At this time a tall figure appeared in the courtyard, and the beautiful face seemed to be covered with frost.

He is a martial artist. His ears are naturally much better than ordinary people. White and several doctors may not hear the whispers of Langkou, but he can hear them clearly.

"You, you, and you, get out."

Before coming to the public, Chu Yu pointed to a few Langkou who had just whispered, and looked cold and imposing.

When the two Langs were neutral, they could not be lifted by this momentum. However, one of them was very courageous, and he was also questioned in the hall.

"Why? Miss Bai clearly said that we can stay, why are we going to drive us away now? Is there anything that is unspeakable?"

Chu Yu coldly said: "Why? You have nothing in your heart? So many people, why is this king letting you three rolls? If there is anything wrong with it, why is this king not letting everyone leave?"

The man blushes, but still does not want to show weakness: "The villain does not know, what the prince is referring to, the villain and so on, the standing of the gauge distance, how can it hinder the eyes of the prince? Because of the doubts raised by the villain?" He said, he looked at the white sputum that was not far away from the medicinal materials. Seeing that the gimmick did not even look at them at all, as if nothing happened here, and my heart was Qi angry: "A good doctor, can't even listen to a little disagreement?"

His voice is loud and big enough for everyone in the hospital to hear.

White is naturally no exception, she is still a big living person, is this guy when she is dead?

After checking the last medicine, I made sure that all the medicines were right, and there was nothing mixed with what should not be. This raised my head and looked at the red face. The eyes on my face were all Unwilling and angry.

She frowned, her cold eyes pierced the man's heart.

"I said, if you want to stay, you will leave it quietly and disturb me. This is not to be left in the East. Please leave it, please!"

The man squatted and did not move. The other two langs did not have the courage of him. When Jin Wang opened his mouth, their legs were already soft, and they dared to resist and obey, and they secretly regretted it. The moment is fast.

The two Langs pulled the man: "Come into a doctor, let's go."

Mrs. Cheng still did not move, and his face was very ugly.

The two Langkou were afraid of causing trouble, and they no longer advised him. They hurried away.

And the doctor, after a while, was caught by two guards, left and right, and thrown outside the Oriental Garden.

When I saw the two Langs, I quickly turned back and would help the doctor: "Chengfu, why are you, how can we fight with them?"

Cheng Dafu was black and his face was silent, but another Langzhong said: "Chengfu is too anxious to say those words."

Cheng Dafu did not answer, turned and left, and Langkou still did not stop: "His wife also got this strange disease, soaked in the medicated bath, diarrhea, madness is not sent, but the body is extremely empty, If you can't make up any medicine, you can't see it quickly. Can he be in a hurry?"

"It turns out that it's no wonder that he just said that in the hall."

"Why isn't it, then the white girl doesn't know what to think in her heart. If she really wants to save people, why should she hide it in such a mouth? Dry and cruelly take out the prescription and solve the dangers of thousands of people. Isn't it a good work?"

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