in the medicine box for the grandfather.

After doing this, she was almost exhausted and tired, and the physical fatigue was second. The main reason was that the previous spirit was highly concentrated and nervous, and the pressure in her heart was too great. At this time, when she relaxed, she began to feel dizzy and black.

"What happened to you?" Song Lang found out that something was wrong and reached out and held her arm.

When Awu saw it, he rushed forward and pushed Song Lang away. He hurriedly slammed the white pheasant. "Auntie, what happened to you?"

Bai Hao shook his head: "Nothing, Xu is too tired, just a little rest."

A Wu looked at the East Mu, the wound on his neck had been handled well, his body was still red, and the body was filthy. It was not appropriate for the aunt to stay here. He said, "I will help you out for a rest, here. I am going to clean up."

Bai Hao nodded, "Alright, you help me out."

Awu helped the whites to go out, and Song Lang squatted in front of the white medicine box and looked at the strange things in the medicine box. Nothing was the same as he had seen, and the taste was very strange.

Where did these things come from?

Are these things really in this world?

His eyes fell on the screen just now, the screen was dark, and just now, this screen is like a mirror, can shine into the human body.

This thing is amazing. With this, if the human body is sick, is it afraid to find it?

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